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Los Modernos "Protocolos de Sión"
Cómo los medios de masa propagan hoy día la misma propaganda que causó mas de 5 millones de muertes
judías en la Segunda Guerra
Historical and Investigative Research
Agosto 25, 2005, por Francisco Gil-White

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. . .sigue de la 1a parte

2.  Los medios occidentales adoran a Raymond McGovern y a Vincent Cannistraro.
[ translation: José Luís López ]

Muy poca gente es tan aireada por los medios como Raymond McGovern y Vincent Cannistraro, y eso es lo que estableceré aquí.

Después de jubilarse de la CIA Raymond McGovern, hasta donde he podido ver, se expresó en los medios por primera vez como ‘experto’ en un editorial de 822 palabras publicado en 1999 por el Boston Globe.[1] En el año 2000, el Christian Science Monitor publicó un editorial de McGovern y otro en el 2001.[2] Luego se disparó la cosa. En el 2002 USA Today, el Christian Science Monitor, USA Today otra vez, el Boston Globe, el Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, y el Washington Post todos publicaron editoriales de Raymond McGovern.[3] Sus piezas expresaban opiniones sobre los servicios de inteligencia y la política exterior, y su experiencia pasada en la CIA era invariablemente presentada como credencial ya sea en el encabezado o la firma.

Luego, en enero de 2003, Raymond McGovern y otros ex-espías fundaron Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (Veteranos Profesionales de la Inteligencia por la Cordura), o VIPS. Esta organización se especializa en criticar al gobierno EEUU por presuntas fallas en el uso de la inteligencia y en su política exterior.[4] Acto inmediatamente seguido, los medios de masa empezaron a usar a Raymond McGovern como un ‘experto’ para citas y comentarios sagaces, y también como tema de noticia cuando él o VIPS hicieran cualquier declaración pública sobre el tema de los servicios de inteligencia. Esto sucedió en el Guardian, el New York Times, el Ottawa Citizen, varias veces en el Independent (Londres), el Pittsburg Post Gazette (Pennsylvania), el St. Petersburg Times (Florida), el Denver Post, el Buffalo News, y el New-Zealand Herald.[5] Hacia el final del año el Atlanta Journal-Constitution publicó una entrevista con Raymond McGovern.[6]

La TV y la radio también se interesaron mucho en McGovern en el 2003 y lo utilizaron tanto como sujeto de entrevistas y como fuente de comentarios. Esto lo hizo el News World International, KGO-AM (mas de una vez), KPFA (mas de una vez), CNN (muchas veces), FOX News (algunas veces), NBC News, MSNBC (mas de una vez), CNBC, WFLA-TV, KUSA-TV, Channel NewsAsia (mas de una vez), y National Public Radio (NPR).[7]

Desde entonces Raymond McGovern ha continuado saliendo por todas partes, y la prensa lo recomienda a diestra y siniestra como ‘experto’ en cuestiones de inteligencia cuya credencial única y suficiente es que solía trabajar para la CIA.

Permítame ahora darle una probadita de la forma dramática como los medios recomiendan a McGovern.

En Agosto de 2004 el New York Times publicó una reseña de la cinta ‘documental’ de Robert Greenwald llamada “Uncovered: The War on Irak” (“Al Descubierto: La Guerra Contra Irak”). Esta reseña del Times rebosa de superlativos: “La cinta del Sr. Greenwald es meticulosa y sobria.” (Dejemos a un lado que la cinta de Greenwald no es mas que un desfile de ex-miembros de la CIA dando sus opiniones.) Además, dice el New York Times:

“El Sr. Greenwald se concentra sobre un punto simple y demostrable: que la guerra en Irak se la vendieron al Congreso y al pueblo estadounidense con una serie de falsedades públicas que en su interpretación mas inocente parecen ilusiones vanas y en la menos inocente mentiras descaradas.”[8]

Y el New York Times también escribe que

“. . .la estrella de la función es Ray McGovern, un ex-analista de la CIA que se expresa con soltura y sazonándose con picardía seca, muy amena, y que ahora es líder del grupo anti-invasión Veteranos Profesionales de la Inteligencia por la Cordura.”

