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OSCE Institutions
About the OSCE
Facts & figures

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Participating States
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Negotiating and decision-making bodies

The OSCE provides a forum for consultation and negotiation among the participating States. The OSCE decision-making bodies are:

The Permanent Council - the main regular decision-making body of the Organization, convenes weekly in Vienna to discuss current developments in the OSCE area and to make appropriate decisions.

The Forum for Security Co-operation - meets weekly in Vienna to discuss and make decisions regarding military aspects of security in the OSCE area, in particular confidence- and security-building measures.

The Senior Council/Economic Forum - convenes once a year in Prague to focus on economic and environmental factors that affect security in the OSCE area.

Summits - OSCE Heads of State or Government meet periodically to set priorities and provide orientation at the highest political level. Each Summit is preceded by a review conference, where the implementation of OSCE commitments is reviewed and Summit documents are negotiated.

Ministerial Council - a meeting of OSCE Foreign Ministers is convened in those years when no Summit takes place to review OSCE activities and to make appropriate decisions.

Structures and institutions

The Organization has developed several structures and institutions to follow-up on the political decisions negotiated by the participating States:

Chairman-in-Office - The Minister of Foreign Affairs of an OSCE participating State, selected each year, bears overall responsibility for executive action and co-ordination of OSCE activities. He/she is assisted by the Ministerial Troika, supported by the Secretary General.

Parliamentary Assembly - gathers over 300 parliamentarians from OSCE participating States, with the aim of promoting parliamentary involvement in the activities of the Organization.

Secretariat - under the direction of the Secretary General, provides operational support to the Organization. The Secretariat's mandate involves: support of OSCE field activities; maintaining contacts with international and non-governmental organizations; co-ordinating OSCE economic and environmental activities; OSCE activities in the politico-military field; administrative, financial and personnel services; conference and language services; information technology and press and public information.

Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights - is the principal institution responsible for the promotion of human rights and democracy in the OSCE area.

High Commissioner on National Minorities - seeks early resolution of ethnic tensions that might endanger peace, stability or friendly relations between OSCE participating States.

Representative on Freedom of the Media - observes media development in OSCE participating States and provides early warning on violations of freedom of expression.

Court of Conciliation and Arbitration - created to settle disputes among OSCE participating States that are parties to the Convention on Conciliation and Arbitration within the OSCE.

Arms Control and Confidence- and Security-Building Measures - the OSCE Chairman-in-Office has appointed Personal Representatives for the implementation of Articles II, IV and V of Annex 1-B of the Dayton Peace Accords.

OSCE Secretariat • Press and Public Information Section
Kärntner Ring 5-7, 4th floor, 1010 Vienna, Austria
Tel.: +43-1 514 36 180 • Fax: +43-1 514 36 105 • E-mail:
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