
Outline of a strategy to defend the Jewish people

Historical and Investigative Research
by Francisco Gil-White



The human mental experience of ‘surprise’ is a consequence of either ignorance or willful denial. Some of the things that take place in this world may well shock and horrify us, but if they are expected then they cannot surprise us. Therefore, when people find surprising something that happens practically every century, this is because they are not aware of history, or else because they willfully decide to pay no heed.

For the Jews, ignorance or willful denial of history carries tremendous costs.

The Jewish people has been subject to large-scale persecutions and exterminations practically every century for over 2000 years. It is the normal condition of the Jewish people to be in mortal danger. And yet many contemporary Jews express surprise when they hear the argument that the Jewish people is once again in mortal danger. The only explanation is that Jewish people willfully disregard their own history -- because they know very well that they have been repeatedly massacred in the past.

Gentiles who do perceive the danger that once again threatens the Jewish people typically express great surprise that the Jews themselves find this danger hard to believe. And yet -- unfortunately -- it is perfectly normal for the Jewish people to react with irrational surprise that they may once again be exterminated. Until the last minute in World War II, an astonishingly large number of Jews refused to believe that Adolf Hitler would do what he in fact had promised to do in Mein Kampf and in his speeches. And yet the horrific Russian pogroms in which hundreds of thousands of Eastern Jews had been dispossessed and murdered, had only just happened. So, if gentiles conscious of the current dangers to the Jews find the current Jewish reaction surprising, they cannot know much about past Jewish reactions to identical dangers. Self-defense does not come easy to the Jews, which is why good gentiles need to reach out and help with special vigor.

But the problem with the common Jewish reaction is not only a Jewish psychological propensity for denial. A major contributing factor is the behavior of the mainstream Jewish leadership. Many Jewish leaders in World War II worked overtime to sabotage the defense of the Jewish people, contributing to the deaths of millions. This is something that most Jews today still do not understand because the institutions created by WWII Jewish leaders are the same that hold sway over the unfortunate Jews today, and these institutions teach modern Jews to celebrate the very people who failed them a generation ago. Not coincidentally, mainstream Jewish leaders today are betraying the Jewish people just like they did in World War II, in the face of an identical crisis. To those who study history, this cannot be surprising: It is normal for mainstream Jewish leaders to sabotage the defense of the Jewish people.

The Jewish people must wake up. It must take antisemitism seriously. This is not a game.

“Never again” is not an incantation with the power to ward off the next anti-Jewish slaughter merely by repeating it with solemnity, as is fashionable. The only effective power this slogan can have is if it makes us pay attention to the causes of the previous antisemitic genocide, making us study them, so that they can be recognized and fought against when they recur. The evidence that the Jewish people has learned to do this is mostly nowhere to be found, and time is now running short.

All the same, the current picture is not wholly negative, for the situation in the early twenty-first century offers some advantages (explained below) over that in the early twentieth. For the first time in a long while the conditions are actually good for a successful defense of the Jewish people. The remaining obstacle is the Jewish people itself, for the Jews are by and large neither aware of their clear and present danger, nor have they identified their most important enemy.

The main barrier to a successful defense of the Jewish people is a psychological/cultural bias among Jews that prefers defeatist and fatalist self-blame to a proud self-defense, and bickering over minor differences to unity in the face of the enemy. Paradoxically, this is simultaneously evidence of the strength and beauty of the Jewish movement -- the very reasons that it is worth defending. What makes self-defense so difficult, and self-blame so likely, is the consummate Jewish passion for behaving ethically; and what makes unity so rare, is the fierce attachment to freedom of thought and action in the Jewish community. Extremes are never good, however. It is pathological for the Jews to believe that they are always wrong, when their ethical behavior is on average superior, and has been, to that of their neighbors. And it is pathological for the Jews to think that they are less entitled to a just self-defense than other peoples. Why pathological? Because it amounts to a Jewish internalization of antisemitism. Freedom of thought and action, and ethics, need not be sacrificed in the defense of the Jewish people, and this is something that must be quickly communicated to the Jews if they are to survive the rapidly approaching final crisis. If the Jews do not defend themselves, then despite their current unique historical advantages, they will simply be exterminated once again, and the handful of survivors will be the most vulnerable Jews in history.

And then, what will become of the rest of us, without the Jews?

Religious Jews should take this question seriously, for there is a clear message here. The Jewish people has a responsibility to itself, and to neglect this responsibility is a sin that cannot but offend the Jewish God, who has made the Jewish people the repository of His Law. If the Jewish people allow themselves to disappear, what will become of this Law? Who will be a “light unto the nations”? The Jews have a divine obligation to defend themselves.

