
  Part 0 -  The Crisis of 1933

 Part 1 -  Diaspora Jewish leaders WWII

 Part 2 -  Diaspora Jewish leaders today

  Part 3 -  Israeli leaders today

 Part 4 -  Israeli leaders in WWII

 Part 4.5 -  Refuting the defense of Rudolf Kastner

 Part 5 -  Piety and Jewish self-defense




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Edgar Bronfman


An HIR series

Historical and Investigative Research - 22 March 2006
by Francisco Gil-White
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How most mainstream Diaspora

Jewish leaders are failing the Jewish

people today


“Edgar Bronfman, President of the World Jewish Congress, ...suggested the [Jewish] settlements [in the West Bank and Gaza] were the key obstacle to peace and echoed [Hebrew University] professor [Ze’ev] Sternhell in advising the Palestinians that they would be wise to focus their terror attacks on settlers.”

SOURCE: Levin, K. 2005. The Oslo syndrome: Delusions of a people under siege. Hanover, NH: Smith and Kraus. (p.493)

Hertzberg   Bronfman   Foxman   AIPAC   Others



The simplest way to explain why the European Jews were exterminated in World War II is like this: at the time, the conditions were just right to produce an extermination of the European Jews. But this explanation is too simple to be useful, so we must specify, at least minimally, what those conditions were that produced the Shoah (Holocaust). I believe the main conditions are five:

1) A group with an antisemitic and genocidal ideology, the German Nazis, controlled a great many resources, whereas the Jews were in a weak position relative to this power.

2) A great many people came to believe, absurdly, as a result of massive propaganda, that they were in mortal danger from ‘the Jews,’ and that they therefore needed to defend themselves from ‘the Jews.’ Many ordinary people, in consequence, either did not oppose, or else cooperated with, the Nazi power directly in charge of the Final Solution.

3) The democracies also did not oppose, or else they cooperated with, the progress of antisemitism and then the Final Solution.

4) Incredibly, many mainstream Jewish leaders preached to the Jews that they should not defend themselves, and they also sabotaged the efforts of those Jews who did mount a defense (see Part 1).

5) Incredibly, many ordinary Jews chose to ignore the obvious signs that they would be exterminated, heeding their leaders’ calls not to defend themselves, or else choosing to defend themselves when it was much too late.

Between five and six million Jews perished in one of the worst human disasters in recorded history because the above five conditions simultaneously manifested themselves.

Now, one may legitimately complain that the above is not very satisfying. One should want to know, after all, why the above five conditions came about -- at least if one is interested in making sense of history. However, the minimal and very general explanation of the Shoah contained in the above five conditions has a virtue: it provides a simple checklist by which we can predict that another such massive Catastrophe is about to take place. In other words, if we are agreed that the above five conditions are broadly responsible for many millions of Jews dying in the mid-twentieth century, then we are entitled to expect that millions of Jews will again perish if and when the above five conditions recur. And so, if we are neither antisemites, nor imbeciles, nor moral cowards, we can work to prevent the next Catastrophe if we see that the above five conditions are once again being brought about.

HIR has published much material supporting the view that the first three conditions are manifesting themselves today (consult the footnote).[1] The present series on the problem of Jewish self-defense is concerned with documenting that conditions four and five are also manifesting themselves.

I have divided Jewish leaders into the following four useful categories:

Part 1. Diaspora Jewish organizations during WWII

Part 2. Diaspora Jewish leaders today.

Part 3. Israeli leaders today.

Part 4. Israeli leaders in WWII (coming...)

Beyond this, in Parts 5 and 6, I will examine the problems ordinary Jews have with self-defense, and the reasons why they allow themselves, with disastrous results, to be led by such people.


| A | Jewish leaders in the Diaspora

Jewish leaders in the Diaspora are not better today than they were in World War II. A full documentation of their activities would keep us here forever, so I will focus on a number of prominent examples that will be sufficient to make my case.

Arthur Hertzberg

In Part 1 we have seen that Reform Rabbi Stephen Wise -- the most important American Jewish leader of his day -- was terribly destructive to the effort to rescue the desperate European Jews. As we also saw, most Jews are completely ignorant of this history, which helps explain what otherwise would be a colossal absurdity: the fact that they celebrate the memory of Stephen Wise and name synagogues and streets after him.


But why so much ignorance about something so important? Here is a clue:

“At one time or another, and often simultaneously, Stephen Wise was president or chairman of a bewildering number of organizations, among them: the American Jewish Congress, which he founded; the Zionist Organization of America; the United Palestine Appeal; the World Jewish Congress, which he co-founded with Nahum Goldmann; and the American Jewish Conference, an umbrella group of dozens of US Jewish and Zionist organizations.”[2]

In other words, the organizations that are dominant in the Jewish mainstream today -- the ones that, by educating the new generations of Jews about what happened in World War II, might be helping protect the Jewish people from the next massive attack -- were created by Stephen Wise and his colleagues. What follows? That these organizations will prefer that their shameful past not be properly understood, and hence will not educate the Jewish people.

Consider what happened in 1981. In that year, there was an effort to change the dangerous and absurd state of Jewish ignorance about the role of the American Jewish leadership in sabotaging the defense of the Jews during WWII. A semi-official commission would study this chapter in history and inform the public. Holocaust survivor Jack Eisner is who came up with this idea, and he was going to provide the financing, but in the end he didn’t because, according to him, the people involved in the commission were going to “whitewash the truth” rather than make it transparent.

Should this be surprising? I don’t think so.

“Among the members [of the proposed commission] were Hon. Elizabeth Holtzman, Rabbi Arthur Hertzberg, Hon. Philip Klutznick, Mrs. Charlotte Jacobson, Dr. Bruno Bettleheim, Dr. Martin Peretz, Judge Simon Rifkind, Rabbi Arthur Schneier, Rabbi Marc Tannenbaum and Mr. Sol Chaikin.”[3]

I will not indict every member of the above proposed commission; for example, Martin Peretz is an opponent of the Oslo Process and a critic of the current Jewish leadership: he at least sounds like a Jewish patriot.[4] But someone like Rabbi Arthur Hertzberg does give cause for concern. You see, this mainstream Jewish leader has been “president of both the American Jewish Policy Foundation and the American Jewish Congress, [and] vice president of the World Jewish Congress.”[5] In other words, he has been a leader of the very organizations that were created by Stephen Wise and Nahum Goldmann.

Given that institutions survive the passage of time when the people in them recruit ideological bedfellows as replacements, it is not unreasonable to expect that Arthur Hertzberg will turn out to be like Wise and Goldmann, particularly when Hertzberg is given to bemoaning in print the supposed “scarcity of men such as Stephen Wise.”[6] With this in the background we may put on the table a hypothesis to explain why Jack Eisner protested that the commission he was to fund, and which contained Arthur Hertzberg, would “whitewash the truth” rather than expose it: Jack Eisner realized that Arthur Hertzberg would attempt a cover up.

I shall now support this hypothesis by taking a closer look at Arthur Hertzberg.

In 1979 Arthur Hertzberg came out with a book titled Being Jewish in America (1979). Julius Weinberg, who read it and reviewed it, understood the author’s political position to be as follows:

“Hertzberg proposes that the Jewish community of this country [the United States] should have an equal voice in the political decisions to be made by the state of Israel -- including Israel’s foreign policy.”[7]

And Hertzberg’s paternalistic attitude, Weinberg wryly observed, extended not merely to Israelis but to all Jews, for in Hertzberg’s opinion Jews are “no longer to be trusted to know what is in their own best interests, but are in need of enlightened mentors to guide their ideas and actions.” And who might these “enlightened mentors” be? Why, the leaders of the World Jewish Congress, including Hertzberg’s own exalted self.

The above pretensions were precisely those of Goldmann and Wise, Hertzberg’s forerunners in the World Jewish Congress. As we saw in Part 1,

“[Nahum] Goldmann wanted total control of world Jewry concentrated in his hands, and said so unabashedly. The World Jewish Congress, which he had set up with [Stephen] Wise, was ‘the single address’ in his mind.”[8]

In other words, Nahum Goldmann wanted the World Jewish Congress, a Diaspora organization, to decide matters for Jews everywhere, including Israel. So in his megalomaniac pretensions and general contempt for Jews, Hertzberg is just like his predecessors.

But this is not where the similarities end.

As we saw in Part 1, Goldmann and Wise did not defend the persecuted Jews; instead, they sabotaged Peter Bergson (Hillel Kook), who was defending the persecuted Jews. So Goldmann and Wise were interested only in their own power. Arthur Hertzberg has likewise continued this World Jewish Congress tradition of criminal disregard for the security of the Jewish people, advancing his “equal voice” in the service of sabotaging the defense of Israel.

Consider that for Hertzberg, as Julius Weinberg explains, “it is Israel rather than the Arab countries surrounding it that has to prove its benign intentions to the world.” Isn’t that remarkable? These would be the same Arab countries that have launched wars against Israel with the proudly and publicly announced purpose of exterminating the Israeli Jews.[9] So why does Hertzberg tell us that the Israelis are the ones who have to prove their benign intentions to the world? They haven’t attacked anybody, let alone called for exterminating anyone.


That was 1979, but Hertzberg has been consistent. On 19 September, 2003, The Jerusalem Post reported,

“In America, historian of Zionism Rabbi Arthur Hertzberg, like philanthropists Edgar Bronfman and Marvin Lender, has also chosen sides by appealing to President George W. Bush to put sanctions on Israel and to view Israel and the PA [the ‘Palestinian Authority,’ run by the PLO] as equivalents.”[10]

Hertzberg “has...chosen sides”: he sides with the PLO. Rather passionately, I might add: he wants US sanctions on Israel. And Hertzberg’s statements, mind you, were made right as the PLO was murdering scores of innocent Israelis at the height of the Second Intifada.


Now, when we see Rabbi Arthur Hertzberg lobbying for the Jewish state to be considered equivalent to an organization, the PLO, whose controlling core Al Fatah was created by a leader of Adolf Hitler’s Final Solution with the purpose of continuing the extermination of the Jewish people,[11] how shall we characterize this? Would the word antisemitism be too strong? (But one can find Rabbi Hertzberg introduced as “a man of impeccable liberal credentials,” so this is how you earn your ‘liberal credentials’ these days: attacking the Jews.[12])

Of course, Hertzberg sells his position as supposed compassion for the West Bank and Gaza Arabs (i.e. the so-called ‘Palestinians’), and various sources will echo this: for example, Wikipedia refers to his “outspoken criticism of the policies of Israel toward the Palestinians.”[13] But this is absurd. It is the PLO that has been oppressing the West Bank and Gaza Arabs, not Israel.[14] The serious problems for these Arabs began when, partly as a result of pressure coming from Hertzberg’s World Jewish Congress (more on this below), the PLO was imposed on the Arabs as ‘government.’ Since then, not only has the PLO been murdering innocent Israeli civilians, but it has also been murdering innocent West Bank and Gaza Arabs, sometimes executing them merely for selling land to a Jew, or for opposing the killings of Jews, when it is not murdering them for opposing the PLO on other grounds.[15] The Arabs in the West Bank and Gaza were treated infinitely better when the Israeli government was directly administering these territories,[16] so genuine compassion for these Arabs would require Hertzberg to be a vocal opponent of the PLO, not Israel.

What is the political effect of this spectacle -- of Rabbi Arthur Hertzberg on the world stage behaving as if he has a rather special animosity against the Jewish state? Well, considering that the man has been “president of both the American Jewish Policy Foundation and the American Jewish Congress, [and] vice president of the World Jewish Congress,” the effect on ordinary people (Jewish and non-Jewish alike), who are poorly informed, is to make them think: “Gee, if a leader of something calling itself the ‘World Jewish Congress’ says that Israel is the bad guy, then it must be -- because, how can Israel be the good guy if even the Jewish leadership attacks it?” As we saw in Part 1, in World War II Rabbi Stephen Wise had a similar effect on many people who otherwise would have defended the Jews: he confused and demoralized them. It is impossible to know exactly how many lives were lost this way, but given that Peter Bergson’s movement managed to save some 200,000 people despite Wise’s repeated acts of sabotage, as we saw in Part 1, the cost could be a few million.

