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 Versión en Español.


The Crux of World History
Vol. I


© Francisco Gil-White 2011, 2013

All rights reserved. It is not permitted to reproduce, store, or transmit any part of this publication, whatever the methods employed—electronic, mechanic, photocopy, recording, or other—, without the express and written permission of the copyright owner.

Reservados todos los derechos. No se permite reproducir, almacenar en sistemas de recuperación de la información ni transmitir alguna parte de esta publicación, cualquiera que sea el método empleado—electrónico, mecánico, fotocopia, grabación, etc.—, sin el permiso previo de los titulares de los derechos de la propiedad intelectual.


Paradoxes of World War II. . .


Given that he was crazy, how could Hitler be so effective?

How did he manage to take power if he did not have the support of most Germans? How did he conquer Europe when his own generals thought this was impossible?


Why was it so important to kill the Jews?

What did that have to do with dominating the world? Why did almost no one defend the Jews? Or more precisely: Why did so many people cooperate with the mass killing? Why did so many Jews not defend themselves?


Why wasn’t Hitler stopped by the Western powers when they had a chance?

Why did they allow Hitler to take Europe almost for free? When the war started, why did they fight so poorly? And the most difficult question: Why do they tell us that the ruling elites in the United States and Great Britain fought against the Third Reich to defend liberty if they were chock-full of eugenicists whose financing and direction had created the German Nazi movement?


The Collapse of the West: The Next Holocaust and its Consequences

This book compares the traditional interpretations of historians against their own facts in order to resolve the paradoxes of World War II, and from that effort undertake a re-interpretative trip to explain all of Western political history and the worrisome trends of contemporary geopolitics.


The result is a new ideological systems theory to explain Western political history.

The resulting model identifies the Jewish people as a strategic actor. The Law of Moses—the same law that organizes Jewish religion and tradition—was born, according to Exodus, in a slave revolt, and its effect in the West has not coincidentally been to inspire liberal and compassionate politics for the majority of the population throughout the centuries (the weekly day of rest, now enjoyed by workers worldwide, is only the most obvious legacy of the Jews to the downtrodden masses of the world). It is for this reason that repressive ruling classes in the West have organized, century after century, persecutions, forced conversions, and enormous mass killings of Jews. It is for this reason that ruling elites have spent unimaginable sums organizing antisemitic propaganda, until they have turned Jew-hatred into part of Western culture. This is also the reason that a new genocide is being prepared, whose consequences, as in earlier cases, will be devastating for all in the West, Jews and non-Jews alike.


The work is divided in 10 TOMES.


The first TOMES are currently being published in Spanish,
but soon they will be available in English translation.


A summary is below.


About the author.




▬▬  Tome 1  ▬▬


Prologue to the series


We explain in broad strokes the general model employed in the series to explain our Western political history as a struggle between Greco-Roman and Persico-Hebrew ideas.

Prologue to Vol I.: Without Hitler everything would have been the same


We outline the model of modern politics and geopolitics that according to this research is responsible for producing World War II, the Holocaust, and the postwar new world order. This model identifies a social system, directed by the power elites who manage enormous sociological and political forces operating in a stable manner. In this system Hitler was not the indispensable author of anything, and if this system had not found him, it would have recruited another.

Introduction: ¿Why the anti-Jewish genocides?


We present a model to explain why, for 2500 years, enormous mass killings of Jews have repeated themselves throughout the centuries in the West. We identify the cause in the Law of Moses. This law was born, according to Exodus, in a slave revolution against an Egyptian king. Designed so that the liberated slaves could organize themselves in a utopian society where oppression was impossible, the Law of Moses is the origin of all truly liberal and pro-labor ideas in the West.


