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  Part 0 -  The Crisis of 1933

 Part 1 -  Diaspora Jewish leaders WWII

 Part 2 -  Diaspora Jewish leaders today

  Part 3 -  Israeli leaders today

 Part 4 -  Israeli leaders in WWII

 Part 4.5 -  Refuting the defense of Rudolf Kastner

 Part 5 -  Piety and Jewish self-defense


Shimon Peres


An HIR series

Historical and Investigative Research - 12 September 2006
by Francisco Gil-White




What is the problem with the Israeli

ruling elite? Is it stupidity? Or is it

something else?


“…The [Israeli] government’s policy of hiding incriminating information about [the PLO's Yasser] Arafat from the public was dramatically if indirectly illustrated by an episode in 1994 [the year that the Oslo 'peace' process was jump-started] when Shimon Peres, conversing with Arafat at the Erez checkpoint and apparently unaware that his comments were being recorded by a French filmmaker, threatened to reveal to the media Arafat’s flouting of his Oslo obligations. Peres did not go into detail about Arafat’s violations but did regard them as serious enough that their revelation would be a ‘catastrophe’ for Arafat and would, among its consequences, ‘kill the Palestinian story in the American Congress.’”

SOURCE: Levin, K. 2005. The Oslo syndrome: Delusions of a people under siege. Hanover, NH: Smith and Kraus. (p.xi)


Table of Contents
( hyperlinked < )

< Introduction

< The Oslo process, from the point of view of the PLO

< Did Israeli leaders understand that the PLO always meant to exterminate the Israeli Jews?

< Shimon Peres

< Other Israeli leaders

< The Israeli ruling elite has covered up the German Nazi origins of the PLO

< Final remarks


There appears to be a growing consensus among friends of Israel, especially in the wake of Israel’s war with Hezbollah, that Israeli leaders have been radically endangering the security of the Jewish state with their ‘peace’ policies. Within this consensus, however, there is a controversy as to why. One hypothesis says that Israeli leaders, for many years, have been uniformly and dramatically stupid. This view is popular among Jewish patriots, who (a) seem to find it natural that pathological stupidity should be abundant among Jewish leaders, and (b) possess Buddhist patience as they wait for their mentally challenged leaders to come to their senses. An alternative hypothesis says that the mental powers of Israeli leaders are fine -- simply, they are corrupt traitors.

No hypothesis is correct just because we like it, or because it agrees with our prejudices, or because the alternative is too scary. A scientist must provisionally accept or reject a hypothesis on the basis of the current balance of material evidence that either supports or undermines it. What I will do below is contribute a brief analysis of evidence speaking to this particular controversy: Are Israeli leaders idiots or traitors?

Since, in the last 20 years, the most important policies relevant to Israeli security have been those connected with the Oslo so-called ‘peace’ process and its offshoots (‘Road Map,’ ‘Disengagement,’ ‘Convergence’), the most important issues to consider are the following:

1) What has the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) been trying to achieve through Oslo?;

2) How aware have Israeli leaders been of the PLO’s intentions?; and

3) What have Israeli leaders done with their knowledge of PLO intentions?

Once the evidence has been examined, we will see that the answers to the above questions are the following:

1) The PLO has always and to this day meant to exterminate the Israeli Jews;

2) Israeli leaders have always been perfectly aware of this; and

3) Israeli leaders have sought to convince the Israeli public otherwise, covering up for the PLO and representing it as a ‘partner for peace.’ The point of this has been to convince Israelis to accept the PLO inside the Jewish state as the government of the Arab population living in the West Bank and Gaza.

This does not support the ‘stupidity’ hypothesis.

If the ‘treason’ hypothesis is correct, then it will mean that a pattern witnessed in World War II -- when many mainstream Jewish leaders betrayed their fellow Jews even as the European Jewish population was being exterminated -- is repeating itself (see Part 0, for how Jewish leaders sabotaged an anti-Nazi boycott in 1933 that came within an inch of destroying Hitler after he came to power, Part 1, for the treasonous behaviors of Diaspora Jewish leaders during WWII, and Part 4 for the treasonous behaviors of Israeli leaders).[1] If ordinary Jews do not now quickly defend themselves from their current leadership, millions of innocent Jews will die again.

Time has run out.

Is it possible for one country A to cause another country B to assist its own enemies and commit suicide? Yes, so long as certain conditions obtain.

By "committing suicide" I mean that since the people who compose the organs of state feel duty-bound to carry out the orders of their superiors, what is needed, mechanically, is for country A to corrupt the political leadership and the media of country B. If this is attained, then country A, through the corrupted political leaders and media in country B, can cause the organs of state in country B to assist the enemies of country B.

A scenario where this would be maximally easy is one where country B is very small and has lots of enemies, whereas country A is very large – at the limit, a superpower (e.g. the United States). A superpower will certainly have the wherewithal to corrupt the leadership and the media of a small country, in which case it can make that leadership surrender Gaza and the West Bank to terrorists who never stop firing at its civilians, and whose ideology is the total extermination of those civilians.


The Oslo process, from the point of view of the PLO

In The Oslo Syndrome, historian Kenneth Levin writes:

“Shortly after signing the Declaration of Principles and the famous handshake between [PLO leader Yasser] Arafat and [Israeli prime minister] Yitzhak Rabin on the White House lawn, Arafat was declaring to his Palestinian constituency over Jordanian television that Oslo was to be understood in terms of the [PLO’s] Palestine National Council’s 1974 decision. This was a reference to the so-called Plan of Phases, according to which the Palestine Liberation Organization [PLO] would acquire whatever territory it could by negotiations, then use that land as a base for pursuing its ultimate goal of Israel’s annihilation.”[2]

The words “Israel’s annihilation” are not synonymous with ‘negotiation to obtain a PLO state’; their meaning is closer to ‘the murder of every Jew now living in Israel.’ And in fact the PLO constitution calls for the extermination of the Jewish people.[3] So Yasser Arafat’s so-called Plan of Phases -- his entire approach to the Oslo accords -- looks like a ‘Trojan Horse’ strategy.

The expression ‘Trojan Horse’ is taken from the ancient Greek work The Iliad. In this story, a large coalition of Greeks attack the city of Troy just because the wife of a Greek king had eloped with a Trojan prince. After ten whole years of unremitting bloodshed, the Greeks get tired of not being able to pierce Troy’s defenses, so they invent a ruse: they build a huge wooden horse and leave it on the beach as an apparent gift to the victorious Trojan defenders, then pretend to leave in their ships. In reality, the Greeks have parked their ships in a nearby bay, where they wait for Odysseus, Achilles, and a few other Greek soldiers squirreled inside the hollow horse to let them in while Troy sleeps. As planned, after the hopelessly gullible Trojans bring into their city the wooden horse, the Greeks inside it creep out under cover of dark, murder the guards, open the city gates to their brethren, and then every Trojan man, woman, and child is slaughtered. The city is burned to the ground.

Now compare: In 1948, after the Arabs rejected a legal UN vote to create an Arab and a Jewish state in what had been British Mandate ‘Palestine,’ the Arabs announced that, rather than live peacefully side by side, they much preferred to exterminate the Jews in the Middle East. Azzam Pasha, Secretary General of the Arab League, proudly announced:

“This will be a war of extermination and a momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Mongolian massacres and the Crusades.”[4]

This was, mind you, immediately after the Holocaust.

And this was only the first of many genocidal attacks launched by the Arab neighbors of Israel (see here for a review).[5] Each attack was launched because the previous one had failed to annihilate Israel, so after a while the repeated failure started to wear on the Arabs, just as the Greeks had also become annoyed at their inability to destroy Troy. Thus, after many years of failed genocidal attacks launched with conventional armies against Israel’s borders, the Arabs decided, after the defeat they suffered in the 1973 Yom Kippur war, to do like the Greeks and employ a ruse to get the genocidal soldiers inside Israel’s walls: this ruse was Yasser Arafat’s 1974 ‘Plan of Phases.’

The idea was simple: like the Greeks, appear to concede defeat, and make a gift in exchange for an invitation into the Jewish state. The gift was the promise of peace. Once inside, however, the PLO would use its power over the Arab population living there to indoctrinate it into the most hateful and violent anti-Jewish ideology, proceeding thereafter with the mass killing.[6] This Plan of Phases, thanks to US pressure, became the Oslo ‘peace’ process.[7]


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In 2001, a top PLO official candidly explained the strategy to the Arab press by making an explicit comparison to The Iliad:

“...Faisal Husseini, the top PLO official in Jerusalem...[was] quoted as likening the Oslo accords to a ‘Trojan horse.’ ...the weekly Al-Arabi quotes Husseini as calling the Oslo accords ‘just a temporary procedure, or just a step towards something bigger…the liberation of all historical Palestine from the (Jordan) river to the (Mediterranean) sea, even if this means that the conflict will last for another thousand years or for many generations.’”[8]

But Faisal Husseini’s recent explanation was not really needed. As mentioned above, Arafat made his Plan of Phases known to his fellow Arabs in 1974, long before the PLO was brought into the Jewish state. And, as we learn above, Arafat repeated the PLO's intent to his followers in 1993, over Jordanian television, and immediately after the White House ceremony in which Oslo was agreed to: the Oslo process, Arafat explained, would be his Plan of Phases.