More consistency: Since Rabbi Stephen Wise was the enemy of Peter Bergson (Hillel Kook), who was a founder of the Irgun Tzvai Leumi Jewish army, and who did his utmost to save Jewish lives in Europe while Wise sabotaged his every move, perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised that Arthur Hertzberg was an enemy of the late Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin, a former leader of the Irgun, and like Bergson a Jewish patriot.[17]

When you put all this together, it is kind of obvious, isn’t it, that Arthur Hertzberg will not want the actions of Stephen Wise examined or publicized because, if this happens, a lot of people might notice that Arthur Hertzberg, Stephen Wise’s heir, is behaving very much like Stephen Wise, who betrayed the Jewish people when they most needed him. So this seems quite sufficient to explain the fact that Jack Eisner, who was to fund Arthur Hertzberg’s work reporting on Stephen Wise’s role, should have complained that Hertzberg’s commission was going to “whitewash the truth” (by the way, some of the other members of the proposed commission were also cause for concern[18]). And because Eisner’s effort fell apart, what we have on the response of American Jewish leaders to the Shoah is just the belated work, in the last few years, of a couple of historians.[19]








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Rabbi Arthur Hertzberg

Hertzberg proposes that the Jewish community of this country [the United States] should have an equal voice in the political decisions to be made by the state of Israel -- including Israel’s foreign policy.

Julius Weinberg (1979)




































What is the political effect of this spectacle -- of Rabbi Arthur Hertzberg on the world stage behaving as if he has a rather special animosity against the Jewish state?




































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Menachem Begin

Edgar Bronfman, Sr.

The same year, 1981, that Arthur Hertzberg was sabotaging the effort to understand what Wise and Co. did during World War II, Edgar Bronfman, president of the World Jewish Congress (so, Hertzberg’s boss), was working very hard to endorse US President Ronald Reagan’s radically anti-Israel policies, which had for goal the creation of a PLO state in the West Bank.[20] In 1982, Bronfman was at it again, using his perch as president of the World Jewish Congress to endorse Ronald Reagan’s plan for Middle East ‘peace.’ Reagan was using Bronfman as a ‘Jewish diplomat,’ as if all Jews were the same and the World Jewish Congress spoke for them all, including citizens of Israel. American newspapers dutifully carried the headline “Jewish Leader OKs Reagan Peace Plan.”[21]

But Bronfman did not speak for the Israeli Jews:

“the Israeli government. . .unanimously and totally rejected the American initiative.”[22]

The Israeli prime minister at the time was Menachem Begin, the former leader of the Irgun’s military wing.

So there are no surprises here. Edgar Bronfman, like Stephen Wise and Nahum Goldmann before him, has been busy giving cover to the US government for its anti-Jewish policies. His support for Reagan’s anti-Israeli policies in the early 80s was extreme.[23]

Bronfman did the same in the mid-80s, when again as president of the World Jewish Congress, he acted as an informal diplomat for Shimon Peres, at the time Israel’s prime minister. The diplomacy Bronfman conducted (mind you, Bronfman is not an Israeli citizen) was meant to do an end-run around Yitzhak Shamir from the opposition party, who was the actual foreign minister. And the point of this diplomacy, according to some reports, was to give away the strategic Golan Heights to the Syrians![24] At the same time, Peres sent leaders of the American Jewish Congress, another organization founded by Stephen Wise, to be his private diplomats to Arab leaders with whom he wanted to legitimize the PLO as a political player.[25] Peres and Bronfman finally achieved their goals with the so-called Oslo ‘Peace’ Process, which empowered the PLO inside the Jewish state.

It apparently has not bothered Edgar Bronfman that Al Fatah, the controlling core of the PLO, was grandfathered by Hajj Amin al Husseini, responsible for one terrorist wave after another against innocent Jews in British Mandate ‘Palestine,’ and later one of the main architects of Adolf Hitler’s Final Solution in Europe. Hajj Amin also mentored Yasser Arafat.[26]

And Bronfman, like Hertzberg, has been consistent throughout. In the year 2003,

“Edgar Bronfman, President of the World Jewish Congress, ...suggested the [Jewish] settlements [in the West Bank and Gaza] were the key obstacle to peace and echoed [Hebrew University] professor [Ze’ev] Sternhell in advising the Palestinians that they would be wise to focus their terror attacks on settlers.”[27]

When we see Edgar Bronfman advocating the murder of innocent Jews in order to advance the political goals of the PLO, an antisemitic terrorist organization with genocidal goals, and which traces its origin to Adolf Hitler’s Final Solution, how shall we characterize this? Is the word antisemitism too strong?

This time, at least, “Jewish outrage forced [Bronfman] to apologize.”[28] Jewish outrage of this sort is healthy -- more of it may yet save the Jewish people.



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Edgar Bronfman



















Abraham Foxman

If you go to the website of the famous Anti-Defamation League (ADL), you will see a quotation from the ADL Charter of 1913 that states:

“The immediate object of the [Anti-Defamation] League is to stop, by appeals to reason and conscience and, if necessary, by appeals to law, the defamation of the Jewish people.”[29]

The leader of the ADL is a man by name Abraham Foxman. It is more than a bit surprising, given that the ADL mission is supposedly to defend the Jews from antisemitism, that it should be so easy to find Abraham Foxman defending antisemites, and in particular antisemites who attack Israel.


For example, in October 2003 there was a bit of an eruption in the US House of Representatives when it was revealed that the Ford Foundation was financing openly antisemitic groups among the West Bank and Gaza Arabs.[30] An organization that is supposed to protect the Jews from antisemitism should have been spearheading the demands for a federal investigation into the Ford Foundation, but what the ADL’s Abraham Foxman did instead was protest these demands:

“Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League told the Forward that it is too soon to call for a congressional investigation: ‘This is an institution that’s been around for a long time. They’ve established a credible reputation...’”[31]

The Ford Foundation has indeed “been around for a long time,” as it was created by Henry Ford in 1936. This is the same Henry Ford who popularized Nazi propaganda all over the world with his Dearborn Independent, an antisemitic publication that sought to convince Westerners that ‘the Jews’ in secret controlled everything with the purpose of destroying non-Jews, causing such a hysteria in the Western World that it made Adolf Hitler’s genocide possible. Henry Ford was such a big Nazi that Hitler not only gave him the highest decoration conferred by the Nazi state on foreigners, but in addition kept a life-size portrait of Ford in his office and was fond of saying that the American automaker was his inspiration. These and other facts about Henry Ford, plus the fact that the Ford Foundation has been advancing Nazi-like policies and attacking Jews throughout its entire history, are trivial to document, and HIR has produced one such documentation here:

A SKEPTICAL LOOK AT THE FORD FOUNDATION: Does its Nazi past matter?; Historical and Investigative Research; 18 September 2005; by Francisco Gil-White

But instead of making this public, Abraham Foxman, the leader of the ADL, jumps to the Ford Foundation’s defense the minute somebody calls for an investigation, and tells everybody that we shouldn’t be investigating them because “they’ve established a credible reputation.” Isn’t this behavior inconsistent with the avowed purpose of the ADL, which is to fight antisemitism?

The above defense of the Ford Foundation is not out of character for Abraham Foxman. It is not difficult to find this man apologizing for, and giving cover to, the PLO. For example, when Arafat was caught calling for jihad after the so-called Oslo ‘peace’ process had already begun, Abraham Foxman covered for him by supporting Arafat’s oxymoronic expression “jihad for peace,” helping confuse the Western public.

“Speaking to an Anti-Defamation League delegation in Gaza, Arafat said his use of the word ‘jihad’ in his speeches not only meant a holy war involving fighting, but also can be used in terms of peace.

‘We asked the chairman to engage as much as possible in words of understanding and reconciliation,’ said ADL National Director Abraham Foxman.

‘The chairman talked in terms of the jihad for peace so that the word jihad as we know it can be converted into the jihad of peace.’”[32]

Jihad means ‘Holy War’ -- the slaughter of infidels, as historian Bat Ye’or has documented in detail.[33] But if anybody is suspicious that a Jewish historian may have distorted the meaning of ‘jihad,’ then we can ask the King of Saudi Arabia what the modern meaning of ‘jihad’ may be. This will be quite relevant to Yasser Arafat’s own use of the word because Saudi Arabia has been a major sponsor of the PLO. As reported in the British daily The Evening Standard:

“In 1980, King Fahd of Saudi Arabia gave a clear definition: ‘What is meant by jihad is a united, comprehensive, integrated Arab-Islamic confrontation in which we place all our resources and our spiritual, cultural, political, material and military potential in a long and untiring ‘Holy War’ against Israel, of course, who else?’”[34]

If Abraham Foxman’s excuse here will be that he doesn’t know this elementary thing -- the meaning of the word ‘jihad’ for Muslim enemies of the Jewish state -- then he should be fired, because it is the job of the leader of the ADL to know such things. If he does know this, then how shall we characterize the fact that Foxman apologizes for the anti-Jewish terrorist Yasser Arafat when he calls for “a long and untiring ‘Holy War’ against Israel”? Would antisemitism be too strong a word?


The ADL has been quite consistent in helping clean up the image of the PLO. As Kenneth Levin points out,

“Yasser Arafat, from his entry into the territories [of the West Bank and Gaza] in 1994, orchestrated a campaign of defamation and vilification against Israelis and Jews. He promoted in PA schoolbooks and media, over which he always maintained tight control, denigration of Jewish belief, classic anti-Semitic caricatures of Jews, claims of Jewish perfidy and godlessness, blood libels against Jews, assertions that Jews have no historical connection with the land of Israel, denial of any Jewish religious ties to the Temple Mount, denial of the Holocaust, and much else in the same vein. Yet the ADL’s response was ambiguous at best. In the fall of 1998 it published a report on anti-Semitic statements proffered by the Palestinian Authority over the previous year, and at various times it would put out press releases urging Arafat to change his ways. For example, one such release in November, 1998, called upon Arafat to remove anti-Semitism from official PA airwaves. Yet Arafat’s anti-Jewish campaign did not keep the head of the ADL, Abraham Foxman, from leading American Jewish delegations in pilgrimages to the PA chairman or proffering Arafat ‘gifts of Jewish art.’”[35]

And I must add what Kenneth Levin left out: Yasser Arafat also broadcast, on Palestinian Authority Television, sermons by mullahs who screamed at the viewing Arabs: “blessings to whoever put a belt of explosives on his body or on his sons’ and plunged into the midst of the Jews crying: ‘Allah Akbar, praise to Allah!’”[36] But Abraham Foxman is apparently not overly troubled by this, and this naturally has an effect on the public: when one of the most visible Jews supposedly in charge of fighting antisemitism is found apologizing for the PLO, what poorly informed people conclude is that the PLO must be kosher. This is especially true given that, for example, Abraham Foxman goes out of his way to pronounce the PLO’s textbooks kosher (acceptable to Jews):

“At a meeting in Ramallah in September 2000, Foxman presented Arafat with a letter regarding recently introduced PA school texts...prais[ing] them for excluding ‘the anti-Israel and anti-Semitic passages prevalent in previous textbooks and curricular material.’ But, in fact, ...the new books denigrate Jews and Judaism and continue to teach that all of Israel rightly belongs to the Arabs.”[37]

As if all this were not enough, Abraham Foxman can also be found apologizing for the Vatican’s antisemitism.[38] Unbelievable.



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Abraham Foxman

This is an institution [Ford Foundation] that's been around for a long time. They've established a credible reputation...

Abraham Foxman



















How shall we characterize the fact that Foxman apologizes for the anti-Jewish terrorist Yasser Arafat when he calls for jihad?




AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee)

AIPAC is the most visible component of what people call the ‘Jewish lobby’ in the United States. A Google search on the ‘Jewish lobby’ or on AIPAC will quickly convince you that quite a lot of people believe this lobby to be terribly powerful, and to have great influence on what US foreign policy becomes. The same people matter-of-factly assume that what the ‘Jewish lobby’ does is produce pro-Israel US foreign policy. This is false. AIPAC in fact promotes pro-PLO US foreign policy, as the following HIR investigation has shown:

“WHAT IS AIPAC FOR? Does the so-called ‘Jewish Lobby’ produce pro-Israeli US foreign policy, or the opposite?”; Historical and Investigative Research; 5 May 2005; by Francisco Gil-White

In fact, the AIPAC leadership took such a strong pro-PLO turn when the Oslo process was jump-started that many rank-and-file members and contributors became disillusioned. As Kenneth Levin explains,

“...while some in the professional echelon of the organization seemed not only to embrace the Oslo agenda [the purpose of which was to bring the terrorist PLO inside the Jewish state] but to do so with conviction and aplomb, there were members of the lay leadership, the highest level of AIPAC’s financial supporters, who were unhappy with the organization’s stance, and many longtime contributors were so put off by AIPAC’s pro-Oslo activities that they withdrew their support.”[39]

What kinds of people will work with “conviction and aplomb” to assist the goals of an organization, the PLO, whose controlling core, Al Fatah, was created by a leader of the Final Solution to continue the extermination of the Jewish people? Wouldn’t such people have to be antisemites? But these are the leaders of AIPAC.

The leaders of AIPAC cannot claim ignorance of what the PLO really is, because AIPAC boasts loudly that the millions of dollars that concerned Jews have contributed over the years are supposedly spent doing all sorts of very careful research on the Arab-Israeli conflict,[40] and because the origins of the PLO are not difficult to document.[41]




The leaders
cannot claim
ignorance of what
the PLO
really is.








The broad picture

I think I have given enough focused examples, but I nevertheless want to make it clear that the above American Jewish leaders just considered are in no way exceptions. Rather, they are the norm. So I will here give you a quick panoramic view, relying on Kenneth Levin, who, in his book The Oslo Syndrome, has already surveyed this landscape.

Kenneth Levin begins his chapter entitled ‘American Jews and Oslo’ with the following quotation plus explanation:

Arafat is not going to be happy with that.

Sara Ehrman, board member of Americans for Peace Now, complaining that dovish American Jewish leaders had failed to press Secretary of State Madeleine Albright to treat Israel, led at the time by Ehud Barak, more harshly in order to extract additional Oslo-related concessions. (August 1999)”[42]

So, the Jewish leaders of Americans for Peace Now were worried that Yasser Arafat would be unhappy with American Jewish leaders for not obtaining sufficient political benefits for Yasser Arafat -- an antisemitic terrorist pledged to the destruction of the Jewish state. This beggars description, and yet it is standard for this American Jewish organization. In its earlier incarnation, which was called American Friends for Peace Now, “the group had published an ad in The New York Times essentially characterizing Israel as the impediment to Middle East Peace,” so the organization engages in anti-Israeli propaganda.[43] And what is standard for Americans for Peace Now is also the approach of many other American Jewish organizations. In fact,

“Leadership of both Americans for Peace Now and its predecessor organization overlapped with the leadership of such groups as the Jewish Peace Lobby and CONAME [Committee on New Alternatives in the Middle East, founded by Noam Chomsky] (which had lobbied against US arms shipments to Israel during the Yom Kippur War)”[44]

I hope you are doing a double take: an American Jewish organization, CONAME, led by the well-known Jewish intellectual Noam Chomsky, opposed US assistance to Israel in the Yom Kippur war. This was a war of aggression by the Arab states against Israel: “The War began with a surprise joint attack by Egypt and Syria.”[45] And yet Noam Chomsky’s CONAME apparently didn’t think the Israelis had a right to defend themselves.

In addition,

“Gail Pressberg, for a time president of APN [Americans for Peace Now] and then director of APN’s Center for Israeli Peace and Security, had a long history of involvement with anti-Israel organizations and events, including some marked by frank antisemitism, and in her earlier career had not notably demonstrated any concern for Israel’s security. Pressberg’s Israel-related activities have been documented by Rael Jean Isaac. In the late 1970s, as director of the American Friends Service Committee’s Middle East ‘Peace Education’ program, Pressberg had organized anti-Israel conferences and called for a halt to US arms shipments to Israel. Pressberg had also signed ads making wildly untrue and defamatory claims about Israeli actions in Lebanon, opposing relocation of the US Embassy to Jerusalem, and demanding Israel’s return to its pre-1967 borders. From the 1970s onward, she was a consistent promoter and apologist for the PLO. When, in September, 1986, terrorists killed twenty-one Turkish Jews at a Sabbath prayer in their Istanbul synagogue, Pressberg characterized the slaughter as due to ‘the humiliation and dispossession felt by the Palestinians’ and used the occasion to urge again US negotiations with the PLO.”[46]

How shall we characterize a person who apologizes for the slaughter of innocent Jews in Turkey, followed by an argument that this slaughter should produce a reward for an antisemitic terrorist organization pledged to the destruction of the Jewish state? Would antisemite be too strong a word?

But there is more.

“The Jewish Peace Lobby after 1993 consistently argued that Israel would have to offer the Palestinians more and that peace would ensue once Israel had made concessions along the lines the Lobby demanded, including the division of Jerusalem. It persisted in lobbying Congress for support for its stances.

Leaders of the New Israel Fund continued to direct most of the Fund’s resources to groups in Israel advocating Arab views and opposing and challenging [Israeli] government positions. In 1997 the Smithsonian Institution planned a lecture series on ‘Israel at 50’ and agreed to have the New Israel Fund formulate the program. The scheduled list of speakers consisted overwhelmingly of critics of Israel, such as Azmi Bishara, an Arab member of the Knesset who had recently paid homage at the grave of an Islamic Jihad murderer of Israelis...”[47]

And more:

“[the] Israel Policy Forum (IPF), [was] created in 1993 at the behest of Israel’s Labor-Meretz coalition government [Shimon Peres’ outfit] and placed under the leadership of a former APN [Americans for Peace Now] president, Jonathan Jacoby, who had earlier in his career signed a New York Times ad accusing Israel of ‘state terrorism.’

One of IPF’s early efforts, intended to convey to the American public and American leaders an impression of wide American Jewish enthusiasm for Oslo, was its sponsorship of a poll that ostensibly showed 87 percent of American Jews supporting the ‘peace process.’ The poll was grossly skewed in the framing of its questions, as, for example, in its asking: ‘As you may be aware, Israel agreed to recognize the PLO as the official representative of the Palestinian people after the PLO renounced terrorism, removed the clauses from its charter which called for the destruction of Israel, and formally recognized Israel’s right to exist. Do you approve or disapprove of the Israeli government’s decision to recognize the PLO as the official representative of the Palestinian people?’ Not surprisingly, 82 percent approved. The poll did not ask, for example: ‘Do you trust the PLO’s renunciation of terror?’ Also, it was, of course, dishonest in its assertion that the PLO charter had been changed.”[48]

Another American Jewish group, project Nishma,

“lobbied Congress in support of the [pro-PLO] Labor-Meretz agenda and sought to depict that agenda as enjoying wide American Jewish grassroots backing, with the skeptics among American Jews being a minority. Once more, those who challenged Labor-Meretz policies were smeared as opponents of peace. In 1997, Project Nishma merged with Israel Policy Forum.”[49]

Then there is the Center for Middle East Peace and Economic Cooperation, founded in 1989 by American Jewish entrepreneur Daniel S. Abraham.

“In December, 1996, during the premiership of Benjamin Netanyahu, the Center held a conference that was billed as a ‘Retrospective on the Peace Process’ but proved to be mainly, according to media reports, a sustained attack on the Netanyahu government. Guest speakers included PA [Palestinian Authority] general secretary Ahmed Abdul Rahman, former Secretary of State James Baker [who earlier had forced Israel to accept the PLO inside the Jewish state[50]], and columnist Thomas Friedman [a major critic of Israel, and Jewish]. Rahman excoriated Israel and its policies and insisted there were no Palestinian violations of Oslo. On the issue of Arafat’s agreement in several of the Oslo accords to change the Palestinian charter and its calls for Israel’s destruction, Rahman said, ‘We don’t want a new charter.’ Baker urged greater pressure on Netanyahu and suggested the United States had to get tougher on Israel. Friedman similarly advocated the administration forcing Israel to be more forthcoming and praised Baker and former Secretary of State Kissinger for having aggressively pressed Israel while they were in office.

Most of the other speakers as well focused their remarks on criticizing the Netanyahu government or Israel in general. Interestingly, the speaker apparently most willing to address Arab shortcomings vis-à-vis peacemaking was the Jordanian ambassador.

...the Center’s founder, S. Daniel Abraham, a frequent visitor to the [Syrian capital of] Damascus, became something of an apologist for [Syrian dictator and antisemite] Hafez al-Assad. In an interview in July, 1997, Abraham declared that Assad ‘wants to make peace with Israel...’ [and]...went on to observe, ‘Not all dictators are terrible people, and not all dictatorships are terrible forms in which to live.’ He added that most Jews in Syria live freely and ‘there was no anti-Semitism to speak of’; this after the great majority of Syrian Jews had fled the country and Secretary of State Warren Christopher had some months earlier protested ‘an anti-Semitic article published in the semi-official Syrian Times.’ A 1999 ad by the Center proclaimed, ‘President Assad has scrupulously kept all of his commitments in earlier disengagement accords with Israel. He possesses both the will and the ability to make peace with Israel and implement it throughout Syria.’ In contrast to his warm feelings for Assad, Abraham is reported to have asked President Clinton, ‘Do you really think Netanyahu wants peace.’”[51]

How shall we characterize Daniel S. Abraham. Is antisemite too strong a word?


I shall stop my review of American Jewish leaders here. As overwhelming as the above may seem, I have given you nothing more than a light taste. The pattern is clear.


How about Jewish leaders elsewhere in the Diaspora? They are not as important as American Jewish leaders, but they tend to behave similarly. As an example, we may consider the famous French Jewish philosopher Bernard Henri Lévy, who worked overtime to clean up the image of Alija Izetbegovic, an Islamist terrorist and antisemite who apparently allied with the Nazis during WWII, and who revived the Nazi SS Handzar division during the civil wars in Bosnia, in the 1990s, when he led a campaign of terror and genocide against the Bosnian Serbs, and against any Bosnian Muslims who did not agree with him. HIR has documented the activities of Bernard Henri Lévy in the following piece.

“WHAT REALLY HAPPENED IN BOSNIA?: Painting fascists as victims, and their victims as fascists: The mainstream media turned Bosnia upside down.” Historical and Investigative Research; 19 Aug 2005; by Francisco Gil-White

And the following piece documents how the leaders of some American Jewish organizations falsely accused the Serbs and defended Izetbegovic.

“WHAT REALLY HAPPENED IN BOSNIA?: Who started the war in Bosnia? And who committed genocide? Was it the Bosnian Serbs, as NATO and the mass media alleged, or the Bosnian Muslim followers of Alija Izetbegovic?” Historical and Investigative Research; 19 Aug 2005; by Francisco Gil-White

Now, nobody defended the Jews more bravely in WWII than the Serbs,[52] so some Serbs have come to believe that, in the civil wars that took place in Yugoslavia in the 1990s, they were betrayed by ‘the Jews.’ This is false. Most Jews -- due to the unfortunately dismal state of education about the Holocaust in the Jewish community -- are not even cognizant of what happened in Yugoslavia during WWII. And those Jews who demonized the Serbs in the 1990s were primarily some prominent leaders in the Jewish community, such as Bernard Henri Lévy -- i.e. not ‘the Jews.’

Those Jews who defended the Bosnian Islamists against the Serbs, were -- absurdly -- defending the legacy of Hajj Amin al Husseini, who created the SS Handzar division and organized the mass slaughters of Serbs, Jews, and Roma (Gypsies) in WWII Yugoslavia, and who also mentored Yasser Arafat, moreover creating Al Fatah, Arafat’s organization, and the controlling core in the PLO.[11] Not coincidentally, those Jews who have promoted anti-Serb propaganda tend to be precisely the same Jews who defend Hajj Amin's heirs, the antisemitic PLO terrorists, against the Jewish state. Bernard Henri Lévy is a case in point. He accuses that criticism of Israel is too strong, but, all the same, in a trip to Israel, pretending that the suffering of the West Bank and Gaza Arabs is the fault of Israel rather than of the PLO, he declared:

"And if there is indifference here [in Israel] to the Palestinian suffering, it means Israeli society has problems with its memory. This is to be a terrible Jew."[52a]

But the one defending Nazis in Bosnia is Bernard Henri Lévy, so he is the one with memory problems.