Así que el periódico mas prestigioso del mundo defiende la veracidad de una cinta que no es mas que una colección de citas de ‘ex-miembros de la CIA,’ y que tiene por estrella a Raymond McGovern. Por añadidura, el New York Times defiende la veracidad de Raymond McGovern -- agregando, para que nos quede claro, que es muy simpático: “se expresa con soltura y sazonándose con picardía seca, muy amena.”

Los medios occidentales también están encantados con Vincent Cannistraro. Lo citan y lo entrevistan incesantemente como ‘experta’ autoridad en materia de inteligencia y política exterior, y su credencial única y suficiente es, aquí también, que solía trabajar para la CIA.

Una indagación en el servicio Internet Lexis-Nexis (el cual archiva mucho de lo que se publica en los medios occidentales) encontró 700 artículos de noticias en los diarios principales que citaron o entrevistaron a Cannistraro desde que el Washington Post celebró su ‘debut’ como experto en 1990. Eso da un promedio de mas de 4 citas o entrevistas al mes -- y estamos hablando nada mas de los principales diarios, no todos archivados por Lexis-Nexis.

Además, Cannistraro escribe sus propios editoriales en los grandes diarios. Lo ha hecho en el Washington Post (tres veces), en el St. Petersburg Times (Florida), y en el Boston Globe (dos veces).[9]

Por su lado, el mundo de la radio y TV no solamente entrevista a Cannistraro incesantemente en todo asunto concerniente a la seguridad, la inteligencia, y la política exterior, presentándolo siempre como un experto por haber sido “jefe de operaciones y análisis en el centro de antiterrorismo de la CIA”; sino que ya también lo agregaron a la nómina: esto días se presenta como “Vince Cannistraro, analista de ABC News y ex-jefe de antiterrorismo de la CIA.”[10]

Tanto McGovern como Cannistraro son ‘ex-miembros de la CIA’ a quienes se les da muchísimo tiempo al aire en los medios de comunicación masiva occidentales, donde le enseñan a la gente común lo que debe pensar en materia de inteligencia y política exterior. En particular, como lo demostraré mas tarde, McGovern y Cannistraro son especialistas en atacar a Israel y defender a los enemigos terroristas de los israelíes. Examinaré detalladamente aquellos argumentos. Pero primero preguntémonos una pregunta general: ¿Hemos de creer a ‘ex-miembros de la CIA’?

¿Y eso por qué?

Continúe a la 3a parte:

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[1] How lies replaced intelligence at the CIA; RAY McGOVERN; Ray McGovern was a CIA analyst from 1963 to 1990. During the '60s his responsibilities included analysis of Soviet policy toward Vietnam. The Boston Globe, October 7, 1999, Thursday, City Edition, OP-ED; Pg. A27, 822 words, By Ray McGovern

[2] Unequal in the eyes of justice?, Christian Science Monitor (Boston, MA), September 18, 2000, Monday, OPINION; Pg. 11, 598 words, Ray McGovern, WASHINGTON

A defining moment in history, Christian Science Monitor (Boston, MA), September 17, 2001, Monday, OPINION; Pg. 20, 2484 words. “Shades of Vietnam,” by Ray McGovern.

[3] Congress can't fix fractured intelligence, USA TODAY, May 22, 2002, Wednesday, FINAL EDITION, NEWS; Pg. 10A, 488 words

Protecting the homeland: Don't jeopardize intelligence links, Christian Science Monitor (Boston, MA), July 25, 2002, Thursday, OPINION; Pg. 09, 697 words, Ray McGovern, WASHINGTON

Appeasement wrong policy toward Iraq, USA TODAY, September 12, 2002, Thursday,, FINAL EDITION, NEWS;, Pg. 12A, 615 words

RAY MCGOVERN Ray McGovern, a CIA analyst from 1964-90, is now co-director of the Servant Leadership School, an inner-city outreach ministry in Washington.; HOW 'INTELLIGENCE' NOW SERVES THE DEFENSE DEPT., The Boston Globe, September 29, 2002, Sunday, ,THIRD EDITION, Pg. D11, 812 words, BY RAY MCGOVERN