Yitzhak Rabin

Oslo handshake
( White House lawn )

Yasser Arafat






The idea was
promise peace in exchange for an invitation into the Jewish state to govern the Arab population living there.
kill the Jews.


Did Israeli leaders understand that the PLO always meant to exterminate the Israeli Jews?

It is true that Arafat did not loudly explain his Plan of Phases to the Western press, but to his Arab audiences. However, Israel has an intelligence service naturally equipped with speakers of Arabic who monitor the statements Israel’s Arab enemies make in their native language. This means that, of course, Israeli leaders had to know about Arafat’s Plan of Phases as soon as it was promulgated. They also had to know what Arafat was saying on Jordanian television even as he was ‘agreeing’ to Oslo.

But even should anybody argue that Israel’s famed intelligence service is in fact so pathetically inept that nobody in it ever thought to monitor what the antisemitic Arabs say in Arabic, this will not work as an excuse because Arafat’s intentions occasionally did surface in the Western press, in English. For example, there is Faisal Husseini’s statement above, which appeared in the Western press. Less recently, right as the Oslo ‘peace’ process -- meant to bring the PLO into Israel -- was getting under way (1994), the Evening Standard (London) reported on a speech by Arafat in which he straightforwardly explained his ‘Trojan Horse’ view of the Oslo process to his followers.[9] So Israeli leaders obviously knew what the PLO’s intentions were. And yet they never informed the Israeli public, defending instead the claim that the PLO had changed, and that by inviting the PLO into the Jewish state they were supposedly protecting the security of ordinary Israelis!

Not only that. My reader should keep foremost in his or her mind that, in bringing the PLO into the Jewish state, Israeli leaders revived the PLO. How so? They revived it because this antisemitic terrorist organization had already been defeated, and was languishing far away from Israel, in Tunisian exile, when Oslo began.[10] This point is crucial.

Now, I have found that many -- perhaps most -- Jewish patriots, when they are confronted with the above, feel a quite insistent -- even passionate -- urge to interpret all this as stupidity on the part of Israeli politicians. In my view this kind of innocence reveals that Jews suffer from pathologies of reasoning that impair their ability to think clearly about their self defense, and which make it easier for antisemites to kill large numbers of Jews. In order to defend the Jewish people we must therefore expose these pathologies of reasoning. One way to do this is to put the geopolitical problems that Jews face in personal terms. Why? Because the fog of propaganda that surrounds the geopolitical problem is absent in the problem's translation to the personal level, so it is easier to think about.

Thus, consider the following thought experiment. John Doe knows (crucial point) that a criminal has promised to murder John’s family as soon as he can get into John’s home. But what does John do? He gives said criminal the house keys. After his family has been murdered, what will happen to John? Naturally, he will either be quickly convicted for conspiring to murder his wife and children, or else he will be quickly declared insane. What is certain is that no court will accept the argument that John -- in earnest stupidity -- believed this was the best way to protect his family. Why? Because nobody, quite simply, is that stupid.

The only way to argue that Israeli leaders somehow meant well when they brought the PLO -- an organization pledged to murder every Jew -- to become the government over the Arabs in the Jewish state, is therefore to insist that Israeli leaders didn’t understand what the PLO meant to do. I have already shown above that this cannot be defended, given how dramatic and consistent Arafat’s very public explanations of his intentions. But this point cannot be emphasized too much, so consider the following:

“Allusions to the [‘Trojan Horse’] Plan of Phases became a staple in Arafat’s addresses in Arabic, with more than a dozen such references within a few weeks of the White House ceremony [the ceremony that officially inaugurated the Oslo process!]. So also were Arafat’s comparisons of Oslo to Mohammed’s dealings with the Quraysh [Banu Qurayzah], a [Jewish!] tribe on the Arabian peninsula. Mohammed negotiated a treaty with the Quraysh in 628, but two years later, when his forces had grown stronger, he attacked and defeated them [in fact, he exterminated them]. Likewise featured in Arafat’s speeches during this time were calls to Jihad, or holy war, against Israel.

Arafat’s arrival in the territories, in July, 1994, and his assumption of control over Palestinian schools and an expanded Palestinian media system were marked by the promoting of these and related themes in Palestinian school curricula and media. Palestinian children were taught that all of ‘Palestine’ from the Jordan to the Mediterranean -- that is, the West Bank, Gaza, and all of Israel -- belongs to them and is holy Islamic land. Jews have no historic connections to the land and no legal claim to any of it but are merely evil usurpers. Palestinian children were also to learn that it is not only their right but their obligation to dedicate themselves to Israel’s destruction. Arafat-controlled Palestinian television, including children’s television, and other Palestinian media outlets promoted the same claims and the same agenda.”[11]

To get a sense for how extreme the Jew-killing propaganda of the PLO, consider only that Friday sermons transmitted by Palestinian Authority TV will do such things as shame Arabs who have not yet strapped a bomb around their own child and sent him to go blow himself up in the middle of Jewish men, women, and children.[12]

If you live in the West it is of course relatively difficult to become aware of this, as it hardly ever surfaces in the Western press, but the Israeli government and media, naturally, have always known precisely what is going on in the PLO’s media. So what have they done with this information? They have covered it up, lest the Israeli public and Diaspora Jews oppose the Oslo process that has progressively empowered the PLO inside the Jewish state.

“The Labor-Meretz coalition government was typically silent on the anti-Israel indoctrination. At the same time, the Israeli media...enthusiastically supportive of the Oslo accords, supported this silence by suppressing coverage of Arafat’s incitement-laden speeches and of the prominence of the same themes in Palestinian schools and media. Indeed, a kind of underground system evolved to monitor hate-mongering in Palestinian school texts and media in the absence of coverage by the Israeli government and mainstream Israeli news outlets.”[13]

A cover up suggests malice, not stupidity.

Also, against the view that the Israeli ruling elite is stupid, there is the additional problem that, immediately after Yasser Arafat was brought from Tunis and installed in the West Bank and Gaza, terrorism against innocent Israelis quintupled.[14] Since Arafat’s promise had been that, if brought into Israel, terrorism would end (for which promise he was given the Nobel Peace Prize![15]), the automatic sharp rise in terrorism against innocent Israelis should have put an immediate end to the Oslo process. After all, this is what Israeli leaders Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres had famously and explicitly promised the Israelis: that if terrorism did not go away, the Oslo process would swiftly die.

But rather than abort the Oslo process when the violence increased five-fold upon Arafat’s arrival, the Israeli and Western governments and media protested that the ‘other’ terrorist organizations, Hamas and Islamic Jihad, supposedly not allied with Arafat, were to blame for this violence. (In fact, HIR has shown that Hamas and Islamic Jihad have always worked in close cooperation with the PLO to kill Jews and any Arabs opposed to such killings[16]). In the face of ongoing terrorism, the Israeli and Western governments and media accused anybody opposed to more Oslo concessions to the PLO of supposedly playing right into the terrorist attempt to ‘ruin the peace process.’ In this way anybody critical of Oslo was loudly equated by the Israeli government and media with the Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists as an ‘enemy of peace,’ whereas the PLO itself was consistently represented as the supposed ‘partner for peace.’ With this cover story, the Israeli government and media defended the rush to give the PLO more and more power as a strategy, supposedly, to give Arafat the tools to control the violence. A sharp increase in terrorism thus became the ‘rationale’ to push for giving Arafat more power more quickly!

In The Oslo Syndrome, historian Kenneth Levin writes:

“The Israeli government’s response to the ongoing violence, and to Arafat’s failure to fulfill his Oslo obligations vis-à-vis terrorism and his, instead, lending support to the terrorist organizations, was muted at best and frequently even protective of Arafat ...The Peace Movement’s supporters in the government, the dominant voices in [Israeli prime minister Yitzhak] Rabin’s coalition, had an answer to such questions: more Israeli concessions. …the more terror, the more the government urged a speeding of the ‘peace process.’”[17]


















In bringing
the PLO into the Jewish state,
Israeli leaders revived
the PLO.























































Anybody critical of Oslo was loudly equated by the Israeli government and media with the Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists as an ‘enemy of peace.’


Shimon Peres

To deepen our understanding of the Israeli ruling elite, it is useful to take a close look at one Israeli politician in particular: Shimon Peres.

Kenneth Levin writes:

 “…The government’s policy of hiding incriminating information about Arafat from the public was dramatically if indirectly illustrated by an episode in 1994 [the year that the Oslo process was jump-started] when Shimon Peres, conversing with Arafat at the Erez checkpoint and apparently unaware that his comments were being recorded by a French filmmaker, threatened to reveal to the media Arafat’s flouting of his Oslo obligations. Peres did not go into detail about Arafat’s violations but did regard them as serious enough that their revelation would be a ‘catastrophe’ for Arafat and would, among its consequences, ‘kill the Palestinian story in the American Congress.’”[18]

This is evidence that Shimon Peres -- in full knowledge of the facts -- has been covering up Arafat’s terrorism. It is not evidence of stupidity.