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Sara Ehrman

Arafat is not going to
be happy
with that



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Noam Chomsky





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Gail Pressberg







































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Daniel S. Abraham


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Thomas Friedman















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Bernard Henri Lévy

The only hope, [Lévy] said, was in the birth of modern, secular Islam, which is what he had found and admired in Bosnia.

Vanity Fair ( 2003 )



| B | Jewish officials in the US government

Jewish officials in the US government are hardly better than Jewish leaders in non-governmental Diaspora Jewish organizations. Much more could be written than what I will here present, but what follows is more than enough because I have chosen to focus on those US officials responsible for crafting US policy towards the Jewish state.

In the year 1994, The Jerusalem Post wrote:

“...the trio that implements Middle East policy at the State Department [are] State Department planning director Dennis Ross, …and his two chief assistants, Dr. Daniel Kurtzer and Aaron Miller...”[53]

Ross, Kurtzer, and Miller -- all three of them are Jews. This is the sort of thing that people with a certain kind of ideology will love to point out. For example, Alfred Lilienthal, who expressed his passionate opposition to the idea of a Jewish state in 1949,[54] immediately after the German Nazis, and then also a number of allied Arab states, had attempted to exterminate the Jews,[55] also makes the following complaint: “it is simply ridiculous that all American officials involved with U.S. mediation in Middle East peace are Jewish.”[56] (Alfred Lilienthal, by the way, says he is Jewish).

But the only question that matters is whether staffing such State Department positions with Jews in fact results in an unduly pro-Israel US foreign policy.

To answer this question, consider that it was in the year 1994 that the The Jerusalem Post made the above observation about Ross, Kurtzer, and Miller. Well, it was also the year 1994 when -- thanks to US government threats against Israel about what would happen if the Israelis did not accept this -- the PLO was brought to govern the West Bank and Gaza Arabs.[57] When the US began this remarkable bully diplomacy to force the PLO on the Israelis (which process was, in true Orwellian fashion, subsequently baptized the ‘Oslo Peace Process’), the terrorist PLO was actually languishing in Tunisian exile and had been essentially defeated back in 1982.[59] It was US pressure that allowed this organization to rise again from the ashes and nestle itself inside the Jewish state, from which position it has been easily murdering quite a few innocent Israelis, while extorting and murdering many innocents in the Arab population which it rules.[60] We are speaking, as mentioned before, of an organization whose controlling core, Al Fatah, traces its roots to Adolf Hitler’s Final Solution.[58]

The Jewish US officials in charge of forcing the PLO on Israel had to know precisely what they were doing because they have the resources of a vast intelligence service, and because documenting what the real intentions of the PLO were was not exactly difficult.

“In 1974, when much of the world was promoting Arab-Israeli negotiations in the wake of the Yom Kippur War, Yasser Arafat, leader of Fatah and of the PLO, formulated what he called the ‘Plan of Phases.’ The plan declared that the Palestinian Arabs would seek to acquire territory by negotiations and would then use that territory as a launching pad for military pursuit of Israel’s annihilation. With this agenda as backdrop, Arafat offered to enter into negotiations with Israel.”[61]

Consistent with this, in 1994, when the Oslo ‘Peace’ Process was being jump started, Yasser Arafat explained to a Muslim audience what the point of Oslo would be: jihad.

“A tape-recording has surfaced of PLO leader Yasser Arafat speaking to Moslem followers… Mr Arafat was exhorting his followers to prosecute a ‘jihad ... to liberate Jerusalem’. Mr Arafat does not deny the tape’s authenticity… [His followers] would have taken it to mean that the peace process was just a stratagem: a Trojan Horse which should now be exploited with maximum violence.”[62]

And again consistent with this, shortly before he died in 2001, Yasser Arafat’s right-hand man Faisal Husseini himself used the expression ‘Trojan Horse’ to characterize the ‘peace’ process.:

“...Faisal Husseini, the top PLO official in Jerusalem...[was] quoted as likening the Oslo accords to a ‘Trojan horse.’ ...the weekly Al-Arabi quotes Husseini as calling the Oslo accords ‘just a temporary procedure, or just a step towards something bigger…the liberation of all historical Palestine from the (Jordan) river to the (Mediterranean) sea, even if this means that the conflict will last for another thousand years or for many generations.’”[63]

Finally, there is the fact that Mahmoud Abbas, the new PLO chief, appears to be the very intellectual force behind Arafat’s ‘Plan of Phases’ as (a) he authored an entire study concerning how the Israelis could be prepared for slaughter by promising them peace,[64] (b) the media refers to him as the “architect” of Oslo,[65] and c) it is in fact his signature, and not Yasser Arafat’s, on the Oslo agreement.[66] Since this is the current leader of the PLO, we have perfect consistency: the PLO has always and only meant to destroy Israel.

So, we can point to the fact that, in the year 1994, the three people making US foreign policy in the Middle East -- Dennis Ross, Daniel Kurtzer, and Aaron Miller -- are Jewish, as if this amounted to an analysis of US foreign policy; or...we can point to the fact that in 1994, US foreign policy in the Middle East is in fact to twist Israel’s arm in order (a) to revive the PLO (a defeated Nazi organization that desires land only as a platform towards the destruction of Israel), and (b) to give the PLO both proximity to its Jewish targets and power inside the Jewish state by making it the ‘government’ over the Arab population of the West Bank and Gaza.

Or..., as I am required to do, given the topic of this article, I can point to both the Jewish identity of those crafting this policy, and to the policy itself, remarking that once again we have powerful Jews attacking the Jewish people. There really is a pattern, here. And -- I remind you -- Ross, Kurtzer, and Miller did everything they did knowingly, because if anybody has the motivation and means to discover the true intentions of the PLO it is the Middle East specialists at the top of the world superpower’s foreign ministry.

And how shall we describe the behavior of Dennis Ross, Daniel Kurtzer, and Aaron Miller? Would antisemitism be too strong a word?

In the case of Aaron Miller, there is also Seeds of Peace to consider. This is an organization that claims to be training the next generation of peacemaking leaders on both the Israeli and Arab sides by bringing teenagers of these populations to its camp in Maine, USA, and teaching them to dialogue with each other. The US government funds Seeds of Peace and, along with the Establishment media, goes quite out of its way to promote Seeds of Peace as a supposedly benevolent force. Kenneth Levin takes a different view:

“As reported in the Jerusalem Post in January, 2000, ‘A recent film called ‘Peace of Mind,’ produced by Seeds of Peace and intended for theater and television screenings around the world, casts doubt on the organization’s motives. It is so tilted in favor of Palestinian arguments, so unquestioningly sympathetic to Palestinian grievances, that it becomes a propaganda instrument rather than an ode to young friendship.

The film, in explicating the Arab-Israeli conflict as background to the students’ encounters at the camp, presents a doctored and bogus past and a similarly distorted present. While the film states that it was produced by the Arab and Israeli campers, three of the four Israeli students featured in it wrote to Seeds of Peace to protest its bias and to assert that ‘we did not make the movie, as the movie claims... The movie was only shot in part by us, and most of our footage, including its most significant statements from our point of view, were discarded.’

The mind set of the camnp’s organizers was further revealed in an incident recounted by the father of one of the camp’s Israeli students in a letter to the Jerusalem Post. ‘One morning, the camp assembly was told by the founder, John Wallach, that that morning a Palestinian had run down two Israelis and killed them and that he was subsequently killed. He asked for a moment of silence for the Israelis and the Palestinian. The Jewish campers immediately objected and refused to stand for the Palestinian. Apparently no one could explain to Mr. Wallach [who said he was Jewish until the day he died] that there is no moral equivalence between terrorists and their victims.’”[67]

HIR has documented that the main purpose of Seeds of Peace is to empower violent antisemites on the Arab side, dressing them up in the convenient camouflage of ‘peace.’

“WHAT IS SEEDS OF PEACE?: Does this US Intelligence operation groom young Arab leaders who want peace with Israel, or who wish to destroy Israel?”; Historical and Investigative Research; 21 September 2005; by Francisco Gil-White

The current President of Seeds of Peace is...Aaron Miller, the same man who helped craft the entire Oslo ‘Peace’ Process that is now destroying Israel.



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The behavior of Jews today who have important positions in the US government is a repeat of what we saw, in Part 1, was the behavior of most Jewish US government officials during WWII: they sabotage the defense of the Jewish people.


The next piece in this series is:

"What is the problem with the Israeli ruling elite? Is it stupidity? Or is it something else?"; Historical and Investigative Research; 11 September 2006; by Francisco Gil-White.




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Dennis Ross




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Daniel Kurtzer




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Aaron David Miller



















...once again we have powerful Jews attacking the Jewish people. There really is a pattern, here.
















































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Footnotes and Further Reading

[1] Condition 1 states: “A group with an antisemitic and genocidal ideology, the German Nazis, controlled a great many resources, whereas the Jews were in a weak position relative to this power.”

It does not require a special demonstration to say that Israel is surrounded by Muslim states whose populations and governments would like to see the Jewish state destroyed, and which have frequently called for the genocide of the Jewish people. Just recently, the president of Iran said that Israel should be “wiped off the map,” as the Ayatollah Khomeini also did before him. Against this, however, is the belief of many people that tiny Israel is actually a very strong country, and stronger even than the combined forces of the Muslim world, which has a population of more than 1.3 billion people, growing at lightning speed. If we grant this widely held yet absurd premise it will appear that the Jews are not in a weak position relative to their enemies, and therefore that condition 1 has not yet recurred. But, regardless, we will all agree that tiny Israel cannot very well be stronger than the combined Muslim world and the United States of America. It therefore matters that HIR has documented that behind the Muslim forces that wish to destroy the state of Israel is the government of the United States. I am not referring just to the obvious case of Saudi Arabia, which country the US has armed more than any other in the world, as documented here:

THE ARMING OF SAUDI ARABIA; Transcript of FRONTLINE PBS Show #1112; Air Date: February 16, 1993

I am also talking about cases that are less obvious to people, and which suggest a general US policy to sponsor antisemitic Islamist terrorism. For example, the following book -- which conveniently hyperlinks to every period briefly considered -- documents in some detail that US foreign policy (note the word ‘foreign’) has been consistently antisemitic, and dramatically pro-PLO.

“IS THE US AN ALLY OF ISRAEL? A chronological look at the evidence”; Historical and Investigative Research; by Francisco Gil-White

For example, it was the US that forced Israel to accept the PLO inside the Jewish state, and also the US Intelligence that trained the PLO as they were taking power over the West Bank and Gaza Arabs, even though PLO officials were explaining in public that they would go on killing Jews, and any Arabs who disagreed (to read about all this, consult the hyperlinks for the years 1991 and 1994 in the above piece).

And the following series on Bush Jr.’s war on Iraq documents, also in some detail, that the US ruling elite always takes steps that will strengthen the Iranian Islamists, even as they claim in public to oppose them.

“BUSH JR.'S WAR ON IRAQ: A general introduction”; Historical and Investigative Research; 1 December 2005; by Francisco Gil-White

This includes arming the Iranian Islamists to the teeth, as the US ruling elite did secretly and illegally during the Iran-Iraq war (the ‘Iran-Contra’ scandal), documented in a section of the piece below:

"WHY BUSH SR.'S 1991 GULF WAR? To Protect Iranian Islamism: Like father, like son: this is also the purpose of Bush Jr.'s war"; Historical and Investigative Research; 20 December 2005; by Francisco Gil-White

Why might US foreign policy be designed to assist the powers that wish to destroy Israel? This could have something to do with the fact that US foreign policy is controlled by US Intelligence, and with the fact that US Intelligence was created by absorbing in secret tens of thousands of Nazi war criminals after World War II. To learn more about this, read:

“Did the National Security Act of 1947 destroy freedom of the press?: The red pill...”; Historical and Investigative Research; 3 January 2006; by Francisco Gil-White

Condition 2 states: “A great many people came to believe, absurdly, as a result of massive propaganda, that they were in mortal danger from ‘the Jews,’ and that they therefore needed to defend themselves from ‘the Jews.’ Many ordinary people, in consequence, either did not oppose, or else cooperated with, the Nazi power directly in charge of the Final Solution.”