This piece will begin by diagnosing the danger the Jewish people is currently in, and will proceed to outline a strategy to prevent the coming catastrophe, which is not inevitable provided the Jews choose to defend themselves. I will conclude with a detailed budget that will be needed for the first year of activities to defend the Jewish people.

Diagnosing the current danger

There has been a sharp rise in antisemitism in recent years. This refers not merely to the Muslim world, where rampant and violent antisemitism surprises nobody, but in the Western world. A study commissioned by the European Union and finished in 2003 documents the alarming rise in violent antisemitism all over Europe, which the mainstream Western media mostly does not report. The picture looks alarmingly similar to the climate of the 1930s.

The exact same propaganda that was used in WWII to make multitudes of Westerners hysterically fearful of Jews and willing to kill them is once again being given saturation coverage by the Western mass media in the shrillest of manners.

Meanwhile, the state of Israel is being quickly invaded by the most virulent and violent antisemites in the world: the PLO. This is an organization created by a leader of Adolf Hitler’s Final Solution for the express purpose of continuing the extermination of the Jewish people, something that is unfortunately not widely known. This ignorance about the PLO assists the current propaganda that represents the PLO as supposed moderates and therefore supposedly deserving of a state on Jewish soil.

The US invasion plus withdrawal of Iraq will turn this country into Iran’s westernmost province, almost bordering Israel, even as the Iranian ruling elite is once again loudly calling for the destruction of the Jewish state.

If the state of Israel is destroyed (and the end is nigh), this will not only mean the annihilation of fully half the world’s Jewish population, but also the loss of the protection which the Jewish state offers to remaining Jews elsewhere in the world. Thus, the annihilation of the rest of the Jewish people will not be far behind.

Against all this, many Jews will dismiss the apparent danger by resting their hopes on the supposed friendship between the United States and Israel, allegedly so strong that the United States will supposedly not allow Israel to come to any harm. The facts suggest otherwise.

It is quite telling, for example, that US Intelligence creates organizations supposedly to promote peace in the Middle East which in fact go out of their way to promote violent antisemites camouflaged as peace advocates.

But one hardly needs to fish for covert work to document that US foreign policy is anti-Israel. The bias is quite obvious, and everybody would notice it if the Western media were not incessantly blaring the opposite: that US foreign policy is supposedly pro-Israel. Here follow a few dramatic examples of what has been in plain view, and which are taken from a much longer list.

First, in 1982, the PLO had been, for several years, using its bases in southern Lebanon to murder innocent Israeli civilians. When Israel invaded Lebanon in 1982, meaning to defeat utterly the PLO -- an antisemitic terrorist organization for which, at the time, nobody in the West apologized -- the United States, which had been using PLO terrorists as bodyguards for its US Embassy diplomats in Beirut, stepped in to put pressure on the Israelis. Retreating in the face of US threats, the Israelis were forced to allow the PLO to evacuate Lebanon for the new PLO base, Tunis, all of which took place under generous US (and French) military cover.

This was a replay of the US pressure that the US had exerted on Israel when it had invaded Lebanon for identical reasons in 1978.

Despite being saved at the 11th hour by the US government, the PLO was in 1982 effectively defeated anyway because faraway Tunis -- unlike earlier PLO bases in Jordan, Syria, Egypt, and Lebanon -- did not afford an easy way to murder Israeli civilians. So the United States once again stepped in to solve the PLO’s problems by negotiating for the PLO, twisting Israel’s arm until the Jewish state agreed to participate in a so-called ‘peace’ process whose ultimate purpose would be the creation of ‘Palestinian state’ -- a euphemism for a PLO terrorist state in the heart of Israel. This was eventually called the “Oslo process.” Observers at the time remarked that this outcome was one that the US appeared to desire more passionately than any Arab state. In fact, the US government threatened the Israelis with the loss of all economic aid, making also the additional threat that the US would decide the future of Israel with the Arab states if Israel did not participate!

The official premise of the entire Oslo process, of course, was that the PLO would become the government over the West Bank and Gaza Arabs in exchange for putting an end to the murders of innocent Israelis, positioning itself for the eventual creation of a PLO state in the disputed territories. This was always a sham: the PLO went right on killing innocent Jews, and this really should have surprised nobody. In 1994, which is the year that the Oslo process was jump-started, Yasser Arafat’s top PLO policemen explained that they would go on killing Jews -- and also any Arabs who disagreed with this policy. They explained this very clearly and very publicly, in English, to the Western press, but the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) apparently didn’t mind that, because in the same year the CIA was training these very PLO policemen. Neither did the so-called ‘Israeli government’ mind it.