Who is this Shimon Peres? He is the great architect of the Oslo process.

It is illuminating briefly to review his career because you will see that a certain pattern emerges (I will help out by using italics). Since 1969, Shimon Peres has been a top minister in key positions in the Israeli government, almost uninterruptedly. In 1969 he was appointed Minister of Absorption and in 1970 Minister of Transportation and Communications. In 1974, after a period as Information Minister, he was appointed Minister of Defense (by Yitzhak Rabin). In 1977 he succeeded Rabin as Prime Minister and Labor party leader after the latter resigned. Later that year, Peres led the Labor Party to its first ever electoral defeat when Menachem Begin won the premiership for Likud. Peres led his Labor party to another defeat in 1981, but since his party won more seats than any other in 1984, a coalition government resulted with Peres as prime minister and Yitzhak Shamir of Likud as foreign minister. After two years, they traded places, so Peres became foreign minister in 1986. Peres led his party to another defeat in 1988. But once again there was a coalition government, and Peres served as Vice Premier and Minister of Finance. He left the government in 1990 and was again defeated at the polls in 1992, this time in the Labor primary elections, by Yitzhak Rabin, but Peres became Rabin’s foreign minister when the latter became prime minister, and then succeeded him as prime minister after Rabin’s assassination in 1995. Peres was defeated in the next election by Benjamin Netanyahu in 1996. In 1997 Ehud Barak replaced Peres as Labor party leader, and upon becoming prime minister, Barak appointed Peres to the post of minister for regional development. In 2000 Peres lost his bid to be elected Israeli President (ceremonial head of state) to Moshe Katsav from Likud. When Ariel Sharon became prime minister in 2001, Peres was appointed his foreign minister. He left office briefly in 2003 but then became Sharon’s foreign minister again in 2004.

As HIR has shown, Shimon Peres was already working hard at undermining the security of the Jewish state in the 1980s,[20] and as we see above, he has had sufficient power in Israel’s government all these years to push through the Oslo process that brought the PLO into the Jewish state -- quite despite the fact that “Peres has never won a national election.”[19] Something is clearly rotten behind the scenes.

How does Shimon Peres feel about his fellow Israelis?

“Shimon Peres...declared with regard to public attitudes and government policy, ‘A leader must be like a bus driver...He cannot turn his head all the time to see how the passengers feel.’”[21]

Shimon Peres’ metaphor of leadership is ill-chosen, for a bus driver can hardly take his passengers wherever he thinks they should go when a majority of these are complaining that they paid for a ticket to a different destination. Never elected to office, Shimon Peres obviously thinks like an autocrat: only his views matter. In light of his preferred policies, perhaps Peres should have said that he is a train conductor (rushing his unwilling passengers to what he insists will be a ‘work’ camp).




















Shimon Peres

A leader must be like a bus driver... He cannot turn his head all the time to see how the passengers feel.


Other Israeli leaders

It is important to point out that the corruption in the Israeli leadership is hardly limited to Shimon Peres and his Labor party.

It was, after all, Yitzhak Shamir from Likud who, under threat from the United States, first assented to the Madrid so-called ‘peace’ talks that became the platform for the Oslo process.[22]

After this, Yitzhak Rabin from Labor, steered by the true controller, his foreign minister Shimon Peres, famously brought the PLO into Israel.

But a majority of Israeli Jews then reacted rationally to the increased terrorism that followed the entrance of the PLO into Israel and chose Benjamin Netanyahu -- on a platform that breathed fire against the Oslo accords -- over Shimon Peres in the election that followed Yitzhak Rabin’s assassination. But despite that, when Benjamin Netanyahu became prime minister, he turned around and, under US pressure, pushed forward the Oslo process with even more energy than his predecessors.[23]

When Ehud Barak -- like Shimon Peres, a Laborite -- was elected afterwards, he rushed to give Arafat and the Syrians everything they wanted, but Arafat, and the Syrian Assad, rejected the offers because their entire political careers are built on the promise of destroying Israel, so they find it easier to stay in power by refusing any diplomatic moves that might create the impression they have recognized the state of Israel.[24]

Under a barrage of Arafat-sponsored terrorism, a majority of Israeli Jews once again reacted rationally and elected Ariel Sharon on his promises to oppose Oslo. Like Yitzhak Shamir and Benjamin Netanyahu, Sharon was from Likud. But likewise -- under US pressure -- Sharon turned around and embraced Oslo policies more fiercely than anybody, cleansing the Jews out of Gaza (and parts of the West Bank), and giving away this territory to the terrorists, asking in exchange for...nothing at all![25] Sharon’s heir, Ehud Olmert, from the party that Ariel Sharon recently founded, Kadima, was likewise rushing to cleanse remaining Jews from the West Bank (thus completing the total capitulation of Israel to its terrorist enemies) when the war with Hezbollah interrupted him.

Obviously, then, the problem is hardly limited to Shimon Peres and the Labor party. Every Israeli government since the early 1990s has advanced the PLO’s agenda against the interests -- and against the wishes, expressed at the polls -- of ordinary Israelis.


Yitzhak Shamir

Benjamin Netanyahu

Ehud Barak

Ariel Sharon

The Israeli ruling elite has covered up the German Nazi origins of the PLO

In all this, I have not mentioned yet the most dramatic piece of information kept from the Israeli public by the Israeli ruling elite. I saved the worst for last.

It turns out that Al Fatah, the controlling core of the PLO, was created by Hajj Amin al Husseini, who was as important as Adolf Eichman as an architect of Adolf Hitler’s German Nazi extermination of the European Jews (before that, Hajj Amin had been murdering very large numbers of innocent Jews with terrorist attacks in British Mandate ‘Palestine,’ and it is precisely this expertise that made him so attractive to the German Nazis).[26] Again, Israel has an intelligence service, and it spends millions of shekels a year on it, and Israeli spies are supposed to be investigating the background of the PLO, so it is inconceivable that in all these years they could not document something that I was able to document in two weeks (consult the above footnote).

But suppose that -- still -- you wanted desperately to believe the hypothesis that Israeli leaders were not aware of this easily documented fact, and thus unwittingly brought the continuation of the Holocaust into the Jewish state in total innocence. Even under this hypothesis, it is still impossible to believe that the Israeli government has been innocent of Al Fatah’s Nazi background since 26 May 2003. Why? Because on that day Israel National News (Arutz Sheva) published my first article documenting the Nazi history of Al Fatah,[27] and the Israeli government keeps very close tabs on what Israel National News publishes.

To get a sense for how closely the Israeli government monitors Israel National News, consider only that, for publishing the truth that defends Israel, this media company has been viciously -- and I do mean viciously -- persecuted by the Israeli government. To the point that its radio component, Israel National Radio, had to put its equipment on a ship and broadcast from outside Israel’s territorial waters because it was barred from doing so inside Israel. I know this sounds absurd, but it is true, and you may read about that here:

“On the importance of Israel National Radio (Arutz Sheva)”; Historical and Investigative Research; 30 June 2006; by Francisco Gil-White.

It is obvious, therefore, that since May 2003, the Israeli government cannot claim to be unaware that the PLO is a continuation of Adolf Hitler’s Final Solution, particularly given that a scandal erupted when I was fired from the University of Pennsylvania for publishing this very documentation in Israel National News, and given that this scandal was covered in the Philadelphia Inquirer, FOX TV, and Israel National News, among other places.[28] This kind of thing happened to many European academics who defended the Jews in the prelude to WWII, and it has been happening to many pro-Jewish academics today (the canary in the coal mine has expired, and the explosion is coming).[29]

No matter. Ariel Sharon pushed through his Unilateral Disengagement from Gaza after I published the documentation on Al Fatah’s Nazi background in Israel and was fired from the University of Pennsylvania for doing so. (By the way, most Israelis are entirely unaware that their country is being turned over to an extension of the German Nazi Final Solution, and that the ground is quickly being prepared for the next great genocide of the Jewish people; if you are an Israeli, or have friends in Israel, one thing you can do is share this information.)