In World War II the above was achieved with a propaganda that went by the name Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, a Tsarist hoax that accused ‘the Jews’ of controlling everything in secret with the purpose of destroying non-Jews. The Nazis, with the help of Henry Ford, popularized this hoax all over the Western world, making a lot of people very afraid of the Jews. This exact same propaganda, just as before, is being widely reproduced all over the world today by professional antisemites, in both the Muslim and Western worlds. In addition, very slightly modified versions of it are being pushed by the mainstream Western media. HIR has produced a detailed investigation of how this works:

“THE MODERN ‘PROTOCOLS OF ZION’: How the mass media now promotes the same lies that caused the death of more than 5 million Jews in WWII”; Historical and Investigative Research; 25 August 2005; by Francisco Gil-White

Condition 3 states: “The democracies also did not oppose, or else they cooperated with, the progress of antisemitism and then the Final Solution.”

In World War II, the United States and Britain had policies that were designed to assist the Final Solution, even as US and British officials deplored the outcome in public. You may read about this here:

Today, the United States is once again assisting the forces that wish to destroy the Jews, for which consult:

“IS THE US AN ALLY OF ISRAEL? A chronological look at the evidence”; Historical and Investigative Research; by Francisco Gil-White

[2] Rapoport, Louis. 1999. Shake heaven and earth: Peter Bergson and the struggle to rescue the Jews of Europe, Gefen, Jerusalem and New York. (p.60)

[3] HOLOCAUST THE AMERICAN JEWISH CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE: The Rise and Fall of the American Jewish Commission on the Holocaust; The Forgotten Heritage: The Struggle of the Irgun's Delegation to the United States (1939-1945) Against the Silence of America (The Story of the Bergson-Hecht Group); Teh Jewish Post of New York; May/June 1996; by GAD NAHSHON.

[4] The Jerusalem Post; September 12, 2003, Friday; SECTION: FEATURES; Pg. 3B; LENGTH: 395 words; HEADLINE: The road to hell; BYLINE: Ruth Wisse; HIGHLIGHT: The writer is Martin Peretz professor of Yiddish literature at Harvard University.

BODY (Full Text):

I would much rather praise Israel's noble achievements than talk about its mistakes, but, alas, no one can shield the Israelis from the consequences of the Oslo Accords.

When Israel recognized the world's then-leading terrorist as the legitimate leader of the Palestinian people and pledged to arm his "police force" to prevent further attacks upon its citizens, it became the first country ever to arm its professed enemy with the expectation of gaining security. That Yitzhak Rabin thought such an action was "reversible" if it didn't work, only magnifies the folly of his government's actions.

Many Israelis assure me that by now "everyone" recognizes the error of Oslo. Yet those who express their disappointment in Yasser Arafat usually frame this admission in a glow of innocence, as though they expected to be praised for having paved their road to hell with good intentions. They proudly recount how much they were prepared to risk for peace, as if a gambler should be congratulated rather than treated for his desperation.

They boast that at Camp David, in the summer of 2000, Ehud Barak promised Arafat everything that he had wanted even though none of the obligations of Oslo had been fulfilled! These Israelis want to show off their readiness for compromise and accommodation, as if stupidity should be rewarded for being imprudent.

Consider the immaturity of this approach. Does a general expect to be rewarded for leading his troops into the enemy's trap? Does a CEO claim a bonus for having lost the controlling share of his company in negotiations with a cannier rival? Would physicians count on public approbation for handing out scalpels to a killer?

Arafat and the PLO made monkeys of those who negotiated the Oslo charade; they scored the first real Arab victory against Israel since 1948. Unless Israelis face up to the enormity of this debacle, they are likely to keep swallowing the same hook, line and sinker.

In a country where commissions of inquiry are routinely struck to investigate failures of omission as well as commission, no independent inquiry has yet been launched to identify the origins and the process of Oslo. I have a feeling that this is because so many Israelis still do not recognize that an unmonitored agreement with a professional terrorist had to result in increased violence against them.

[5] Arthur Hertzberg. Wikipedia.

[6] Review of Being Jewish in America, by Arthur Hertzberg; Commentary Magazine; Vol. 68, No. 2 (August 1979); by Julius Weinberg

[7] Review of Being Jewish in America, by Arthur Hertzberg; Commentary Magazine; Vol. 68, No. 2 (August 1979); by Julius Weinberg

[8] Rapoport, Louis. 1999. Shake heaven and earth: Peter Bergson and the struggle to rescue the Jews of Europe, Gefen, Jerusalem and New York. (p.62)

[9] The state of Israel was legally authorized by a UN vote in 1947. An Arab state in the other half of what had been British Mandate ‘Palestine’ was also authorized by the same vote, but the Arabs didn't want an Arab state in ‘Palestine’; what they wanted was to prevent the existence of any Jewish state. So they rejected the -- perfectly legal -- UN vote and launched a combined Arab attack against Israel in 1948. Azzam Pasha, Secretary General of the Arab League, announced publicly, and proudly, what the war would be about:

“This will be a war of extermination and a momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Mongolian massacres and the Crusades.”

Mind you, the Holocaust had just ended. To read more about this, and see the documentation, visit:

“Forced by external circumstances, the US government gave lukewarm support to the creation of the State of Israel in 1947. But then it reversed itself and implemented policies designed to destroy Israel.”; from “Is the US an Ally of Israel?: A Chronological Look at the Evidence”; Historical and Investigative Research; by Francisco Gil-White

For another example, Nasser announced his genocidal intent right before the 1967 Six Day War. To read about this, visit:

 “Although Israel suffered terrorist attacks from its Arab neighbors during the years 1964-1967, when they staged a full-scale military provocation, the US refused to help.” from “Is the US an Ally of Israel?: A Chronological Look at the Evidence”; Historical and Investigative Research; by Francisco Gil-White

[10] The land of delusion,  The Jerusalem Post, September 19, 2003, Friday, NEWS; Pg. 1A, 1151 words, Caroline B. Glick

[11] In this footnote I address two points: 1) that the PLO means to exterminate the Jewish people; and 2) that the controlling core of the PLO, Al Fatah, was created a leader of Adolf Hitler’s Final Solution.

The claim that the PLO means to exterminate the Israeli Jews is supported by the PLO’s own constitution, for this is what the PLO happens to announce as its intention:

Article 9…says that “armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine.”

Article 15 says it is “a national duty to repulse the Zionist imperialist invasion from the great Arab homeland and to purge the Zionist presence from Palestine.”

Article 22 declares that “the liberation of Palestine will liquidate the Zionist and imperialist presence and bring about the stabilization of peace in the Middle East.”

TRANSLATION: The Associated Press, December 15, 1998, Tuesday, AM cycle, International News, 1070 words, Clinton meets with Netanyahu, Arafat, appeals for progress, By TERENCE HUNT, AP White House Correspondent, EREZ CROSSING, Gaza Strip. [Emphasis added]

Historian Howard Sachar explains the following about Al Fatah, Yasser Arafat’s and Mahmoud Abbas’ organization, which is the core component of the PLO, calling all the shots:

“...the Fatah (Arab Liberation Movement) [was] veterans of the Mufti’s former Arab Higher Committee.”

SOURCE: Sachar, Howard Morley - A history of Israel : from the rise of Zionism to our time / Howard M. Sachar. 1982, c1979. (p.619)

Who was “the Mufti” -- the man behind the creation of Al Fatah?

That would be Hajj Amin al Husseini, who was given bureaucratic authority and a large budget by the British when they made him Mufti of Jerusalem in 1920, after Hajj Amin demonstrated that he could organize large-scale terrorist attacks against innocent Jews in British Mandate ‘Palestine.’ He used this power to organize another terrorist riot in 1921 (after which the British expanded his budget and bureaucratic authority), and then a much larger attack in 1929, followed by an even bigger attack in 1936-37 (this last one was called the ‘Arab Revolt’ and was organized with weapons provided by the Nazis). Each time, Hajj Amin’s attacks were against civilians, and they included, for example, such things as torturing Jewish children to death. In 1941 Hajj Amin met Hitler in Berlin. Hitler promised to conquer the Middle East and exterminate all the Jews living there, after which Hajj Amin would be installed as the local leader. Hajj Amin, for his part, immediately became one of the supreme leaders of the Final Solution in Europe, organizing large SS divisions in Bosnia composed of tens of thousands of Bosnian Muslim volunteers who carried out large-scale exterminations of Serbs, Jews, and Roma (Gypsies) in Yugoslavia. He also played an important role in getting hundreds of thousands of Hungarian Jews sent to Auschwitz, and in speeding up the operation of the death camps. Yasser Arafat proudly explained to his Arab audiences that Hajj Amin was his mentor and hero.

To read more on Hajj Amin's role, read:

“HOW DID THE ‘PALESTINIAN MOVEMENT’ EMERGE? The British sponsored it. Then the German Nazis, and the US.”; Historical and Investigative Research; 13 June 2006; by Francisco Gil-White.

Some of this material was originally published here:

“Anti-Semitism, Misinformation, And The Whitewashing Of The Palestinian Leadership”; Israel National News; May 26, '03 / 24 Iyar 5763; by Francisco J. Gil-White

[12] Levin, K. 2005. The Oslo syndrome: Delusions of a people under siege. Hanover, NH: Smith and Kraus. (pp.165-66)

[14] I will deal here with both points:

1) Israel's treatment of the West Bank and Gaza Arabs; and

2) the PLO's treatment of the same.

1) First, Israel's administration of the West Bank and Gaza followed a war provoked by the Arab states in 1967 that had the publicly announced purpose of exterminating the Israelis. For years prior to the 1967 war, there were terrorists attacks against Israeli civilians from the Jordanian and Syrian borders, while Nasser promised an impending Arab genocide of the Jews in Israel.

"…Syria used the Golan Heights, which tower 3,000 feet above the Galilee, to shell Israeli farms and villages. Syria's attacks grew more frequent in 1965 and 1966, while Nasser's rhetoric became increasingly bellicose: 'We shall not enter Palestine with its soil covered in sand,' he said on March 8, 1965. 'We shall enter it with its soil saturated in blood.'"

SOURCE: Howard Sachar, A History of Israel: From the Rise of Zionism to Our Time, (NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1979), p. 616.

Despite that, Israel's administration of these territories was quite benign. This is Newsweek, writing ten years later in 1977:

"Arab living standards [in the West Bank] have jumped more than 50 per cent in the past ten years, and employment has nearly doubled, largely because of the $250 million annual trade that has grown up between the West Bank and Israel. The Israelis have also kept the Jordan River bridges open, allowing 1 million Arabs a year to cross and to keep their markets in Jordan for such products as olive oil, soap and farm produce. The Israelis also allow the Arabs to elect their own officials, even though the winners are often radical activists. Still, the Arabs say they have never been more unhappy. . ." Source: Newsweek, June 13, 1977, UNITED STATES EDITION, INTERNATIONAL; Pg. 55, 849 words, The West Bank Today, Milan J. Kubic

So the Israelis installed a benign regime on the West Bank despite the fact that this was the population of one of its attackers in 1967, Jordan, in a war that was pledged to destroy Israel through genocide. But this enemy population was nevertheless allowed freedom of the press, the freedom to elect its own leaders, however radical, border crossings with Jordan, and the ability to take jobs in Israel. Can anybody imagine another country doing that, under the circumstances? Me neither.

2) The problems for the West Bank and Gaza Arabs began when the PLO organized the First Intifada, which, contrary to popular perception, involved much real violence by Arabs against Israelis who never provoked them.

The 'First Intifada' of 1987-1988 was a US-PLO strategy used to represent the Arabs in West Bank and Gaza as supposedly oppressed 'underdogs'; From “Is the US an Ally of Israel: A chronological look at the evidence”; Historical and Investigative Research; by Francisco Gil-White.