Part 1.  Hajj Amín al Husseini


Husseini was the Mufti of Jerusalem—an Islamic legal, bureaucratic, and religious office—from the early 1920s. When World War II broke out he peregrinated to the Third Reich, where his international prestige as an antisemitic leader earned him a full-regalia reception. For the entire war he remained in the Nazi-occupied zone with the rank of a top Nazi, and assumed key responsibilities in the machinery of the Final Solution: 1) spreading propaganda to incite Muslims to murder Jews; 2) creating Muslim divisions of Heinrich Himmler’s SS in Yugoslavia; and 3) administering with Adolf Eichmann the death camp system that exterminated between 5 and 6 million European Jews. Here we trace, in full context, Husseini’s trajectory from the moment the British made him Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and assisted his anti-Jewish terrorist attacks in British Mandate Palestine, until he became a Nazi tool to destroy the European Jewish people.

Chapter 1. Husseini’s Context: ‘Palestine’


We investigate the history of the name ‘Palestine’ and of the Arab Muslim population called ‘Palestinian’ that disputes with the Jewish people the right to the lands of the State of Israel. What Jewish presence was there in this place before the Zionist movement began? How did the Zionist immigrants obtain their lands? What consequences did this all have for the Muslim population?

Chapter 2. From the Tsarist to the British-Arab pogroms


We locate in the suffering of the European Jews the cause of the Zionist surge that brought great waves of immigrants to settle in the Middle East in search of their ancestral homeland. We explain the conflict that resulted when Husseini reacted to the Zionist movement with waves of anti-Jewish terrorism that were assisted by the British authorities in British Mandate Palestine.

Chapter 3. Husseini’s ideology: the Muslim jihad


We contextualize Husseini’s movement in its cultural and ideological Muslim frame, so that its tradition, worldview, and goals can be appreciated. We seek to explain the violence of Husseini and his followers, and the special affinity they felt for German Nazism.

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▬▬  Tome 2  ▬▬




The British power elites begat an ideology called eugenics which crossed the Atlantic and achieved a climax with the US power elites, who managed to institutionalize the goals of the movement in the entire structure of the State. Eugenics is the ideology of German biological superiority; that it should have had its first great flowering in the United States can be explained from the Anglo-Saxon (and therefore Germanic) identity of its ruling class. Here we will give an overview of the strenuous efforts of the power elites in Britain, and even more so in the US, to institutionalize eugenics in their own countries as a class warfare strategy, and to export eugenics to Europe and in particular to Germany, where it became Nazism. Without a fundamental understanding of eugenics—a movement that few today know about—it is impossible to explain Hitler and the unfolding of World War II.

Chapter 4. Antecedents of the US eugenics movement


We begin with the fall of the Latin Roman Empire in the West in order to explain why all of Western Europe ended up ruled by German military aristocracies which became the basis of the European medieval nobility, and which never forgot their Germanic origin, though many of them stopped speaking German. Once they assumed the role of custodians of the Greco-Roman tradition with the formation of the Holy Roman Empire, these aristocracies inherited the Greco-Roman enmity toward the Jews and, throughout the Middle Ages, launched great persecutions and mass killings. We will here travel the length of these persecutions and mass killings in order to support a contextualized analysis of the ruling class of the United States in modern times that will allows us to understand how and why this power elite ended up leading the racist, pan-Western, German supremacist movement.

Chapter 5.  The intellectual infrastructure of eugenics: ‘psychology’ and IQ


We trace the development of the pseudo-scientific ‘mental testing’ discipline—always dominated by eugenicists, and always supported with spectacular frauds—that would seek to attribute a superior ‘intelligence’ to the Germanic ruling classes, and ‘mental retardation’ or ‘feeblemindedness’ to the ‘Mediterranean’ commoners, in order to justify the jailing, forced sterilization, and finally the genocide of lower-class ‘subhumans.’

Chapter 6. The length and breadth of the eugenics movement in the United States


We document the manner in which important industrial leaders of the United States, seeking to disguise their aim to destroy the political power of the working classes, leveraged their control of government institutions and promoted eugenic thought so that it would penetrate every last corner of society and state, the better to institutionalize it as public policy.  We present a panoramic vision of the way in which eugenics was established throughout the public and institutional life of the United States, producing the legal and political precedents that Hitler would later imitate in the Third Reich.