Now, once the corruption of the Israeli elites is understood, it is no longer surprising that an article attacking Israel and defending her terrorist enemies (with blatant fabrications of history) should have been published -- in the middle of Israel’s defensive war against the genocidal Hezbollah! -- in a major Israeli newspaper (see here).[30] Particularly when you consider that the newspaper in question, Ha’aretz, is the “newspaper of Israel’s elites and the most ideologically driven of the nation’s nongovernmental media.”[31] And especially when you consider that the author of this Ha’aretz article, Gideon Levy, is the former personal aide and spokesperson for Shimon Peres, chief architect of Oslo.[32]

Neither is it surprising, once this context is understood, that the current Israeli prime minister, Ehud Olmert, who failed to defend the Israelis in this latest war between Israel and Hezbollah, has now said that “Israel would be willing to discuss the disputed Shebaa Farms if Lebanon disarms Hizbullah.”[33] What is Shebaa Farms? It is a territory in the Golan Heights (lost by Syria after it launched a genocidal war against Israel in 1967[34]) that never belonged to Lebanon, and in fact the UN has already ruled on this question.[35] Moreover, a publicly available Pentagon study concluded that Israel will commit suicide if it returns Golan Heights territory to its genocidal enemies.[36] If Ehud Olmert gives Shebaa Farms to Lebanon, he is really giving it to Hezbollah’s and Lebanon’s master, Syria, and what he is giving Syria is a weapon it can use in its next genocidal war against Israel. So Olmert is rewarding Syria for using Hezbollah to murder innocent Israelis. Of course, it should go without saying that Lebanon -- a country that does not exist (for it is really an extension of Syria) -- will not disarm Hezbollah; but it is a safe bet that, if he can, Olmert will pretend this did happen so that he can give away -- through ‘Lebanon’ -- a piece of the strategic Golan Heights to the antisemitic and genocidal Syrian regime.

Ehud Olmert hardly behaves like the prime minister of Israel -- he behaves like Syria’s hired gun.

But we’ve been here before: former Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak offered the Syrians not only the Golan Heights, but even territory in the Galilee that had always been Israeli! The only reason this didn’t happen is that the Syrian ruler Hafez Assad refused Barak’s offer because any deal with Israel would have made him immediately unpopular with his genocidal Syrian subjects.[24] And Barak’s policies toward Syria, mind you, were not significantly different from those of Likud’s Netanyahu right before him, who himself “largely followed his immediate [Labor] predecessors’ policies, seeking to reach accommodation with Syria based on Israel’s essentially ceding the entire Golan Heights,” and who likewise “followed his Labor predecessors in allowing Syria -- for the sake of keeping illusory possibilities of an agreement ‘alive’ -- to continue to prosecute its proxy war against Israeli forces in Lebanon [through Hezbollah] at no cost.”[37]

Ehud Olmert will naturally not stop at giving away Shebaa Farms. As reported on 9 September,

“Israel’s foreign minister said yesterday it was time the Jewish state talked to the Palestinians, adding no conditions should be put on meeting President Mahmoud Abbas.”[38]

No conditions should be put on meeting President Mahmoud Abbas, of Al Fatah, whose organization was created by the top co-architect of the German Nazi Final Solution, and is therefore constitutionally pledged to exterminate the Israeli Jews.[39] Is this Israel’s foreign minister, or the PLO’s foreign minister?

Really: Who is the Ehud Olmert cabal working for? The question is sharpened when you consider that:

“[The Israeli] ambassador to Germany Shimon Stein is pleased that Germany has agreed to consider Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s request that it send peace-keeping troops to Lebanon.”[38]

Isn’t this perfectly consistent with everything else that Ehud Olmert does? It is. Especially when you take into account that, in 1956, the US installed in West Germany as the German BND -- the German equivalent of the CIA -- a group of Nazi war criminals that the US had been protecting (and using).[40] (The CIA itself had earlier been created by absorbing tens of thousands of Nazi war criminals, as documented in 1988 by historian Christopher Simpson.[41])



Hajj Amin al Husseini

Adolf Hitler







Since May 2003,
the Israeli government cannot claim to be unaware that the PLO is a continuation of Adolf Hitler’s
Final Solution

















Ehud Olmert

Israel would be willing to discuss the disputed Shebaa Farms if Lebanon disarms Hizbullah.








Mahmoud Abbas
( a.k.a. Abu Mazen )

Final remarks

The above evidence supports the hypothesis that many in the Israeli ruling elite have been corrupted by the forces that wish to destroy the Jewish people. If so, this would hardly be the first time, and therefore if the hypothesis appears surprising this merely betrays ignorance of history. The phenomenon of “renegade” Jews (as the First and Second Books of Maccabees call them) allying with the powerful antisemitic enemies of the Jewish movement is one of the most stable, recurrent features of Western History.

In the ancient Mediterranean, plenty of ‘Hellenizing’ (pro-Greek) Jews in the Jewish ruling elite allied with the Seleucid Greeks who attempted to obliterate Judaism in the land of Judah, and who committed one mass slaughter of innocent Jews after another, in addition to sundry cruelties a great deal worse than murder.[42] Then there were Jews -- once again Hellenizing Jews in the ruling elite -- who allied with the Roman effort to exterminate the Jewish people in the first and second centuries (the most famous case is that of ‘historian’ Flavius Josephus, from a rich, priestly Jewish family, who assisted the Roman generals Vespasian and Titus in the genocidal ‘First Jewish War,’ and then wrote much propaganda to excuse the Roman outrage.)[43] There were so many traitors in the Jewish upper classes that an entire movement developed among Jewish patriots to selectively assassinate the collaborators with the Romans.[43a]


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Many upper-class Jewish converts to Christianity allied with the attacks against the Jews during the Middle Ages.[43b] The same happened in the 19th c., when the assimilated, upper-class maskilim of what became known as the ‘Jewish Enlightenment’ allied with the efforts of European governments to destroy Jewish religious practice.[43c]

More recently we have the example of the mainstream Jewish leaders during WWII in the United States and Britain, who tended to be ‘assimilated’ Jews toward the secular end of Jewish piety and practice, and who were well-connected with the antisemitic power structures in their home countries. These well-placed Jewish leaders destroyed a boycott against Hitler's regime that ordinary Jews around the world had been organizing and that came within an inch of destroying Nazism in the cradle (see Part 0).[43d] Then, during the Holocaust, these same Jewish leaders allied with the powerful antisemites whom they had befriended, and worked to sabotage the efforts of Hillel Kook (alias Peter Bergson) and his mostly Orthodox Jewish and righteous Gentile (i.e. non-Jewish) allies, who were trying to rescue the desperate European Jewish population (see Part 1).[44] Also during the Holocaust, the leaders of the mainstream Labor Zionist movement who went on to become the Israeli government and establishment, likewise sabotaged the efforts to rescue the European Jews; some of them, such as Rudolf Kastner, were in fact very good friends with the top Nazi exterminators and assisted them in the killing, later also defending them after the war from the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal (see Part 4). Even more recently we have the astonishing attacks against the Jewish state by all manner of prominent mainstream Jewish leaders in the Diaspora (see Part 2).[45] In this context, why should we be surprised that the largely and fiercely secular Israeli ruling elite, a continuation of the Labor Zionist movement, is betraying ordinary Israelis? But we are surprised because we do not study history, and so, as George Santayana famously said, we are condemned to repeat it.

Anybody who insists, however, despite all the above, that what really propels current Israeli leaders is not treason but the most astonishing stupidity ever witnessed, will still have to reach the same conclusion regarding what, in practical terms, is necessary for the survival of the Jewish state. Why? Because this kind of stupidity is criminal, and will result in another anti-Jewish genocide, so the Israeli ruling elite must be kicked out of power.

The next question is: Why don’t ordinary Israelis and Diaspora Jews effectively defend themselves from their own leaders?

HIR has begun the attempt to answer this question in Part 5, but more is coming.

The next piece in this series is:

"The responsibility of the mainstream (Labor Zionist) Israeli leaders during the Shoah ('Holocaust')"; Historical and Investigative Research; 21 February 2007; by Francisco Gil-White.











Flavius Josephus



















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Footnotes and Further Reading

[1] “THE CRISIS OF 1933: In 1933, ordinary Jews all over the world banded together and came within an inch of destroying the Hitler regime. They did not fail. Their leaders failed them”; from THE PROBLEM OF JEWISH SELF-DEFENSE, An HIR series; Historical and Investigative Research; 06 May 2006; by Francisco Gil-White

“How the mainstream Jewish leadership failed the Jewish people in World War II”; from THE PROBLEM OF JEWISH SELF-DEFENSE; Historical and Investigative Research; 17 January 2006; by Francisco Gil-White;

“The responsibility of the mainstream (Labor Zionist) Israeli leaders
during the Shoah ('Holocaust')”; from THE PROBLEM OF JEWISH
SELF-DEFENSE; Historical and Investigative Research - 21 February 2007; by Francisco Gil-White

[2] Levin, K. 2005. The Oslo syndrome: Delusions of a people under siege. Hanover, NH: Smith and Kraus. (p.ix)

[3] The 1968 PLO Charter states the objectives of the PLO as follows. Article 9 says that “armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine.” That’s worth chewing on for a second, because the PLO could have written the same thing like this: “it is required that Palestine be liberated in the act of killing people.” Killing which people? This is relatively obvious. Article 15 of the PLO Charter states that it is “a national duty to repulse the Zionist imperialist invasion from the great Arab homeland and to purge the Zionist presence from Palestine,” and article 22 declares that “the liberation of Palestine will liquidate the Zionist and imperialist presence.” In other words, the PLO, which organization asserts that ‘Palestine’ may be ‘liberated’ only in the act of killing people, explains that its goal is purging and liquidating -- that is to say, exterminating -- “Zionists.”