The following piece discusses the PLO treatment of the West Bank and Gaza Arabs under the heading "Why doesn’t Fadi El-Salameen complain that Abbas’s Fatah oppresses the West Bank and Gaza Arabs?":

"What is Seeds of Peace?: Does this US Intelligence operation groom young Arab leaders who want peace with Israel, or who wish to destroy Israel?"; Historical and Investigative Research, 21 September 2005; by Francisco Gil-White

[15] To read about how the PLO murders Arabs who oppose the killing of Jews, visit:

In 1994 Yasser Arafat was given a Nobel Peace Prize, and the CIA trained the PLO, even though Arafat's henchmen were saying in public, this very year, that they would use their training to oppress Arabs and kill Jews; from “IS THE US AN ALLY OF ISRAEL: A Chronological look at the evidence”; Historical and Investigative Research; by Francisco Gil-White

Here below is a report from Agence France Presse on the fact that murdering Arabs for selling land to Jews is PLO policy:

 “An Arab-Israeli paper reported Thursday that Palestinian nationalist leaders, including the grandfather of the PLO’s current top official in Jerusalem [Hajj Amin al Husseini, who was great uncle (not grandfather) to Faisal Husseini], sold land to Jews in the years before Israel’s founding.

The weekly Fasl al-Maqal, owned by Arab-Israeli parliament deputy Azmi Beshara and based in the predominantly Arab city of Nazareth in north Israel, ran a list of 54 leading Palestinians who sold land to Jews from 1918-1945.

It comes amid widespread controversy over a Palestinian Authority campaign against Arabs who sell land to Jews, mostly in the occupied territories but also in Israel proper. [Palestinian] Authority officials early this month announced that Palestinians who sell land in the West Bank, Gaza Strip or east Jerusalem to Jewish settlers face the death penalty. They have also said sales of Arab-owned land inside Israel will be punished...”

SOURCE: Agence France Presse, May 29, 1997, International news, 840 words, Historical Palestinian leaders sold land to Jews: report, NAZARETH, Israel, May 29

To read more about how, before the founding of the State of Israel, small landowning Arabs were terrorized by the big landowners (the same ones who created what is called the ‘Palestinian National movement’ -- in particular, Hajj Amin al Husseini), so that these big landowners could buy the land of the small Arab landowners at bargain prices and then resell the same land at exorbitant prices to the same immigrant Jews whom the big Arab landowners hypocritically denounced, visit:

Today’s West Bank Arabs are likewise between a rock and a hard place. Selling land to Jews is economically attractive because they pay well, and because keeping the land is a risk given that the armed thugs which the Palestinian Authority calls its policemen are fond of confiscating land:

“The 70-person [Gaza Security and Protections] unit was formed more than a year ago to crack down on militant groups, including Hamas and Islamic Jihad, and to track and arrest high-profile criminals in Gaza. Instead, some members of the unit were accused of turning into criminals themselves, confiscating land, smuggling weapons and intimidating the general public with threats of violence.”
SOURCE: Associated Press Online, November 27, 2004 Saturday, INTERNATIONAL NEWS, 991 words, Palestinian Security Unit to Be Disbanded, IBRAHIM BARZAK; Associated Press Writer, GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip.

[16] Israel's administration of the West Bank and Gaza followed a war provoked by the Arab states in 1967. Despite that, Israel's administration of these territories was quite benign. This is Newsweek, writing ten years later in 1977:

"Arab living standards [in the West Bank] have jumped more than 50 per cent in the past ten years, and employment has nearly doubled, largely because of the $250 million annual trade that has grown up between the West Bank and Israel. The Israelis have also kept the Jordan River bridges open, allowing 1 million Arabs a year to cross and to keep their markets in Jordan for such products as olive oil, soap and farm produce. The Israelis also allow the Arabs to elect their own officials, even though the winners are often radical activists. Still, the Arabs say they have never been more unhappy. . ."

SOURCE: Newsweek, June 13, 1977, UNITED STATES EDITION, INTERNATIONAL; Pg. 55, 849 words, The West Bank Today, Milan J. Kubic

[18] Phillip Klutznick, like Hertzberg, has served at the top of the anti-Israel World Jewish Congress, as president, and he has been an advisor to the same US presidents whose policies have been endangering the State of Israel.

“He was the national president of B’nai B’rith from 1953 to 1959, and later served as president of the World Jewish Congress… Klutznick’s knowledge was sought at the highest levels. He served as an envoy to the United Nations for presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy and Carter, and also advised presidents Truman, Johnson and Ford. He was Carter’s Secretary of Commerce from 1979 to 1981.”

SOURCE: Philip M. Klutznick, Omaha World Herald (Nebraska), November 28, 1999, Sunday, SUNRISE EDITION, Pg. 22, 374 words, Nancy Evans.

The late Bruno Bettleheim was accused of having been a “pathological liar,” including about his experiences as a Holocaust survivor, and the fact that he was a scientific fraud (his phony theories of autism brought tragedy to many lives) is consistent with such accusations.

“Beyond the controversy regarding Bettelheim’s psychological theories, controversy has been raging regarding his own history and personality. After Bettelheim’s suicide, allegations surfaced that Bettelheim had a dark side. Three ex-patients questioned his work, characterizing him as a cruel tyrant and critics, such as Richard Pollak, allege that he was a pathological liar who invented much of what his official biography tells of his life before reaching the United States. Critics also claim that he often spanked his patients despite the fact that he rejected spanking as ‘brutal.’ Treatments based on his autism theories failed to help children, and his reported rates of cure (around 85%) were found to be fraudulent.”

SOURCE: Bruno Bettelheim | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

[19] See:

Rapoport, Louis. 1999. Shake heaven and earth: Peter Bergson and the struggle to rescue the Jews of Europe, Gefen, Jerusalem and New York.

Wyman, D. S., and R. Medoff. 2002. A race against death: Peter Bergson, America, and the Holocaust. New York: The New Press.

Levin, K. 2005. The Oslo syndrome: Delusions of a people under siege. Hanover, NH: Smith and Kraus.

[20] In 1981 the US pushed for a PLO state in the West Bank against Israeli objections; From “IS THE US AN ALLY OF ISRAEL: A chronological look at the evidence”; Historical and Investigative Research; by Francisco Gil-White.

[21] Jewish leader OKs Reagan peace plan, Christian Science Monitor (Boston, MA), September 23, 1982, Thursday, Midwestern Edition, Pg. 12, 428 words, By Daniel Southerland, Staff correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor, Washington

[22] The Washington Post, September 6, 1982, Monday, Final Edition, First Section; World News; A1, 807 words, Israel Rebuffs Reagan, Approves 3 Settlements, By Edward Walsh, Washington Post Foreign Service, JERUSALEM, Sept. 5, 1982

[23] US president Ronald Reagan was exerting “pressure on Mr Begin to agree to a Palestinian autonomy agreement.” The better to exert pressure, the Reagan administration “indefinitely postpone[ed] Mr Begin’s next trip to Washington and disown[ed] Israel’s demand for monitoring stations in southern Lebanon after the main body of its forces leaves the country.” In addition, “The Reagan Administration is also quietly delaying seeking Congressional approval for delivery of Israel’s next batch of F-16 jet fighters.” And not only that: “Leaked reports in Washington that the Administration is considering the drastic step of cutting off military aid to Israel so long as its forces remain in Lebanon have not been totally denied.” Edgar Bronfman was helping Reagan out: “Earlier this week. Mr Edgar Bronfman, head of the World Jewish Congress, the largest international Jewish organization, distanced himself from the official Israeli line and said that Israel would have to make political concessions to secure peace.”

SOURCE: Time runs short for Reagan's Middle East peace plan, Financial Times (London,England), February 3, 1983, Thursday, SECTION I; American News; Pg. 4, 1019 words, Reginald Dale.

To read more about how Edgar Bronfman loudly supported the anti-Israel policies of the Reagan administration, consult the following two pieces:

In 1981, the US pushed for a PLO state in the West Bank against Israeli objections; From “IS THE US AN ALLY OF ISRAEL: A chronological look at the evidence”; Historical and Investigative Research; by Francisco Gil-White.

In 1982-1983 the US military rushed into Lebanon to protect the PLO from the Israelis; From “IS THE US AN ALLY OF ISRAEL: A chronological look at the evidence”; Historical and Investigative Research; by Francisco Gil-White.

[24] In 1985, Shimon Peres acted as a US agent, against Israeli interests; From “Is the US an Ally of Israel: A chronological look at the evidence”; Historical and Investigative Research; by Francisco Gil-White.

[25] See above footnote.

[26] In this footnote I address two points: 1) that the PLO means to exterminate the Jewish people; and 2) that the controlling core of the PLO, Al Fatah, was created by a leader of Adolf Hitler’s Final Solution.

The claim that the PLO means to exterminate the Israeli Jews is supported by the PLO’s own constitution, for this is what the PLO happens to announce as its intention:

Article 9…says that “armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine.”

Article 15 says it is “a national duty to repulse the Zionist imperialist invasion from the great Arab homeland and to purge the Zionist presence from Palestine.”

Article 22 declares that “the liberation of Palestine will liquidate the Zionist and imperialist presence and bring about the stabilization of peace in the Middle East.”

TRANSLATION: The Associated Press, December 15, 1998, Tuesday, AM cycle, International News, 1070 words, Clinton meets with Netanyahu, Arafat, appeals for progress, By TERENCE HUNT, AP White House Correspondent, EREZ CROSSING, Gaza Strip. [Emphasis added]

Historian Howard Sachar explains the following about Al Fatah, Yasser Arafat’s and Mahmoud Abbas’ organization, which is the core component of the PLO, calling all the shots:

“...the Fatah (Arab Liberation Movement) [was] veterans of the Mufti’s former Arab Higher Committee.”

SOURCE: Sachar, Howard Morley - A history of Israel : from the rise of Zionism to our time / Howard M. Sachar. 1982, c1979. (p.619)

Who was “the Mufti” -- the man behind the creation of Al Fatah?

That would be Hajj Amin al Husseini, who was given bureaucratic authority and a large budget by the British when they made him Mufti of Jerusalem in 1920, after Hajj Amin demonstrated that he could organize large-scale terrorist attacks against innocent Jews in British Mandate ‘Palestine.’ He used this power to organize another terrorist riot in 1921 (after which the British expanded his budget and bureaucratic authority), and then a much larger attack in 1929, followed by an even bigger attack in 1936-37 (this last one was called the ‘Arab Revolt’ and was organized with weapons provided by the Nazis). Each time, Hajj Amin’s attacks were against civilians, and they included, for example, such things as torturing Jewish children to death. In 1941 Hajj Amin met Hitler in Berlin. Hitler promised to conquer the Middle East and exterminate all the Jews living there, after which Hajj Amin would be installed as the local leader. Hajj Amin, for his part, immediately became one of the supreme leaders of the Final Solution in Europe, organizing large SS divisions in Bosnia composed of tens of thousands of Bosnian Muslim volunteers who carried out large-scale exterminations of Serbs, Jews, and Roma (gypsies) in Yugoslavia. He also played an important role in getting hundreds of thousands of Hungarian Jews sent to Auschwitz, and in speeding up the operation of the death camps. Yasser Arafat proudly explained to his Arab audiences that Hajj Amin was his mentor and hero.

To read more about Hajj Amin al Husseini, visit:

“HOW DID THE ‘PALESTINIAN MOVEMENT’ EMERGE? The British sponsored it. Then the German Nazis, and the US.”; Historical and Investigative Research; 13 June 2006; by Francisco Gil-White.

Some of this material was originally published here:

“Anti-Semitism, Misinformation, And The Whitewashing Of The Palestinian Leadership”; Israel National News; May 26, '03 / 24 Iyar 5763; by Francisco J. Gil-White

[27] Levin, K. 2005. The Oslo syndrome: Delusions of a people under siege. Hanover, NH: Smith and Kraus. (p.493)

[28] "TWO AND half years ago I publicly reprimanded Edgar Bronfman the president of the World Jewish Congress when on the eve of a meeting between President George W. Bush and Prime Minister Ariel Sharon he co-signed a letter with former secretary of state Lawrence Eagleburger calling on the president to reject Israel's intention to build a separation wall. Without consulting any of his WJC colleagues Bronfman also took it upon himself to urge the president to exert pressure on Israel and apply "the same straightforwardness in his meeting with Prime Minister Sharon" as he had with the Palestinian leadership.