Chapter 7. Adolf Hitler: The rise of eugenics in Germany


We travel the length of the various threads of intellectual influence, economic support, and political patronage that originate in the eugenicist US ruling elite and contribute to the strengthening of the German eugenics movement, or Nazism. We see that Hitler didn’t arise out of nothing; he was selected, nurtured, guided, and promoted for his stellar role by very powerful people.






▬▬  Tome 3  ▬▬


Part 3. Eugenio Pacelli (POPE Pius XII), and vatican policy

We follow closely those Vatican policies—led by Eugenio Pacelli as Cardinal Secretary of State, and later as Pope Pius XII—connected to the rise of fascism in Europe. We examine in detail ecclesiastical meddling in Germany’s internal politics against the liberals—which included a majority of German Catholics—and in favor of the Nazis, assisting Hitler’s efforts to crown himself absolutist king of the Germans. These key interventions, which dramatically assisted the Nazi takeover in Germany, are placed in the context of those policies that the Church had been furthering for centuries in Europe. This allows us to appreciate the consistency of ecclesiastical opposition to liberalism, which liberalism, in the episcopate’s interpretation, had its origin in Jewish thought, the author of any and all liberal change hated by the Church. In the transition to the modern world, the Church accused the Jews of having instigated the French Revolution and, in order to push back the liberal consequences of the French Revolution, launched a campaign whose central axis was the promotion of antisemitism. This is the context in which to examine the ecclesiastical policies that supported Hitler.

Chapter 8.  From the Protestant Revolution to the French Revolution


Here we document how, starting from the late Middle Ages, the Church accused the Jews of causing any liberal and progressive movement in Europe, punishing them with violent repression. This would develop into the accusation that the Jews had instigated the French Revolution. The accusations had substance. Although no Jewish conspiracy stands behind the French Revolution, still it is true that Jewish thought influenced the thinking of many key Christian thinkers, and thus helped produce both the Protestant Revolution and the European Enlightenment. In particular, perhaps the most important father of the Enlightenment was the Jewish philosopher Baruch Spinoza, who developed the thought of Moses Maimonides, the great medieval Jewish scientific rationalist. If not for the Enlightenment that Spinoza inspired, there would have been no French Revolution.

Chapter 9. The 19th c.: The Church against the Revolution, and against the Jews.


We see how throughout the 19th c. the Church centered its strategy of resistance against modern liberalism in a sustained propaganda attack against the Jewish people, accusing them of instigating the revolution and all of the changes it brought in its wake. The Jews were held up, in 19th c. ecclesiastical propaganda, as a powerful conspiracy that behind the scenes controlled all the reins of power in order to destroy Christian civilization. These accusations are identical to those that the Nazis would later employ.

Chapter 10. Eugenio Pacelli, before the Nazis


We cover the upbringing and career of Eugenio Pacelli, from an early age nestled at the Vatican core and carefully prepared for his leadership role, so that through this analysis we may come to know better the context of Church ideology, politics, and diplomacy, and in particular its policies toward the Jews. We see Pacelli play a central role in the anti-liberal and antimodernist struggle, long before, even, his ascendancy to the papacy, and we see him at the center of Vatican diplomacy, whose most disastrous consequence was to tip Europe towards World War I.

Chapter 11. Eugenio Pacelli crowns Adolf Hitler (1930-33)


We follow closely the ecclesiastical government’s role in weakening and then abolishing the German Catholic Center Party. The consequence of this was that a strategic opposition bloc to Hitler vanished, and this made it possible for him to take power and crown himself an absolute monarch.