SOURCE: The PLO Charter articles were translated by: The Associated Press, December 15, 1998, Tuesday, AM cycle, International News, 1070 words, Clinton meets with Netanyahu, Arafat, appeals for progress, By TERENCE HUNT, AP White House Correspondent, EREZ CROSSING, Gaza Strip.

[4] Howard M Sachar, A History of Israel (New York: Knopf, 1979) p. 333

[5] “WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE MEDIA? (Part 2): Why does the Israeli media also attack the Israelis?”; Historical and Investigative Research; 20 August 2006; by Francisco Gil-White.

[6] “In 1974, when much of the world was promoting Arab-Israeli negotiations in the wake of the Yom Kippur War, Yasser Arafat, leader of Fatah and of the PLO, formulated what he called the ‘Plan of Phases.’ The plan declared that the Palestinian Arabs would seek to acquire territory by negotiations and would then use that territory as a launching pad for military pursuit of Israel’s annihilation. With this agenda as backdrop, Arafat offered to enter into negotiations with Israel.”

SOURCE: Levin, K. 2005. The Oslo syndrome: Delusions of a people under siege. Hanover, NH: Smith and Kraus. (p.161)

[7] 1991 -- Bush Sr.'s administration forced Israel to participate in the Oslo process, which brought the PLO into the West Bank and Gaza; from “IS THE US AN ALLY OF ISRAEL: A Chronological look at the evidence”; Historical and Investigative Research; by Francisco Gil-White.

[8] The Baltimore Sun, July 11, 2001 Wednesday,  FINAL EDITION,  Pg. 1A, 1574 words,  Israelis taking darker view of Palestinian intentions; Many see existence of Jewish state at risk, Mark Matthews.

[9] “A tape-recording has surfaced of PLO leader Yasser Arafat speaking to Moslem followers in a Johannesburg mosque… Mr Arafat was exhorting his followers to prosecute a ‘jihad ... to liberate Jerusalem’. Mr Arafat does not deny the tape’s authenticity, but now says he meant ‘jihad’ in a metaphorical sense. A verbal jihad. A jihad of ideas. Nothing to do with violence. Mr Arafat’s effrontery adds insult to injury. In 1980, King Fahd of Saudi Arabia gave a clear definition: ‘What is meant by jihad is a united, comprehensive, integrated Arab-Islamic confrontation in which we place all our resources and our spiritual, cultural, political, material and military potential in a long and untiring ‘Holy War’ against Israel, of course, who else?’ So even if Mr Arafat really did mean ‘jihad’ in this novel, non-violent sense, his legions of followers would not have picked up the sophisticated nuance. They would have taken it to mean that the peace process was just a stratagem: a Trojan Horse which should now be exploited with maximum violence. At best, Mr Arafat was irresponsible. At worst, deeply dishonest.”

SOURCE: Evening Standard (London) May 19, 1994; SECTION: Pg. 9; LENGTH: 907 words; HEADLINE: A NEW KIND OF JIHAD

[10] Before 1982 the PLO was using its bases in southern Lebanon to murder Israeli civilians in the Galilee. In 1982 Israel launched an invasion of Lebanon, under prime minister Menachem Begin, that chased the PLO out of Lebanon and forced it to seek asylum in Tunis. The PLO would have been utterly destroyed if not for the intervention of the United States, which exerted very strong pressure on Israel to allow the PLO to survive, and then provided a military escort for the PLO so that it could take refuge safely in Tunis. But though the PLO managed to survive thanks to the US (and France), it was still defeated, because from Tunis it was almost impossible for the PLO to murder Israelis. To read about all this, visit:

1982-1983  --  The US military rushed into Lebanon to protect the PLO from the Israelis; from “IS THE US AN ALLY OF ISRAEL: A Chronological look at the evidence”; Historical and Investigative Research; by Francisco Gil-White.

[11] Levin, K. 2005. The Oslo syndrome: Delusions of a people under siege. Hanover, NH: Smith and Kraus. (p.x)

[12] Here is an example of what the Palestinian Authority drills into the heads of West Bank and Gaza Arabs, every Friday, when it broadcasts the Islamic sermons of the mullahs on Palestinian Authority TV:

“Oh beloved, we must be certain that victory will come! Shame and remorse on whoever refrained from raids [against the enemy] or refrained from preaching to himself [to raid]!; shame and remorse on whoever refrained from raising his children on Jihad [holy war]!; shame and remorse on whoever hated his Muslim brother while loving one of the infidels!; shame and remorse on whoever hid behind excuses that have no basis with Allah! Blessings to whoever waged Jihad for the sake of Allah!; blessings to whoever raided for the sake of Allah!; blessings to whoever put a belt of explosives on his body or on his sons’ and plunged into the midst of the Jews crying: ‘Allah Akbar, praise to Allah!’”

MEMRI TV (Middle East Media Research Institute) took the video off its website. We will post it on HIR as soon as we receive it from them, so that you can see the mullah saying this. In the meantime, you may consult other sources for similar documentation. For example,

“A story in the Philadelphia Inquirer in September, 1997, reported the following PA [Palestinian Authority] broadcast segment: ‘A schoolgirl, perhaps 8 years old and all nervous giggles, stands before a television camera and sings in a squeaky voice?: ‘I am a daughter of Palestine…Koran in my right hand, in my left -- a knife.’ A slightly older girl with her ponytail wrapped in a checkered kaffiyeh gives an emotional recitation of a poem for Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat: ‘I am finished practicing on the submachine gun of return…We swear to take vengeful blood from our enemies for our killed and wounded. We will board a bustling boat with will take us to Jaffa [an Israeli city].’ The girl approaches Arafat, who plants congratulatory kisses on her cheeks.”

SOURCE: Levin, K. 2005. The Oslo syndrome: Delusions of a people under siege. Hanover, NH: Smith and Kraus. (p.407); Kenneth Levin is citing the following article: Barbara Demick, “Broadcasts’ Warlike Tone Angers Israelis / Listening to a PLO Network,” The Philadelphia Inquirer, September 7, 1997.

[13] Levin, K. 2005. The Oslo syndrome: Delusions of a people under siege. Hanover, NH: Smith and Kraus. (p.x)

[14] “ the fifteen months between Arafat’s establishment in Gaza and the signing of the next accord, Oslo II (September 28, 1995) another ninety people were killed in Palestinian attacks. By way of comparison, Palestinian terror had taken about 400 lives in the twenty-six years from the 1967 war and Israel’s entry into the territories to the inception of Oslo.”

SOURCE: Levin, K. 2005. The Oslo syndrome: Delusions of a people under siege. Hanover, NH: Smith and Kraus. (p.346)

For greater ease of comparison, this means that after Arafat’s PLO was brought inside Israel, the rate of terrorist murders against Israelis by ‘Palestinians’ was equal to 72 people per year. By contrast, before the PLO was brought in, the rate had been around 15 people per year. The Oslo process therefore immediately quintupled the ‘Palestinian’ terrorism against the Israelis.

[15]   1994 -- Yasser Arafat was given a Nobel Peace Prize, and the CIA trained the PLO, even though Arafat's henchmen were saying in public, this very year, that they would use their training to oppress Arabs and kill Jews; from “IS THE US AN ALLY OF ISRAEL: A Chronological look at the evidence”; Historical and Investigative Research; by Francisco Gil-White.

[16] The following is stated in article 27 of the Hamas Charter:

“The Palestinian Liberation Organization is the closest to the heart of the Islamic Resistance Movement. It contains the father and the brother, the next of kin and the friend. The Moslem does not estrange himself from his father, brother, next of kin or friend. Our homeland is one, our situation is one, our fate is one an d the enemy is a joint enemy to all of us.”

To see how closely Hamas and the PLO have cooperated in the killing of both Arabs and Jews, visit:

1994 -- Yasser Arafat was given a Nobel Peace Prize, and the CIA trained the PLO, even though Arafat’s henchmen were saying in public, this very year, that they would use their training to oppress Arabs and kill Jews; from “IS THE US AN ALLY OF ISRAEL?: A CHRONOLOGICAL LOOK AT THE EVIDENCE”; Historical and Investigative Research; by Francisco Gil-White.

As for Islamic Jihad, in 1987, it was reported that Islamic Jihad has “ties to the Fatah wing of the Palestine Liberation Organization.”

SOURCE: United Press International, October 15, 1987, Thursday, AM cycle, International, 592 words, Suspected Arab guerrillas arrested, By LOUIS TOSCANO, JERUSALEM

In fact, it was Islamic Jihad that helped produce the First Intifada for the PLO, for which read:

1987-1988 -- The ‘First Intifada’ was a US-PLO strategy used to represent the Arabs in West Bank and Gaza as supposedly oppressed ‘underdogs’; from “IS THE US AN ALLY OF ISRAEL: A Chronological look at the evidence”; Historical and Investigative Research; by Francisco Gil-White.

[17] Levin, K. 2005. The Oslo syndrome: Delusions of a people under siege. Hanover, NH: Smith and Kraus. (p.348)

[18] Levin, K. 2005. The Oslo syndrome: Delusions of a people under siege. Hanover, NH: Smith and Kraus. (p.xi)

[19] Shimon Peres | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[20] 1985 -- Shimon Peres acted as a US agent, against Israeli interests; from “IS THE US AN ALLY OF ISRAEL: A Chronological look at the evidence”; Historical and Investigative Research; by Francisco Gil-White.