Some may want to claim that things are different now, because Yasser Arafat is gone and his replacement, Mahmoud Abbas (a.k.a. Abu Mazen), is supposed to be different. Nonsense. The United States government, consistent with its earlier support for PLO terrorism, has vouched left and right for Mahmoud Abbas, the man who in fact came up with the Oslo process strategy: Abbas’s doctoral dissertation was on the topic of how to weaken and divide the Israelis, preparing them for slaughter by promising ‘peace.’ Not coincidentally, it is Abbas who put his signature on the Oslo agreement -- not Arafat.

Moreover, all of the killings by the terrorist militias of the PLO since Abbas took power have (naturally) been personally ordered by Mahmoud Abbas, who was in fact always the favorite to succeed Arafat among the most radical PLO terrorists.

As mentioned earlier, these are just a few examples in a list of outrages by the US ruling elite against the Jewish people and state that is much longer. To see the evidence covering the years from the 1930s to the year 2005, visit:

But if the Jewish community may not rationally rest its hopes on the US ruling elite, neither can it hope for support from the so-called American ‘Jewish lobby,’ because it is simply false that this lobby has anything to do with producing pro-Israeli US foreign policy. On the contrary. AIPAC, the most visible component of this lobby, works overtime to undermine the State of Israel in favor of the PLO.

Neither can the Jewish people expect government officials in the Jewish state to defend them, because ever since the Oslo process was kick-started, these officials have labored overtime to assist the PLO encroachment on Israeli soil. The most recent evidence is also the most dramatic: the Israeli government has deployed its own soldiers to cleanse territory in the Jewish state of its Jews, handing it over to antisemitic terrorists descended from Adolf Hitler’s Final Solution so that they may have complete control over it, never minding that a publicly available Pentagon study from 1967 determined that if Israel ever handed over Gaza and the West Bank, then the Jewish state could no longer be defended.

Of course, the argument for disengagement that Israelis have been sold is that holding Gaza was not tenable. But holding Gaza was not tenable because the Israeli government brought the PLO to govern Gaza in 1994, and subsequently gave the PLO more and more power. Under such circumstances, of course, holding Gaza is not tenable, because the PLO indoctrinates Gaza Arabs into the most violent antisemitism and preys on Arab society, producing more and more violence. But this situation is not inevitable. It occurs because the ‘Israeli government’ chooses not to defend the Israeli state. The IDF could evict the PLO from both Gaza and the West Bank, if only it got the order to do so from the ‘Israeli government.’

To summarize, the increasingly dire situation is as follows. The propaganda that produced the WWII genocide is back in force and consequently so is violent antisemitism around the world. If this is not vigorously opposed, and quickly, then nobody will lift a finger to defend the Jews when the Arab forces that wish to destroy Israel, which are already in position inside the Jewish state, and backed by the world’s only superpower, launch the final assault.

What can the Jewish people do? Defend themselves, for a change.

So far, they are cooperating in the process of their own destruction. Do they have allies? Yes, they do. Many ordinary Americans are their natural allies. Not the US ruling elite that determines US foreign policy -- that much is clear to anybody who examines the facts. But ordinary Americans have little or nothing to do with US foreign policy. Ordinary Americans have an excellent ideology: they believe in democracy, human rights, and ethnic and religious tolerance. They are opposed to genocide. However, they are being lied to about Israel and about the PLO, and they are being bombarded with antisemitic propaganda (very often this comes in the form of slanderous attacks against the Jewish state). If the Jews don’t tell the truth, nobody will. Therefore, the Jews must tell the truth (this is the first and most important form of self defense). If they do, ordinary Americans will defend them.

The demonstration is that Americans already did this when they understood the facts (which they don’t now). In the year 1948, the largest demonstration ever seen in the streets of New York -- which brought people from 100 American cities and 14 states, and which was 250,000 strong -- was a demonstration of ordinary American workers who came out in force to defend the Israeli Jews. These Americans were protesting their own government’s and also the British government’s policy towards Israel. Specifically, they were complaining that the British government had sent captured German Nazi officers to lead the Arab armies that had publicly pledged themselves to the extermination of the Israeli Jews, and they were complaining that the US government had cancelled its recognition of Israel and slapped an arms embargo on the Israeli Jews, making it very difficult for the Israelis to defend themselves. Ordinary Americans were furious, and they forced their own government to back down.

This performance can be repeated. But that will require informing ordinary Americans about the nature of the PLO and about how the US ruling elite directly sponsors the forces that will directly destroy the Jewish state if nothing is done.

Below I outline a strategy to achieve the goal of an effective self-defense for our current state of emergency.