▬▬  TomE 4  ▬▬



We examine under the magnifying glass those policies—pursued during the 1930s by the US, British, French, and Church governments—that historians have called ‘appeasement’ and which allowed Hitler to take enormous pieces of Europe almost without firing a shot. We compare the standard interpretation of the supposed stupidity and cowardice of Western leaders against the alternative hypothesis: that they were pursuing a pro-Nazi policy.

Chapter 12. William Shirer and the ‘appeasement’ hypothesis


The ‘appeasement’ interpretation was solidified into a cultural orthodoxy as a result of a famous and phenomenally successful book written by journalist and historian William Shirer. We examine the genesis of this dominant interpretation, and we compare it against the facts in order to evaluate if the traditional ‘appeasement’ interpretation explains them better than the alternative hypothesis of a pro-Nazi policy. In this chapter we examine the Western policies, so favorable to the Nazis, between the years 1933 and 1937, before Neville Chamberlain—the very symbol of ‘appeasement,’ according to the common view—ascended to the British premiership.

Chapter 13. Neville Chamberlain, and the crises of Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Poland


We follow Neville Chamberlain closely, as he energetically and enthusiastically runs left and right doing everything he can to fix things every time that Hitler finds an obstacle in his path. For every one of the major policies that Chamberlain defended and put in practice, we compare the dominant interpretation of ‘appeasement’ against the alternative hypothesis of a pro-Nazi policy.

Chapter 14. Chamberlain’s ideology in context: ¿What was ‘appeasement,’ really?


We investigate the ideology of the British ruling class, and more particularly that of Neville Chamberlain. We find that a sizeable portion of the British aristocracy, dominant in the Conservative Party, whose leader was Neville Chamberlain, had a pro-Nazi ideology. And we find that Chamberlain himself had been one of the most important leaders of the eugenics movement that would spawn German Nazism, and moreover that he controlled in secret a British newspaper that published pro-Hitler and antisemitic propaganda.






▬▬  Tome 5  ▬▬


Part 5. Winston Churchill

We re-examine Winston Churchill’s career, and especially his positions regarding the Nazi surge and the suffering of the Jewish people. We propose to reconsider if he really was the anti-Nazi hero that the unanimous interpretation of historians has delivered, for which exercise we must concentrate obstinately on the facts and wrest them from the asphyxiating stranglehold of Churchill’s own self-laudatory prose, basted all over his enormous historical/autobiographical oeuvre, which historians have insisted in taking at face value as a true representation of his character, ideology, and work. We see Churchill allying with the Western eugenicists whilst in public he presents himself as a great anti-Nazi champion. In this context, we consider also Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his circle, and we seem him likewise surrounded by leaders of the pro-Nazi eugenics movement.

Chapter 15. Winston Churchill before his transformation into ‘anti-Nazi’


We disinter the first stage of Churchill’s political career and demonstrate that, before he projected himself as ‘anti-Nazi’ in opposition to Neville Chamberlain’s policies of ‘appeasement,’ he had been universally considered as a lying and opportunist con artist, lacking any principle, and willing to say or do anything in order to attain power. Throughout this entire first period stand out his lover for Germany and his extreme-right-wing tendencies (even while he temporarily called himself a ‘liberal’), scheming to repress the lower classes and even becoming a propagandist for the eugenics movement.

Chapter 16.  Did Winston Churchill really transform himself?


We demonstrate that just before the media presentation of Churchill as ‘anti-Nazi’ prophet began, he was making public declarations in favor of the Italian fascists and German Nazis. After his apparent and sudden volte face—for which we will seek an explanation—Churchill continued, however, supporting the ‘appeasement’ policies of Chamberlain and the eugenics cabal. We shall argue that Churchill was prepared for his ‘anti-Nazi prophet’ role by the eugenicist elites, so that he could replace Chamberlain when the latter’s policies should end up infuriating the British public.