[21] SOURCE: Levin, K. 2005. The Oslo syndrome: Delusions of a people under siege. Hanover, NH: Smith and Kraus. (p.329)

[22] 1991 -- Bush Sr.'s administration forced Israel to participate in the Oslo process, which brought the PLO into the West Bank and Gaza; from “IS THE US AN ALLY OF ISRAEL?: A Chronological look at the evidence”; Historical and Investigative Research; by Francisco Gil-White.

[23] The following is taken from: Levin, K. 2005. The Oslo syndrome: Delusions of a people under siege. Hanover, NH: Smith and Kraus. (pp.393-411).

“The most significant for Netanyahu of the pressures to resume negotiations despite PA [Palestinian Authority -- i.e. PLO] non-compliance [i.e. despite PLO sponsorship of terror attacks against innocent Israelis] were those coming from domestic sources and from the Clinton Administration.

...Netanyahu had measures available to him to try and counter both. He could potentially have used his exceptional oratorical skills to go over the heads of political foes and even a hostile Israeli media and effectively present the merits of his positions directly to the Israeli public. In addition, his insistence on PA compliance enjoyed extensive support in the American Congress... But...on August 14, 1996, he reentered negotiations with [PLO leader Yasser] Arafat without having made any headway on the compliance issue.

...[In late 1996] Arafat issued an urgent call to his people to defend the holy sites on the [Temple] Mount [which were in absolutely no danger], and he succeeded in triggering widespread rioting, initially in Jerusalem and then elsewhere as well. In addition, he unleashed his armed forces, including snipers, to attack Israeli soldiers in what became known in Israel as the ‘Checkpoint War.’ In the ensuing four days, fifteen Israeli soldiers were shot dead by Palestinian police and about sixty Palestinians were killed.

In the public relations war that accompanied the battles on the ground, Arafat again bested Netanyahu as he had done vis-à-vis the resumption of negotiations. The Israeli left attacked Netanyahu for allegedly having acted provocatively by opening the tunnel exit [to an excavation near the Temple Mount] and having thereby triggered the violence. The Israeli media echoed this view. Most foreign governments and foreign media took the same stance, with many in the media claiming that Israel had dug a tunnel under the Temple Mount. Again, as any of their correspondents in Jerusalem could have ascertained for themselves, Israel had not dug a tunnel nor was the existing tunnel under the Temple Mount.

The Checkpoint War demonstrated once more Arafat’s continued commitment to using violence and terror as weapons against Israel. But most observers outside the country, and indeed half of Israel, chose to ignore this and to continue perceiving Arafat as Israel’s ‘peace partner.’

...Netanyahu, failing to counter effectively the increased pressure on him mounted in the wake of events around the tunnel opening, responded to the pressure by reentering negotiations with the PA, briefly terminated in the context of the fighting, and by agreeing in the ensuing weeks to terms of withdrawal from Hebron. He did so despite his still not having secured any reversal of the PA’s pattern of noncompliance with its Oslo obligations.

...The Israeli army completed its withdrawal from the ceded areas of Hebron within hours of the Knesset approval of the agreement on January 16. Almost immediately, the PA initiated harassment of the Jewish enclave in Hebron, with rioting, stone throwing, firebombing, and gunfire. This continued on and off thereafter. The [Israeli] government added the events in Hebron to its list of talking points on the Palestinian Authority’s violations of its Oslo commitments and frequently reiterated its demand for reciprocity. But it nevertheless went ahead and offered on March 7 to hand over another 9.1 percent of West Bank territory to the Palestinians as the first of those ‘further deployments’ called for in the Interim Agreement.

...Also during this time, additional incidents of violence, in many instances perpetrated by Palestinian ‘police,’ including terrorist attacks initiated by Palestinian armed forces, added further to the violations invoked by the Netanyahu government in its demands for Palestinian compliance. Among such incidents were the murder of another thirty-eight Israelis, injury of hundreds more, many aborted terrorist attacks, and myriad stonings, firebombings, and acts of arson.

...In January, 1998, the Cabinet unanimously passed a resolution linking further redeployment [i.e. further handing of territory to the PLO’s PA] to PA fulfillment of commitments made or reiterated as part of the Hebron agreement.

But...Israel’s political opposition and media continued to urge [Netanyahu’s] government to move forward with territorial concessions, to advance the ‘process,’ and the [so-called] Peace Movement held rallies protesting the government’s alleged foot-dragging. To the degree that the government’s arguments regarding Palestinian non-compliance and the importance of reciprocity were noted at all, they were characterized as ploys being used by Netanyahu to obstruct ‘progress.’

…the Clinton Administration...effectively rejected Netanyahu’s demands for reciprocity. Indeed, it not only pushed Israel to proceed with territorial concessions without Palestinian compliance but insisted that the next round of territorial concessions exceed the dimensions proposed by the Israelis in March, 1997. Early in 1998, the State Department came up with the figure of 13 percent as the proper size of the next West Bank withdrawal, based not on any consideration of Israel’s strategic position and defense needs but simply on the fact that an additional 13 percent would place the nice round number of 40 percent of the West Bank under Arafat’s control. In effect, the administration reneged both on its formal endorsement of the reciprocity principle in the ‘Note for the Record’ and on its acknowledgment at the time of the Hebron accord that Israel had the right to determine the dimensions of the further interim redeployments.

Once more, there appear to have been steps that Netanyahu could have taken to counter both domestic and American circles that were undermining his stance on Palestinian noncompliance. At home, he could have done more to go over the heads of the opposition parties, the media, and even elements of his fractious coalition who did not fully share his jaundiced views of Oslo. he could have addressed the Israeli public [which public, after all, had elected him to office on an anti-Oslo platform] more directly and more forcefully on the dangers posed by Palestinian policies and evasions.

...When Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, in the spring of 1998, imperiously, and with veiled threats, summoned Netanyahu to Washington to finalize a 13 percent withdrawal plan, Netanyahu chose to remain at home. In response to this confrontation, many members of Congress publicly and forcefully sided with Netanyahu...

...But [Netanyahu] failed in both the domestic and American arenas to utilize effectively the resources available to him. Domestically, the pressures for more unilateral Israeli concessions persisted unchecked. With the United States, Netanyahu simply yielded and acceded in October, 1998, to attending a summit with Arafat and Clinton at Wye Plantation in order to hammer out a redeployment agreement that was obviously to be based on the American proposals of Israel ceding, an additional 13 percent of the West Bank. ...[Netanyahu ] capitulated, and in doing so not only failed to make effective use of congressional backing but undercut those in Congress who most firmly supported him and had most vociferously argued, with Netanyahu, that a withdrawal of the dimensions prescribed by the administration, at least under current circumstances, posed too great a threat to Israel.”

[24] Imediately below, Barak’s offers to the Syrians (his offers to the PLO are below the offers to the Syrians):

“With regard to Syria, Barak essentially followed the path of his three predecessors, soon making clear that he was prepared to return the entire Golan to Syrian sovereignty in exchange for ‘peace.’ He apparently did so, again, like his predecessors, with the full expectation that Assad would ultimately accept Israel’s offer...

In December, 1999, Barak began American-mediated negotiations with Syrian foreign minister Farouk al-Shara in Washington. The talks ended without a breakthrough, but over the following weeks Israel continued to pursue a Syrian agreement. The major territorial point of contention, according to news leaks, was whether Israel, in descending from the entire Golan, would withdraw only to the international border or, as Syria demanded, also leave those areas along the Sea of Galilee that Syria had seized [from Israel by force] prior to the 1967 war and that Israel had then retaken [in the war].

Even many supporters of Oslo and of the return of the Golan to Syria balked at Assad’s demand for more. They did so in part for pragmatic reasons, in particular because the additional territory potentially to be ceded, by extending Syrian control to the shores of Galilee, would present critical difficulties such as compromising this key resource of Israel’s water supply. But there were also issues of principle. The Arabs were demanding the return of all territory taken by force of arms and yet they were in this instance insisting that Syria be given territory it had taken by force of arms prior to the 1967 war. Nevertheless Barak, with the support of most of his government, indicated a readiness for additional concessions.

Still, the Syrians would not budge, even refusing to resume direct negotiations. In February, 2000, President Clinton met with Syrian President Assad in Geneva to test Assad’s intention and effect what he anticipated would be a major breakthrough. In the event, Assad indicated that he was unprepared for a full peace with Israel no matter how forthcoming Barak was on ceding territory...

[Just a few months earlier,] Syria’s state-controlled media [had been running] several stories with anti-Semitic themes. One such, in late November [1999], regurgitated the blood libel, the claim that Jews use blood of gentiles for their religious rituals, which was also the theme of a popular book by Syria’s defense minister, Mustafa Tlas (The Matzah of Zion, 1984). An editorial in late January [2000] in Syria’s leading newspaper, Tishreen, a mouthpiece for the Assad regime, focused on denial of the Holocaust while insisting that Israeli policies are worse than those of the Nazis... [Barak’s] most notable comment regarding the Syrian government during this period was his characterization of Assad as a ‘courageous leader’ (November 9, 1999).”