A few days later Bronfman went further and commented that had the Palestinians concentrated exclusively on killing Jews over the Green Line avoiding attacking Jews inside Israel proper they would have achieved a Palestinian state and enjoy the support of the entire world. Jewish outrage forced him to apologize."

SOURCE: When Seymour met Condi,  The Jerusalem Post, November 24, 2005, Thursday, OPINION; Pg. 16, 1141 words, Isi Leibler

And what did Bronfman say, exactly? According to one source, this:

"if the Palestinian suicide bombers only went to the settlements the whole world would have had a case against Israel and there would be a two-state solution by now."

SOURCE: Letters to the Editor, The Jerusalem Post, August 19, 2003, Tuesday, OPINION; Pg. 6, 1492 words, Barry Lynn, Ralph Haglund, Endre Mozes, Martin Schwartz, Andrea Simantov, Stephen Leavitt, Larry Derfner Reponds, Paul M. Katz, Greer Fay Cashman Responds

And according to another source, this:

"If the Palestinian suicide bombers only went to the settlements and told the whole world they were wrong, then the whole world would have had a case against Israel and there would be a two-state solution by now. Instead, they sent him into Israel proper, which is ghastly."

SOURCE: WJC heads in feud over Israel criticism, The Jerusalem Post, August 15, 2003, Friday, NEWS; Pg. 6A, 718 words, Melissa Radler And Michael Freund

In other words, it is ghastly to kill people in what Bronfman calls 'Israel proper'. Put ripping to shreds innocent civilians is not ghastly if these civilians are Jewish settlers in the West Bank and Gaza.

[30] "A recent investigative report on the Ford Foundation's funding of Palestinian groups is triggering calls for a federal investigation...

Rep. Jerrold Nadler, a Democrat from New York, and the American Jewish Congress are urging a federal probe into the alleged financial ties between what might be the country's most prestigious foundation and anti-Israel Palestinian groups...

The calls come in reaction to an investigative report published in last week's Forward, alleging that the foundation had backed Palestinian groups accused of fomenting the anti-Israel agitation and blatant antisemitism two years ago at the U.N. World Conference Against Racism in Durban, South Africa...

...'The Ford Foundation, at best, used poor judgment in its decision to fund Palestinian organizations that promote extremist anti-Israel and antisemitic agendas,' [Representative Henry] Waxman said. 'They may have also violated U.S. law, if these groups are found to have links with Palestinian terrorist organizations. I hope there will be a full investigation...'"

SOURCE: "Probe Demanded of Ford Foundation Funding"; By NACHA CATTAN, FORWARD STAFF; OCTOBER 24, 2003.

[31] "Probe Demanded of Ford Foundation Funding"; By NACHA CATTAN, FORWARD STAFF; OCTOBER 24, 2003.

[32] Arafat to ADL: I’ll urge PNC to alter Charter, The Jerusalem Post, November 19, 1995, Sunday, NEWS; Pg. 2, 296 words, Elli Wohlgelernter

[33] To understand better the meaning of jihad, consult:

Bat Ye'or (2002) Jews and Christians under Islam: Dhimmitude and Marcionism. Published in French as Juifs et chrétiens sous l’islam, Dhimmitude et marcionisme [Commentaire, N°97, Printemps 2002]

French original:

[34] SOURCE: Evening Standard (London) May 19, 1994; SECTION: Pg. 9; LENGTH: 907 words; HEADLINE: A NEW KIND OF JIHAD

[35] Levin, K. 2005. The Oslo syndrome: Delusions of a people under siege. Hanover, NH: Smith and Kraus. (pp.459-60)

[36] At the following address:

you will find a collection of televised Friday sermons, with translation, put together by the Middle East Media Research. Look for the heading:  “Palestinian Authority Sermons 2000-2003.” The quotation in the text, conveniently, is the first in the collection.

[37] Levin, K. 2005. The Oslo syndrome: Delusions of a people under siege. Hanover, NH: Smith and Kraus. (p.460)

[38] Truth vs. Hype: The policies of the Vatican under John Paul II regarding Jews and the Holocaust, Yugoslavia and El Salvador; "Part 1: Did the Pope Really Reject Church Antisemitism? Mr. Foxman's Mistake"; by Jared Israel; 21 April 2005.

[39] Levin, K. 2005. The Oslo syndrome: Delusions of a people under siege. Hanover, NH: Smith and Kraus. (p.457)

[40] From the AIPAC website:

“Activists work closely with AIPAC’s professional staff, people drawn from the top echelons of government, diplomacy, academia and politics. AIPAC lobbyists meet every member of Congress and cover every hearing on Capitol Hill that touches on the U.S.-Israel relationship. AIPAC policy experts each day review hundreds of periodicals, journals, speeches and reports and meet regularly with the most innovative foreign policy thinkers in order to track and analyze events and trends. Professionals in AIPAC’s regional offices reach out to activists in hundreds of communities each year from Missoula, Montana, to Miami, Florida. Whether meeting in a neighbor’s living room, attending a ballroom gala or participating in an AIPAC conference in Washington, AIPAC activists receive the most up-to-date analyses of Middle East issues and American politics. For more than two decades, AIPAC’s Political Leadership Development Program has educated and trained young leaders in pro-Israel advocacy, and encouraged them to become politically active. Students involved with AIPAC learn how to effectively advocate for a strong U.S.-Israel relationship, bring their Members of Congress to campus, promote voter registration, work on political campaigns, and build relationships with other student leaders.”

[41] You will find the most complete documentation on this here:

“HOW DID THE ‘PALESTINIAN MOVEMENT’ EMERGE? The British sponsored it. Then the German Nazis, and the US.”; Historical and Investigative Research; 13 June 2006; by Francisco Gil-White.

Some of this material was originally published here:

“Anti-Semitism, Misinformation, And The Whitewashing Of The Palestinian Leadership”; Israel National News; May 26, '03 / 24 Iyar 5763; by Francisco J. Gil-White

[42] Levin, K. 2005. The Oslo syndrome: Delusions of a people under siege. Hanover, NH: Smith and Kraus. (p.448)

[43] The Oslo syndrome. (p.450)

[44] The Oslo syndrome. (p.450)

On CONAME’s founding:

“…the Committee on New Alternatives in the Middle East (CONAME), among whose founders, in 1970, were anti-Zionists such as Noam Chomsky. During the 1973 war, CONAME lobbied against U.S. resupply of Israel. The following year, the same year Yasser Arafat promulgated his Plan of Phases for Israel’s annihilation, the organization distributed an article by one of its financial backers praising Arafat for his ‘moderation and pragmatism’ and offering justifications for the PLO’s recent massacre of more than twenty Israeli schoolchildren at Ma’a lot.”

SOURCE: The Oslo syndrome. (p.450)

[45] Yom Kippur War | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[46] The Oslo syndrome. (p.450)

[47] The Oslo syndrome. (p.449)

[48] The Oslo syndrome. (p.452)

[49] The Oslo syndrome. (pp.452-53)

[50] “In 1991, Bush Sr.’s administration forced Israel to participate in the Oslo process, which brought the PLO into the West Bank and Gaza”; from “IS THE US AN ALLY OF ISRAEL?: A Chronological Look at the Evidence”; Historical and Investigative Research; by Francisco Gil-White.

[51] The Oslo syndrome. (p.453)

[52] The following is from the book "Serbs Chose War" (by Ruth Mitchell, Garden City Publishers, New York, 1943, pp. 260-264.)

“Source: Letter written by a Jewish physician, a professor in the Department of Medicine in the University of Belgrade, to a friend in London on his escape from Yugoslavia in 1942. As the writer is a Jew, for the sake of relatives who remain in Yugoslavia his name cannot be used.”


“In Yugoslavia there were 85,000 Jews, including Jewish émigrés from Germany, Austria, Poland and Czechoslovakia. Thanks to the Serbs, the Yugoslav Jews had succeeded in saving and rescuing many of their compatriots from Germany and German-occupied countries. Service rendered and assistance given to Jews by Yugoslav consular officials in Austria and Czechoslovakia has specially to be recognized. Of the total number of Jews in Yugoslavia about 7,500 were refugees.

After the [Nazi invasion in 1941]...the Jews came under the rule of various regimes, including Pavelich's 'Independent Croatian State'.

The 'solution' of the Jewish question in the Independent Croatia devolved upon the Croatian Ustashis. [This was the clerical-fascist regime set up in Croatia with Nazi approval.] In Serbia, however, the Jewish problem was not dealt with by the Serbs themselves. This the Germans reserved for themselves. There are special reasons for this. When they occupied Serbia, the Germans did not find any anti-Semitic feeling in the country. They could not persuade either the local population or the local authorities to take any anti-Semitic measures.

The fact that Nedich [the Serbian quisling government, installed after the Nazi invasion] twice demanded from the German commanding officer in Serbia and the Banat that he and his government should be given the right to settle the Jewish problem, against whom no drastic measures should and could be taken in Serbia, shows the feeling of the Serbian people toward the Jews. The following reasons were given by Nedich to the Germans for this demand. If the Germans wanted the Serbs to calm down, it would be of first importance to stop the terrible persecution of the Serbian Jews. The Serbian people could not and would not accept such treatment 'of their compatriots of the Jewish religion.' The Serbs consider Jews as their brothers, only of a different religion. The answer which Nedich received from the Germans regarding this demand was 'that the Serbs have not attained a culture to the degree necessary to enable them to deal with the Jews. We ourselves shall settle the Jewish question in Serbia.'

With regard to anti-Semitism, Yugoslavia can be divided into two parts, i.e., districts where this feeling was latent, and Serbia, where, it can be said without any exaggeration, anti-Semitic feeling has never had any root.

During Yugoslavia's twenty-three years of existence, Serbia has always professed the free democratic tradition existing in the former Kingdom of Serbia. There in the nineteenth century, and later in the twentieth, the Jews always had full civic rights and complete equality with their Serbian compatriots. This equality was not only granted in various constitutions of the Kingdom of Serbia and later of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, but it was also a true expression of the relationship between the Orthodox Serbs and the Jews in their everyday contact. This friendly and amicable relationship also existed in the economic, financial, and political life in Serbia. The small group of Jews living in Serbia gave their contribution towards the cultural and political life in Serbia's struggle for the formation of a state of South Slavs. The Jews had in Serbia members of Parliament. In Serbia's struggle for liberation, the Jews gave their contribution. Several were awarded the Karadgeorge Star for bravery in the battlefield - equivalent to the British V.C.

About a year before Yugoslavia was attacked by Germany, by pressure from the Reich and in their attempt to suit their policy to the dictators, the Tsvetkovich-Machek Government passed the first anti-Semitic measure in Yugoslavia. The Government was not unanimous on this point. Dr. Koroshets, leader of the Slovenes, upheld the measure as Minister of Education. Serbian cabinet ministers, however, including the Minister of War, refused to apply the act. The application of it was confined to the Ministry of Education, under the Slovene, Dr. Koroshets, and the Ministry of Trade and Industry, under the Croat[ian], Dr. Andres.

In all the schools and universities, numerous restrictions were applied by circular, but in Serbia, Serb teachers and professors succeeded in avoiding or sabotaging the regulations.

In this regard Serbia completely differed from Croatia under Dr. Machek and the district governor or Ban, Shubashich. In Croatia anti-Semitism was inherited from Austria-Hungary. Anti-Semitic centers had always existed. Dr. Shubashitch's Croatia had even prepared elaborate laws and regulations just before the war broke out in Yugoslavia in 1941. A large part of the industries in Jewish hands in Croatia was to be confiscated and nationalized. Anti-Semitism was particularly stressed in Croatia by the right wing of Dr. Machek's Croatian Peasant Party.

This report could be divided into two parts - the first beginning with the entry of German troops into Belgrade in April 1941 to the beginning of August 1941; the second from the middle of August 1941 until the closing down of the office of the 'Jewish section' late in 1942. The section was closed because there were no longer any Jews in occupied Serbia. During the first stage the Jews were tortured, persecuted, maltreated, taken for forced labor. Well-known Jews and Serbs were taken to German concentration camps. Women of the intelligentsia class were forced to clean latrines in the German barracks, to clean floors and sweep streets under the supervision of the S.S. troops. They were made to clean the windows of high houses from the outside, and several of them lost their lives through falling down. Jewish girls were violated and taken to 'Militar-Medi'. Already during the first stage the Jews were deprived of all their property and most of them were evicted from their homes.