The best intelligence? CIA, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (Wisconsin), November 22, 2002 Friday, FINAL EDITION, Pg. 19A, 811 words, RAY MCGOVERN

President Bush's Selection of Henry Kissinger,  The Washington Post, December 2, 2002 Monday,  Final Edition, EDITORIAL; Pg. A20, 343 words

[4] The Skeptical Spy; News: Ray McGovern is tearing away at the nation's mismanaged and malfunctioning intelligence apparatus, all in an effort to save it; Ray McGovern Interviewed By Michael W. Robbins; Mother Jones; March 10, 2004.

[5] Threat of war: Region: Secret report throws doubt on democracy hopes: Domino theory discounted, The Guardian (London), March 15, 2003, Guardian Home Pages, Pg. 5, 637 words, Oliver Burkeman in Washington

Save Our Spooks ,  The New York Times, May 30, 2003 Friday,  Late Edition - Final , Section A; Column 6; Editorial Desk; Pg. 27, 727 words,  By NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF

Public was misled on Iraq: Ex-CIA officials: Bush administration 'cooked' weapons intelligence, group charges, Ottawa Citizen, May 31, 2003 Saturday Final Edition, News; Pg. A13, 474 words, Tim Reid, WASHINGTON

IRAQ AFTERMATH: RUMSFELD CHANGES TACK BY INSISTING THAT WMD WILL BE FOUND, The Independent (London), May 31, 2003, Saturday, NEWS; Pg. 8, 510 words, PAUL WAUGH DEPUTY POLITICAL EDITOR Donald Rumsfeld: Set up his own intelligence unit



Missing: Iraq WMD, American credibility, St. Petersburg Times (Florida), June 8, 2003 Sunday, PERSPECTIVE; Pg. 1D, 1578 words, DAVID BALLINGRUD

Cheney's intelligence role scrutinized Critics say VP's influence in making case for war may have led to faulty statements, The Denver Post, July 23, 2003 Wednesday, FINAL EDITION, Pg. A-01, 2518 words, John Aloysius Farrell , Denver Post Washington Bureau Chief

THE EPIC SLAUGHTER IN IRAQ ALSO DESERVES AN INQUIRY;  THE OVERVIEW, Independent on Sunday (London), August 24, 2003, Sunday, COMMENT; Pg. 22, 1157 words, JOHN PILGER

OUTING PLAME WAS UNWISE, UNFORTUNATE FOR JOURNALISM, Buffalo News (New York), October 6, 2003 Monday, FINAL EDITION Correction Appended, EDITORIAL PAGE, Pg.B4, 801 words, WASHINGTON

INTELLIGENCE: CASE FOR WAR CONFECTED, SAY TOP US OFFICIALS;  HIGH-RANKING FORMER PENTAGON AND CIA FIGURES VENT ANGER AT, Independent on Sunday (London), November 9, 2003, Sunday, FOREIGN NEWS; Pg. 19, 1036 words, ANDREW GUMBEL IN LOS ANGELES Dick Cheney: accused of leaning on the CIA; Colin Powell, right, with CIA director George Tenet at the UN headquarters KATHY WILLENS/AP

NO PRESIDENT HAS LIED SO BALDLY AND SO OFTEN AND SO DEMONSTRABLY' Ray McGovern: voicing the concerns of the CIA, Independent on Sunday (London), November 9, 2003, Sunday, FOREIGN NEWS; Pg. 19, 469 words

Case for war made up, say top names, The New Zealand Herald, November 10, 2003 Monday, NEWS; World, 899 words, By ANDREW GUMBEL in Los Angeles

[6] Q & A / RAY McGOVERN, former CIA analyst: 'We're trying to spread a little truth',  The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, December 7, 2003 Sunday, Home Edition, Pg. 2F, 948 words, DAN CHAPMAN