SOURCE: Levin, K. 2005. The Oslo syndrome: Delusions of a people under siege. Hanover, NH: Smith and Kraus. (pp.415-416)

On Barak’s offers to the PLO:

“Barak…floated the idea of moving directly to final status negotiations, and reports surfaced in the media of secret talks between the parties in which the Israelis indicated the extent of the territorial concessions they were prepared to make as part of a final agreement. Those concessions, according to the reports, encompassed more and more territory as the weeks passed and soon far exceeded what any of the military commentators thought feasible from a strategic perspective, even in the context of a genuine peace. However, the fact that [architect of the Oslo accords] Yossi Beilin, Justice minister in the Barak government, was one of the Israelis allegedly engaged in these talks lent credence to media claims of wholesale territorial concessions, as such a negotiating stance seemed to conform to the territorial offers Beilin had apparently made to the Palestinians during the previous Labor-Meretz government. News leaks triggered rising anticipation of the country again being presented with a Labor-Meretz fait accompli.

These reports of secret talks were surfacing against a background of information that one might have thought would have given the government pause in its proffering of additional concessions. Intelligence assessments provided to Barak in the preceding months informed him that the intensity of Palestinian incitement was increasing and was having an impact in stoking anti-Israel sentiment not only in the territories but also among Israeli Arabs and throughout the Arab states. Moreover, intelligence reports spoke of seeing this sentiment already being translated into increased violence in the territories and within Israel. Barak chose essentially to ignore the import of these assessments, remain silent on the incitement, and press on for an agreement.

In March, 2000, the Foreign Ministry did issue a bulletin expressing concern over increased anti-Israel ‘incitement, hostility, and demonization,’ much of it with anti-Semitic content, emanating from official state media in the Arab world, including official Egyptian media. But the government did not consistently press its concerns, nor did it amend policy in response to this dangerous development.

Also in 2000, media monitoring organizations such as Middle East Media Research Institute [MEMRI] and Palestinian Media Watch reported on anti-Semitism and delegitimization of Israel not only in Palestinian media and in statements by PA officials but also in the new curriculum and textbooks introduced by the Palestinian Authority for the 2000-2001 school year. For example, Jews are mentioned in the new texts almost exclusively in negative, derogatory terms, and maps consistently omit Israel, depicting all of the land between the Jordan and the Mediterranean as ‘Palestine.’ But this latest chapter of the campaign waged in Palestinian classrooms against Israel and the Jews had no impact on the government’s pattern of ignoring Palestinian incitement and violence and pushing ahead with offers of concessions in exchange for ‘peace.’

Despite Barak’s blandishments, however, Arafat, according to media reports, was balking at concluding a final status agreement. Some argued he was holding out for yet more concessions; and various Israelis aligned with the Peace Movement, including members of the government, urged Barak to provide those concessions. But as Arafat made clear in speeches to his own constituency and the wider Arab world and in his actions, he was not interested in signing any final accord.

…Seeing Arafat continuing to balk despite all his blandishments, and expecting that sufficient pressure from Clinton would change Arafat’s stance, Barak began to urge on Clinton a three-way summit to conclude a final settlement.

…As additional leaks emerged of what Barak was offering Arafat in the pre-summit meetings, elements of Barak’s coalition began to abandon the government.

…The rapidly declining support at home for his government, and in particular the very meager public backing for the wholesale concessions he was evidently prepared to make, did not inhibit Barak. He went to Camp David and put on the table, according to what could be gleaned from media reports (there was no official revelation of the proposed Israeli concessions), the transfer of about 95 percent of the West Bank, as well as all of Gaza, to Palestinian sovereignty. This included the Jordan Valley and other territory long deemed vital to Israel’s security and survival, as well as parts of Jerusalem, among them sections of the Old City and perhaps even the Temple Mount…

The summit continued for seventeen days. But, despite the dimensions of the Israeli offer and intense pressure from President Clinton, Arafat demurred. He apparently was indeed unwilling, no matter what the Israeli concessions, to sign an agreement that declared itself final and foreswore any further Palestinian claims.”

SOURCE: SOURCE: Levin, K. 2005. The Oslo syndrome: Delusions of a people under siege. Hanover, NH: Smith and Kraus. (pp.419-422)

[25] 2005 -- Mahmoud Abbas, who will soon have total control over Gaza, is the one who invented the strategy of talking ‘peace’ the better to slaughter Israelis. The US ruling elite loves Mahmoud Abbas.; from “IS THE US AN ALLY OF ISRAEL?: A CHRONOLOGICAL LOOK AT THE EVIDENCE”; Historical and Investigative Research; by Francisco Gil-White.

[26] “How did the ‘Palestinian movement’ emerge? The British sponsored it. Then the German Nazis, and the US”; from UNDERSTANDING THE PALESTINIAN MOVEMENT; Historical and Investigative Research; 13 June 2006; by Francisco Gil-White.

[27] “Anti-Semitism, Misinformation, And The Whitewashing Of The Palestinian Leadership”; Israel National News; May 26, '03 / 24 Iyar 5763; by Francisco J. Gil-White

[28] You may examine the documentation relevant to my firing from the University of Pennsylvania here:

[29] The problem, so eerily reminiscent of the 1930s prelude to anti-Jewish genocide, has become so acute, that more than one organization has been formed to monitor repression against people who speak in favor of the Jews on US campuses. For example, Campus Watch.

[30] “WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE MEDIA? (Part 2): Why does the Israeli media also attack the Israelis?”; Historical and Investigative Research; 20 August 2006; by Francisco Gil-White.

[31] The Oslo syndrome (p.404)

[32] “Gideon Levy, Shimon Peres’s former personal aide and one-time Labor Partys pokesman.”

SOURCE: Honig, Sarah. “Brains in deep freeze.” The Jerusalem Post, Pg. 8B. Friday, October 20, 2000.

[33] UN force takes over as Israel lifts sea blockade,  The Irish Times, September 9, 2006 Saturday, WORLD; Other World Stories; Pg. 10, 633 words, Nadim Ladki in Beirut

[34] 1967 -- After the Six-Day War, the US put pressure on Israel to relinquish the territory gained, even though it knew it was indispensable to Israeli defense; from “IS THE US AN ALLY OF ISRAEL?: A CHRONOLOGICAL LOOK AT THE EVIDENCE”; Historical and Investigative Research; by Francisco Gil-White.

[35] “The Shebaa Farms lie at the borders of Lebanon, Syria and Israel. Israel has occupied it since winning it from Syria in the six-day war of 1967. The UN has ruled that the land belonged to Syria, but a majority of Lebanese claim it as their own, including Hizbollah, who use Israel’s occupation of the area as the logic behind their maintenance of armed militia.”

SOURCE: Israelis exchange fire with Hezbollah in disputed area,  The Independent (London), February 4, 2006 Saturday,  Second Edition, NEWS; Pg. 26, 475 words, By Hugh Macleod in Shebaa, south Lebanon

To learn more about the phony ‘Lebanese’ claim to Shebaa Farms, see “What is the supposed grievance against Israel?” in the following piece:

“WHO ATTACKED ISRAEL?: Hezbollah has a master”; Historical and Investigative Research; 21 July 2006; by Francisco Gil-White.

[36] The following piece quotes the relevant portions of the Pentagon study and analyses it in its political context, with links to the original document (to go directly to the Pentagon study, see further below):

“1967 -- After the Six-Day War, the US put pressure on Israel to relinquish the territory gained, even though it knew it was indispensable to Israeli defense”; from “IS THE US AN ALLY OF ISRAEL: A Chronological look at the evidence”; Historical and Investigative Research; by Francisco Gil-White.


»» This Pentagon document was apparently declassified in 1979 but not published until 1984. It was published by the Journal of Palestine Studies:

"Memorandum for the Secretary of Defense"; Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 13, No. 2. (Winter, 1984), pp. 122-126.< This file is especially useful because it shows a map with the "minimum territory needed by Israel for defensive purposes"

»» And by the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs:

»» And as an appendix in:

Netanyahu, B. 2000. A durable peace: Israel and its place among the nations, 2 edition. New York: Warner Books. (APPENDIX: The Pentagon Plan, June 29, 1967; pp.433-437)

[37] Levin, K. 2005. The Oslo syndrome: Delusions of a people under siege. Hanover, NH: Smith and Kraus. (p.411)

[38] UN force takes over as Israel lifts sea blockade,  The Irish Times, September 9, 2006 Saturday, WORLD; Other World Stories; Pg. 10, 633 words, Nadim Ladki in Beirut

[39] The 1968 PLO Charter states the objectives of the PLO as follows. Article 9 says that “armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine.” That’s worth chewing on for a second, because the PLO could have written the same thing like this: “it is required that Palestine be liberated in the act of killing people.” Killing which people? This is relatively obvious. Article 15 of the PLO Charter states that it is “a national duty to repulse the Zionist imperialist invasion from the great Arab homeland and to purge the Zionist presence from Palestine,” and article 22 declares that “the liberation of Palestine will liquidate the Zionist and imperialist presence.” In other words, the PLO, which organization asserts that ‘Palestine’ may be ‘liberated’ only in the act of killing people, explains that its goal is purging and liquidating -- that is to say, exterminating -- “Zionists.”