In the second period male Jews were sent to concentration camps. But quite a number of men and young Jews succeeded in escaping to the villages, where they lived with Serbian peasant families. A number later joined the guerrillas. A considerable number of youths from the Jewish Zionist organization, which co-operated with the Serbian organizations for the preparation of resistance, actively helped the guerrilla fighters. Many collected hospital material for the guerrillas or posted anti-German posters in Belgrade streets. The name of Almozmo, a schoolboy of ten, the son of a well-known Belgrade dispensing chemist in Peter Street, should be mentioned. He threw bombs at two armored German cars and a tank in Grobljanska Street in Belgrade and blew them up. His elder brother, a medical student, is still fighting in Bosnia, in spite of the order that the mayor and members of the rural councils would be shot if such cases were discovered in their villages.

Some forty of my relatives were shot in Belgrade by the Germans. I am, however, very proud to say that today two small relatives of mine, one of five and one of seven years of age, whose parents were shot by the Gestapo, are being hidden by two Serbian mothers.

No German measures in Belgrade were able to upset the friendly relations between the Serbs and Jews. During the forced-labor period Serbs talked to their Jewish friends in the streets even in front of the German soldiers and police. During the period well over 300,000 Serbs were massacred by the Croat Ustashi in Bosnia, Herzegovina, and Lika and some 60,000 shot by the Germans in Serbia, during the period when Serbian students and peasants were hung in the main square in Belgrade, the Serbs of the capital had sufficient courage to protest publicly their indignation at the treatment of the Jews.

When Jewish women were transported in lorries to the concentration camps, Serb shopkeepers in the streets through which these processions passed closed their shops and their houses, thus expressing not only their protest, but also emphasizing the fact that the entire population of Serbia, yesterday and today, does not and cannot participate in the extermination of their Jewish neighbors.

The example of the Serbian people with regard to the Jews is unique in Europe, particularly in the southern part of the continent. In spite of intensive German propaganda in writing and through the wireless, the Serbs remained unaffected. When we consider what happened to the Jews in neighboring countries, in the "Independent State of Croatia," Hungary, Rumania, and Bulgaria, the Serbian example shines out.

Today there are no more Jews left in Serbia, except some children hidden by the Serbs and those fighting along with the Serbs in the forests. I saved my own life thanks to my Serbian friends. I was saved from certain death. Serbian peasants and my other friends also saved from death my only son, who was on several occasions sought by the Gestapo in Belgrade.

It is my desire as a Jew and as a Serb that in free democratic countries where Jews are still enjoying full freedom and equality they should show gratitude to the Serbian people, pointing out their noble acts, their humane feelings, and their high civic consciousness and culture....

I cannot conclude this report without mentioning how the Serbian Orthodox Church, the Patriarch Gavrilo, and his clergy tried to save Serbian Jews and Gypsies. Up to the present day the Germans have massacred I70,000 Gypsies, men, women, and children, in Serbia and the Banat. Serbian Orthodox priests and the Serbian peasantry risked their lives not only to save ordinary Jews and their children but also to save those Gypsies and their children. Today the chief rabbi of Yugoslav Jews lives in America. He was saved from the Gestapo, being smuggled out from Serbia from monastery to monastery by the Serbian clergy. He was handed over by one Serbian church to another, by one Serbian priest to another until he was passed on to Bulgarian territory. There, with the assistance of the Orthodox Bulgarian clergy, some of whom were his personal friends, he arrived at the Turkish frontier."

[52a] "On anti-Semitism, suicide bombers and a sick Israel: A conversation with French philosopher, columnist and writer Bernard-Henri Levy"; Haaretz; 26/05/2003; by Anat Cygielman.

[53] GETTING EVEN,  The Jerusalem Post, January 14, 1994, Friday, FEATURES; Pg. 18, 4545 words, Steve Rodan

[54] Alfred Lilienthal says he is "an American of Jewish faith," and yet "in 1949, his article, Israel's Flag Is Not Mine, published in the Reader's Digest, caused great controversy because of its anti-Zionist position." This was a strange year in which to be an anti-Zionist, if you were a Jew, because the year before the combined Arab states had attempted the extermination of the Israeli Jews.


[55] Azzam Pasha, Secretary General of the Arab League, announced:

"This will be a war of extermination and a momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Mongolian massacres and the Crusades."

SOURCE: Howard M Sachar, A History of Israel: From the Rise of Zionism to Our Time, (New York: Knopf, 1979), p. 333

To learn a little more about the context of this war, visit:

“In 1947-48, forced by external circumstances, the US government gave lukewarm support to the creation of the State of Israel. But then it reversed itself and implemented policies designed to destroy Israel”; from “IS THE US AN ALLY OF ISRAEL?: A Chronological Look at the Evidence”; Historical and Investigative Research; by Francisco Gil-White.

[56] “Whether It’s Jerusalem or Nantucket, You Can’t Go Home Again”; By Dr. Alfred M. Lilienthal; WASHINGTON REPORT On Middle East Affairs; DECEMBER 1997, Pages 34, 93.

[57] The key threats took place in 1991, when George Bush Sr. and James Baker threatened the Israelis for 8 months that they would lose all US financial aid, and moreover that the US would decide the future of the Middle East with the Arabs, unless the Israelis agreed to participate in a diplomatic process to bring the PLO into Israel. To learn about this, read:

In 1991, Bush Sr.’s administration forced Israel to participate in the Oslo process, which brought the PLO into the West Bank and Gaza; from “IS THE US AN ALLY OF ISRAEL?: A Chronological Look at the Evidence”; Historical and Investigative Research; by Francisco Gil-White.

[58] In this footnote I address two points: 1) that the PLO means to exterminate the Jewish people; and 2) that the controlling core of the PLO, Al Fatah, was created a leader of Adolf Hitler’s Final Solution.

The claim that the PLO means to exterminate the Israeli Jews is supported by the PLO’s own constitution, for this is what the PLO happens to announce as its intention:

Article 9…says that “armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine.”

Article 15 says it is “a national duty to repulse the Zionist imperialist invasion from the great Arab homeland and to purge the Zionist presence from Palestine.”

Article 22 declares that “the liberation of Palestine will liquidate the Zionist and imperialist presence and bring about the stabilization of peace in the Middle East.”

TRANSLATION: The Associated Press, December 15, 1998, Tuesday, AM cycle, International News, 1070 words, Clinton meets with Netanyahu, Arafat, appeals for progress, By TERENCE HUNT, AP White House Correspondent, EREZ CROSSING, Gaza Strip. [Emphasis added]

Historian Howard Sachar explains the following about Al Fatah, Yasser Arafat’s and Mahmoud Abbas’ organization, which is the core component of the PLO, calling all the shots:

“...the Fatah (Arab Liberation Movement) [was] veterans of the Mufti’s former Arab Higher Committee.”

SOURCE: Sachar, Howard Morley - A history of Israel : from the rise of Zionism to our time / Howard M. Sachar. 1982, c1979. (p.619)

Who was “the Mufti” -- the man behind the creation of Al Fatah?

That would be Hajj Amin al Husseini, who was given bureaucratic authority and a large budget by the British when they made him Mufti of Jerusalem in 1920, after Hajj Amin demonstrated that he could organize large-scale terrorist attacks against innocent Jews in British Mandate ‘Palestine.’ He used this power to organize another terrorist riot in 1921 (after which the British expanded his budget and bureaucratic authority), and then a much larger attack in 1929, followed by an even bigger attack in 1936-37 (this last one was called the ‘Arab Revolt’ and was organized with weapons provided by the Nazis). Each time, Hajj Amin’s attacks were against civilians, and they included, for example, such things as torturing Jewish children to death. In 1941 Hajj Amin met Hitler in Berlin. Hitler promised to conquer the Middle East and exterminate all the Jews living there, after which Hajj Amin would be installed as the local leader. Hajj Amin, for his part, immediately became one of the supreme leaders of the Final Solution in Europe, organizing large SS divisions in Bosnia composed of tens of thousands of Bosnian Muslim volunteers who carried out large-scale exterminations of Serbs, Jews, and Roma (gypsies) in Yugoslavia. He also played an important role in getting hundreds of thousands of Hungarian Jews sent to Auschwitz, and in speeding up the operation of the death camps. Yasser Arafat proudly explained to his Arab audiences that Hajj Amin was his mentor and hero.

To read more about Hajj Amin al Husseini, visit:

“HOW DID THE ‘PALESTINIAN MOVEMENT’ EMERGE? The British sponsored it. Then the German Nazis, and the US.”; Historical and Investigative Research; 13 June 2006; by Francisco Gil-White.

Some of this material was originally published here:

“Anti-Semitism, Misinformation, And The Whitewashing Of The Palestinian Leadership”; Israel National News; May 26, '03 / 24 Iyar 5763; by Francisco J. Gil-White

[59]  In 1982-1983, the US military rushed into Lebanon to protect the PLO from the Israelis; from “IS THE US AN ALLY OF ISRAEL?: A Chronological Look at the Evidence”; Historical and Investigative Research; by Francisco Gil-White.

[60] The following piece contains much material on the PLO oppression of the Arabs:

“In 1994, Yasser Arafat was given a Nobel Peace Prize, and the CIA trained the PLO, even though Arafat's henchmen were saying in public, this very year, that they would use their training to oppress Arabs and kill Jews”; from “IS THE US AN ALLY OF ISRAEL?: A Chronological Look at the Evidence”; Historical and Investigative Research; by Francisco Gil-White.

[61] Levin, K. 2005. The Oslo syndrome: Delusions of a people under siege. Hanover, NH: Smith and Kraus. (p.161)

[62] Source: Evening Standard (London) May 19, 1994; SECTION: Pg. 9; LENGTH: 907 words; HEADLINE: A NEW KIND OF JIHAD

[63] The Baltimore Sun, July 11, 2001 Wednesday,  FINAL EDITION,  Pg. 1A, 1574 words,  Israelis taking darker view of Palestinian intentions; Many see existence of Jewish state at risk, Mark Matthews.

[64] In 2005 Mahmoud Abbas, the one who invented the strategy of talking 'peace' the better to slaughter Israelis, acquired complete control over Gaza. The US ruling elite loves Mahmoud Abbas; from “IS THE US AN ALLY OF ISRAEL?: A Chronological Look at the Evidence”; Historical and Investigative Research; by Francisco Gil-White.

[65] In the quote below The Guardian says that the Oslo process was created by Mahmoud Abbas. But notice also that The Guardian obligingly calls Mahmoud Abbas an “arch-moderate.”

“Oslo could, perhaps, have worked. But its architect, the arch-moderate Abu Mazen, warned from the outset that it would lead ‘either to a Palestine state or the liquidation of the Palestine cause.’”

SOURCE: THE AXE IS SHARPENED FOR ARAFAT; He once carried the hopes of his people. Now Yasser Arafat faces their bitterness as the peace process stalls and allegations of corruption, incompetence and even collaboration dog him. In the first of three articles, DAVID HIRST looks atthe slow collapse of the latest Palestinian dream of freedom., The Guardian (London), April 15, 1995, THE GUARDIAN FEATURES PAGE; Pg. 21, 3747 words, David Hirst

[66] “…at 11 a.m., before some 3,000 guests on the South Lawn, including former presidents Jimmy Carter and George Bush, [Shimon] Peres and PLO Executive Committee member Mahmoud Abbas are to sign an agreement between Israel and the PLO conferring limited self-rule on the Palestinians living in Gaza and the West Bank.”

SOURCE: Old Foes Meet Today At Israel-PLO Signing; White House Ceremony to Open New Era, The Washington Post, September 13, 1993, Monday, Final Edition, FIRST SECTION; PAGE A1, 1289 words, Thomas W. Lippman, Washington Post Staff Writer

[67] Levin, K. 2005. The Oslo syndrome: Delusions of a people under siege. Hanover, NH: Smith and Kraus. (p.456)