[7] START: 00:21:06; Insight; Washington is standing by its conviction. Visual - Kuwait. Soldiers have been looking around to find biological weapons. Sound Bites - Ari Fleischer, White House Press Secretary, saying that the weapons will be found. Sound Bites - President Bush saying that he is tired of Iraq. Interview - Ray McGovern, fmr CIA, saying that the UN should take over the search. Sound Bites - Gen. Tommy Franks, US Central Command, saying that they are looking at several sites. :LR END: 00:24:16 ; International News First, Video Monitoring Services of America, April 14, 2003, Monday, 18:00-18:30 ET, News World International, Television, National Cable, 87 words, 14, nwi18000414.

START: 14.42 Teased Segment - Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity. Interview - spokesperson Ray McGovern, former CIA analyst, by phone; discusses issue that information given to President Bush was warped, says the CIA did not find the "correct" answers for what Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz wanted to do, says they created their own intelligence agency that came up with the "correct" answers to support their goals, played on the trauma of 9-11, says Congress was lied to, explains their purpose of preserving the ethics of intelligence, states his loyalty to Bush, Sr, says Richard Perle and others were kept at arm's length during the first Bush term, he says the Senate Intelligence Committee chair Pat Roberts is a joke, a captive of the intelligence community, says Gen Scowcroft needs to conduct an independent investigation. END: 21.05 ; Morning Drive Time, Video Monitoring Services of America, June 2, 2003, Monday, 06:00-07:00 PT, KGO-AM, Television, Local Radio, 144 words, 7, rkgo06000602

START: 08.30 […] Interview - Ray McGovern, briefed President Reagan during the '80s, explains the intelligence can be manufactured to support an administration's war; President Johnson actions during the Vietnam War reviewed. McGovern mentions a report from McNeil Lehrer as per McGeorge Bundy, National Security Advisor, Johnson Administration, as per the lack of evidence to attack the Tonkin Gulf. He compares that report to the situation Colin Powell was in during the Iraq war. McGovern explains he and Powell grew up together in the Bronx. Ray McGovern is a former CIA agent and he is on the Steering Committee for Veterans Intelligence Professionals for Sanity; Verna Avery Brown conducted the interview. END: 16.04 ; KPFA Evening News, Video Monitoring Services of America, June 3, 2003, Tuesday, 18:00-19:00 PT, KPFA-FM, Television, Local Radio, 303 words, 7, rkpfa1800.0603.7

INSIGHT, CNN INTERNATIONAL, INSIGHT 05:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, June 3, 2003 Tuesday, Transcript # 060301cb.k01, SHOW, NEWS; INTERNATIONAL, 3834 words, Malcolm Savidge, Ray McGovern, Daryl Kimball, Jonathan Mann, Walter Rodgers

Sharon, Abbas Shake Hands; Martha Stewart Indicted, CNN, CNN NEWSNIGHT AARON BROWN 22:00, June 4, 2003 Wednesday, Transcript # 060400CN.V84, News; International, 11764 words, James Rubin, Charles Gasparino, Scott Simon, Dennis Kucinich, Aaron Brown, John King, Christiane Amanpour, Kelly Wallace, Jeff Greenfield, Allan Chernoff, Gary Tuchman, David Ensor, Robin Oakley, Jonathan Karl, Charles Feldman

START: 00:32:32 Intelligence Questions; Recap From Above & Continuing Coverage. Visual - Helicopter/ Military Forces. Visual - Weapons. Sound Bites - John Bolton, Undersecretary Of State. Visual - Strikes In Iraq. Studio Interview - Ray McGovern, Former CIA Officer. Sound Bites - Douglas Feith, Undersecretary Of Defense. Visual - CIA HQ. David Ensor Reporting. :LR END: 00:37:04 ; American Morning, Video Monitoring Services of America, June 5, 2003, Thursday, 07:00-08:00 ET, CNN, Television, National Cable, 67 words, 23, cnn07000605

START: 00:13:18 Weapons Hunt.; White House officials are now dismissing claims that America has yet to find weapons of mass destruction. Graphic - Fox News Polll. Interview - Ray McGovern, Former CIA Analyst, says that the problem has not really been put before the American people yet. Interview - Dr. Gazi George, Former Iraqi Scientist, says that the weapons are there in a clandestine weapons of mass destruction program. Graphic - Mobile Facilities. gram ti END: 00:18:16 ; Fox News Live, Video Monitoring Services of America, June 8, 2003, Sunday, 14:00-15:00 ET, Fox News Channel, Television, National Cable, 82 words, 6, fnc14000608.