SOURCE: The PLO Charter articles were translated by: The Associated Press, December 15, 1998, Tuesday, AM cycle, International News, 1070 words, Clinton meets with Netanyahu, Arafat, appeals for progress, By TERENCE HUNT, AP White House Correspondent, EREZ CROSSING, Gaza Strip.

[40] The US installation of Nazi war criminals as the post-war German intelligence service is documented in the following HIR piece:

“THE CIA PROTECTED ADOLF EICHMANN, ARCHITECT OF THE HOLOCAUST: Has the US ruling elite been pushing a pro-Nazi policy?”; Historical and Investigative Research; 8 June 2006; by Francisco Gil-White.

Here below is the relevant excerpt (but consult the above piece for the footnoted documentation):

[quote from HIR begins here]

The day before yesterday, 6 June 2006, the New York Times reported the following:

“The Central Intelligence Agency took no action after learning the pseudonym and whereabouts of the fugitive Holocaust overseer Adolf Eichmannn in 1958, according to CIA documents that shed new light on the spy agency’s use of former Nazis as informers after World War II.

The CIA was told by West German intelligence that Eichmannn was living in Argentina under the name ‘Clemens’ -- a slight variation on his actual alias, Klement -- but kept the information from Israel...”[1]

For those unfamiliar with the history of the Holocaust, Adolf Eichmann was the central architect of Adolf Hitler’s Final Solution: the German Nazi program of extermination of the European Jews. What the New York Times is reporting is that the CIA protected Eichmann after he became a fugitive. This is amazing, but the whole truth is even more amazing, and that's what the New York Times fails to report.

When the New York Times says that “[the] CIA...use[d] former Nazis as informers after World War II,” it is leaving most of the truth out. What is true is that the CIA itself was created by absorbing practically the entire Nazi war-criminal infrastructure. This was documented already in 1988 with material obtained from the US government through the Freedom of Information Act by historian Christopher Simpson:

Simpson, Christopher. 1988. Blowback: America's recruitment of Nazis and its effects on the Cold War. New York: Weidenfeld & Nicholson.

The documents Simpson obtained allowed him to establish just the tip of the iceberg, but that is already plenty. In the same year of 1988, when Simpson’s book was published, the Washington Post reviewed it, and said:

“It is no longer necessary -- or possible -- to deny the fact: the U.S. government systematically and deliberately recruited active Nazis by the thousands, rescued them, hired them and relied upon them to serve American interests and purposes in postwar Europe.”[2]

I’ve read Simpson’s book, so I know that the Washington Post was pulling its punches: it was tens of thousands -- not “thousands” -- of Nazi war criminals that the CIA absorbed, and these Nazis did not serve “American interests and purposes,” but the interests and purposes of the US ruling elite, whose values, I would submit, do not coincide with the values of the great majority of ordinary US citizens.

In its own review of Simpson’s book, the Toronto Star explained one of the consequences of bringing a veritable horde of Nazis in secret to US soil, with new identities:

“Many East European Nazi collaborators, leaders of fascist groups and governments in Eastern Europe, and leaders of pro-fascist East European émigré organizations soon became politically active in the [United] States and gained remarkable access to the most powerful intelligence chiefs, politicians, business associations and media moguls in America.”[3]

Now, one of the most important Nazi assets absorbed by the CIA, according to Simpson’s documentation, was Reinhard Gehlen, a major war criminal who during World War II was head of the Nazi German Foreign Armies East (Fremde Heere Ost). According to the released US government documents, “Working immediately after the war with Army Intelligence, the Gehlen Organization became the responsibility of the CIA, which continued the relationship until 1956.”[4] What happened in 1956? “Gehlen’s organization became the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), West Germany’s foreign intelligence agency,” when the CIA handed over the Gehlen Organization to the West Germans.[5]

So, after the world war, the CIA made sure that a major Nazi war criminal, and his organization, became the foreign intelligence agency of West Germany.

[quote ends here]

[41] Simpson, C. 1988. Blowback: America's recruitment of Nazis and its effects on the Cold War. New York: Weidenfeld & Nicholson.

To read more about this, visit:

1945 -- After 1945, the US created US Intelligence by recruiting tens of thousands of Nazi war criminals; from “IS THE US AN ALLY OF ISRAEL?: A CHRONOLOGICAL LOOK AT THE EVIDENCE”; Historical and Investigative Research; by Francisco Gil-White.

[42] To learn about this episode, consult chapter 7 of:

Gil-White, F. J. 2005. The Crux of World History. Volume 1. The Book of Genesis: The birth of the Jewish people: Historical and Investigative Research.

[43] To understand the political context of this genocide, read chapter 1 of:

Gil-White, F. J. 2005. The Crux of World History. Volume 1. The Book of Genesis: The birth of the Jewish people: Historical and Investigative Research.

[43a] It is common to hear disparagement of the ancient sicarii was supposed 'terrorists,' but that is not what they were. The sicarii did not murder innocent people. On the contrary: they murdered members of the Jewish ruling class who assisted the Romans in their terrorist violence against innocent Jews. They were careful to target only the guilty, for they were self-consciously ethical. The evidence we have of their activities is mostly from Josephus, their enemy, and this evidence makes them look very good.

The following excerpts are from: Horsley, R. A. 1979. The Sicarii: Ancient Jewish "Terrorists". The journal of religion 59:435-458.

“The Sicarii emerged in Jerusalem during the 50s. They received their name from the weapons they used, that is, ‘daggers resembling the scimitars of the Persians in size, but curved and more like the weapons called by the Romans sicae’ (The Jewish Antiquities [herafter cited as Ant.] 20.186).  Josephus's accounts of this distinctive group are both precise and consistent.

… Especially during the festivals they would mingle with the crowd, carrying short daggers concealed under their clothing, with which they stabbed their enemies. Then when they fell, the murderers would join in the cries of indignation and, through this plausible behavior, avoided discovery. The first to be assassinated by them was Jonathan the High Priest. After his death, there were numerous daily murders. [BJ (Bellum Judaicum -- The Jewish War) 2.254-561].” -- p.436

“The strategy of the Sicarii was apparently focused on the Jewish ruling groups, the sacerdotal aristocracy, the royal family, and other notables. This is only to be expected in a rationally calculated strategy; for in Jewish Palestine, as elsewhere in the empire, the Romans ruled largely through the upper classes who collaborated in the imperial system.” --  p.445

“In a second and closely related tactic the Sicarii extended their activities from Jerusalem into the countryside where the estates of the pro-Roman gentry were located, eliminating the Jewish notables and destroying their property.” -- p.440

[43b] Under violent pressure from the Catholic Church, many Jews converted to Christianity during the Middle Ages. “These new converts were extremely zealous in their efforts to return to their former co-religionists and to convince them of newly discovered truths” (Chazan 1977:829). Some of these new converts became leaders of the Catholic repression against the Jews, a famous example being Pablo Cristiani, responsible for reviving the famous yellow star that Jews were forced to wear, and for policies of forcing Jews to hear Christian sermons in France (Roth 1950:143, fn. 41). It was another Jewish convert to Christianity who instigated the great burning of the Talmud that took place in Paris in 1243 (Schechter 1892:82).


Chazan, R. 1977. The Barcelona "Disputation" of 1263: Christian missionizing and Jewish response. Speculum 52:824-842.

Roth, C. 1950. The Disputation of Barcelona (1263). The Harvard theological review 43:117-144.

Schechter, S. 1892. Nachmanides. The Jewish quarterly review 5:78-121.

[43c] Consult the section entitled “The push for Jewish assimilation in the 19th century” in the piece:

“The Crisis of 1933: In 1933, ordinary Jews all over the world banded together and came within an inch of destroying the Hitler regime. They did not fail. Their leaders failed them.”; from THE PROBLEM OF JEWISH SELF-DEFENSE, An HIR series; Historical and Investigative Research; 06 May 2006; by Francisco Gil-White.

[43d] “THE CRISIS OF 1933: In 1933, ordinary Jews all over the world banded together and came within an inch of destroying the Hitler regime. They did not fail. Their leaders failed them”; from THE PROBLEM OF JEWISH SELF-DEFENSE, An HIR series; Historical and Investigative Research; 06 May 2006; by Francisco Gil-White

[44] “How the mainstream Jewish leadership failed the Jewish people in World War II”; from THE PROBLEM OF JEWISH SELF-DEFENSE; Historical and Investigative Research; 17 January 2006; by Francisco Gil-White

[45] “How mainstream Diaspora Jewish leaders are failing the Jewish people today”; from THE PROBLEM OF JEWISH SELF-DEFENSE; Historical and Investigative Research; 22 March 2006; by Francisco Gil-White.