Condoleezza Rice discusses Middle East peace and Iraq, NBC News Transcripts, Meet the Press (10:00 AM ET) - NBC, June 8, 2003 Sunday, 4483 words

Allegations White House and Pentagon distorted facts to justify Iraq war, NBC News Transcripts, NBC Nightly News (6:30 PM ET) - NBC, June 9, 2003 Monday, 470 words, TOM BROKAW, ANDREA MITCHELL

LESTER HOLT LIVE For June 9, 2003, MSNBC, SHOW: LESTER HOLT LIVE 21:00, June 9, 2003 Monday, NEWS; DOMESTIC, 3793 words, Lester Holt; Andrea Mitchell; Jonas Tichenor

Allegations White House and Pentagon distorted facts to justify Iraq war, CNBC News Transcripts, The News with Brian Williams (7:00 PM ET) - CNBC, June 9, 2003 Monday, 797 words, BRIAN WILLIAMS, ANDREA MITCHELL

START: 00:11:58 Iraq.; Interview - Ray McGovern, retired CIA analyst, discusses Iraq. :LR END: 00:13:00 ; NBC 17 News At, Video Monitoring Services of America, June 10, 2003, Tuesday, 06:00-07:00 ET, WNCN-TV, Television, Local TV, 19 words, 20, wncn06000610

START: 00:04:31 Iraq.; Interview - Ray McGovern, retired CIA analyst, discusses Iraq. :LR6 seg END: 00:05:39 ; News Channel 8 Today, Video Monitoring Services of America, June 10, 2003, Tuesday, 06:00-07:00 ET, WFLA-TV, Television, Local TV, 20 words, 7, wfla06000610

START: 00:37:20 WMD Search; Continuing Coverage Of The Hunt For WMD in Iraq. Sound Bites - President Bush. Visual - Weapons Inspectors. Interview - Ray McGovern, Retired CIA Analyst. :LR END: 00:38:28 ; 9 News Six AM, Video Monitoring Services of America, June 10, 2003, Tuesday, 06:00-07:00 MT, KUSA-TV, Television, Local TV, 36 words, 33, kusa06000610

START: 00:35:00 Intel Issue.; Studio discussion on intelligence information regarding the war. Studio Interview - Wayne Simmons, former CIA operative, comments. Studio Interview - Ray McGovern, former CIA analyst, comments. :LRgram ti END: 00:40:52 ;    Fox News Live, Video Monitoring Services of America, June 15, 2003, Sunday, 18:00-19:00 ET, Fox News Channel, Television, National Cable, 44 words, 15, fnc18000615

US lawmakers start probe into WMD case for Iraq war, Channel NewsAsia, June 21, 2003 Saturday, WORLD, 519 words.

START: 27.02 9/11 The latest news pertaining to the Middle East and the 9/11 Panel. Phone Interview - Ray McGovern, CIA Analyst, discusses the issues pertaining to Governor Keene and the 9/11 Commission. Phone Interview - Mike Rupert, Former LAPD Officer, discusses the issues pertaining to discrepancies about 9/11. Phone Interview - Dave Patorti, Lost Brother in 9/11, discusses the issues. He mentions www.unansweredquestions.org. END: 32.32 ; KPFA Evening News, Video Monitoring Services of America, July 9, 2003, Wednesday, 18:00-19:00 PT, KPFA-FM, Television, Local Radio, 77 words, 13, rkpfa1800.0709.13

Ray McGovern discusses an open letter to President Bush demanding the resignation of Dick Cheney, National Public Radio (NPR), All Things Considered (9:00 PM ET) - NPR, July 15, 2003 Tuesday, 813 words, ROBERT SIEGEL

START: 00:21:55 […] Weapons warning from CIA Analyst Ray McGovern in the San Francsico Chronicle. Now he says the stuff doesn't exist unless it was planted. […]END: 00:26:47 ; Fox News Live, Video Monitoring Services of America, July 17, 2003, Thursday, 12:00-13:00 ET, Fox News Channel, Television, National Cable, 228 words, 12, fnc12000717

Q&A 14:30, CNN INTERNATIONAL, Q&A WITH JIM CLANCY 02:30 PM Eastern Standard Time, July 23, 2003 Wednesday, Transcript # 072302cb.k18, SHOW, NEWS; INTERNATIONAL, 2411 words, James Carafano, Ray McGovern, Michael Holmes

Bush wants to know who blew cover of CIA agent, Channel NewsAsia, October 1, 2003 Wednesday, WORLD, 491 words

BUCHANAN & PRESS For November 10, 2003, MSNBC, SHOW: BUCHANAN & PRESS 18:00, November 10, 2003 Monday, NEWS; INTERNATIONAL, 7836 words, Pat Buchanan; Bill Press

[8] Revisiting The Road To Iraq War, Step by Step,  The New York Times, August 20, 2004 Friday,  Late Edition - Final, Section E; PT1; Column 6; Movies, Performing Arts/Weekend Desk; FILM REVIEW; Pg. 6, 684 words, By DAVE KEHR

[9] The CIA Dinosaur, The Washington Post, September 5, 1991, Thursday, Final Edition, EDITORIAL; PAGE A21, 1056 words, Vincent Cannistraro

It's time to dismantle the CIA, St. Petersburg Times (Florida), September 6, 1991, Friday, City Edition, EDITORIAL; COLUMNS; Pg. 14A, 629 words, Vincent Cannistraro, WASHINGTON

A strike against terrorism - and ourselves? WORLD; Vincent Cannistraro is the former chief of CIA counterterrorism operations and is a consultant to ABC-TV news., The Boston Globe, August 23, 1998, Sunday, City Edition, FOCUS; Pg. E1, 1151 words, By Vincent Cannistraro.

Undetected At Home,  The Washington Post, September 13, 2001 Thursday,  Final Edition, EDITORIAL; Pg. A31, 901 words, Vincent Cannistraro.

Assassination Is Wrong -- and Dumb,  The Washington Post, August 30, 2001 Thursday,  Final Edition, EDITORIAL; Pg. A29, 820 words, Vincent Cannistraro

THE BIG IDEA / THE NEW NEW TERRORISM Vincent Cannistraro is a former head of CIA counterterrorism operations and former director of intelligence programs at the National Security Council.; A CHANGING INTELLIGENCE PARADIGM, The Boston Globe, September 23, 2001, Sunday, ,THIRD EDITION, Pg. D8, 935 words, BY VINCENT CANNISTRARO

[10] BIN LADEN IS AT LARGE: CIA; FLED AFGHANISTAN IN DECEMBER, REPORT CLAIMS, The Toronto Sun, January 16, 2002 Wednesday,, Final Edition, News;, Pg. 12, 273 words, SPECIAL TO THE TORONTO SUN, WASHINGTON


<  Parte 1 - Introduccion: Los "Protocolos de los Sabios de Sión" desde la mas amplia perspectiva histórica.

<  Parte 2 -  Los medios occidentales adoran a Raymond McGovern y a Vincent Cannistraro.

<  Parte 3 -  ¿Hemos de creerles a ‘ex-miembros de la CIA’?

<  Parte 4 -  Cómo los medios de masas encubren a Vincent Cannistraro, terrorista.

<  Parte 5 -  McGovern y Cannistraro ambos atacan a Israel - con mentiras.

<  Parte 6 -  ¿Porqué no desenmascara el gobierno de los EEUU a McGovern y a Cannistraro?

<  Parte 7 -  ¿Porqué dice la gente que ‘los judíos’ controlan los medios? No es cierto. .




















































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