▬▬  Tome 6  ▬▬



We examine the possibility of a series of betrayals at the top of the Western ruling class in order to explain the so-called ‘Phony War’ that handed the rest of Europe to Hitler almost for free. I summarize also the betrayals of many members of the ruling elite in the United States and Great Britain during the war—which involved financial and strategic support for the Third Reich—and which were documented mostly by the—amazed and outraged—teams of the US Treasury and the Interior Department.

Chapter 17. The traditional ‘Phony War’ and its sequel


We examine carefully important details of Hitler’s Western offensive, from the invasion of Denmark and Norway to the Battle of Britain, placing special emphasis on the reactions of the ruling elites in Great Britain, France, Denmark, Norway, and Belgium. We seek to compare the dominant interpretation of Western stupidity and cowardice, combined with the supposed geopolitical and military genius of Hitler, against the alternative hypothesis of a treasonous collusion at the top of the Western power structure in favor of the Nazi conquest.

Chapter 18. ¿Was there a Bona-Fide War?: The West financed and assisted the Nazi war effort


We partially but more than sufficiently catalogue the assistance received by the Third Reich—during the war, and even after Pearl Harbor—from the great Western industrialists, who sent financing and war materiel. We focus especially on the activities of the US industrialists, and the protection they received for all this from President Roosevelt and his main allies.

Chapter 19. Spain


We continue with the subject of the previous chapter, but with a special focus on Francoist Spain, which served as conduit for Western support for Hitler, both overt and covert. In order to complete the context of what happened through Spain we explain the political development of that country, which culminated in Civil War and Francoism, because in a way World War II began here.

Chapter 20. Interpretation


We briefly present an interpretation of everything that happened up to this point, seeking to solve above all the apparent paradox of the declaration of war of the Western ruling elites against their protégé, Hitler, and also the fact that they should have finally sent soldiers to invade Nazi Europe.








▬▬  Tome 7  ▬▬


Part 7. the Jewish people betrayed

We give an overview of the work carried out in the last two and a half decades, mostly by Jewish historians, documenting the shameful role of many important leaders of the Jewish community, who, faced with the Nazi menace, acted in collaboration with the eugenicist elites and against their own people, before and during the war. This makes it possible for us to understand why the Holocaust was possible, and lays the groundwork for an analysis of the behavior of today’s Jewish leaders (PART 9). We contextualize what happened in World War II with an overview of similar betrayals that the Jewish people has suffered in other times in order to make clear that this pattern is many centuries old.

Chapter 21. TheKastner Affair


We familiarize ourselves with the facts that were made known in an important trial that took place in Israel in the early 1950s, where evidence was presented concerning the collaboration of some important Jewish leaders in the murder of Hungarian Jewry, which caused a sensation and even brought down the government of Israel.

Chapter 22. The ancient world


We begin with the Persian period and we stop with the Roman conquest of the Middle East, examining along the way the various betrayals suffered by the Jewish people at the hands of their own leaders during this time, including the manner in which they instigated that mass killings of the Greco-Macedonians which provoked the famous revolt of Judah the Maccabee. We end with the collaboration of the Jewish elites in the Roman slaughters. These latter, however, were interrupted when the enormous support which the Jewish people enjoyed among the pagan masses of the Mediterranean threatened to bring down the empire.

Chapter 23. Paul of Tarsus


The terrible consequences of Christianity for the Jewish people have their cause in the writings of Paul of Tarsus and his followers. All the evidence indicates that Paul belonged to the Jewish ruling elite and came from a collaborationist family well connected with the Roman authorities. Here we study the reasons for Paul’s preaching, and the cultural context of the same.

Chapter 24. The Middle Ages: The Disputation of Barcelona


We focus on the famous Disputation of Barcelona, emblematic of how Jewish converts to Catholicism were recruited in the Middle Ages to lead the ecclesiastical attack against Judaism.

Chapter 25. The Middle Ages: From Maimunist science to Kabbalistic superstition


We study the profound transformation that took place within Judaism when the superstitious and mystical Kabbalah movement displaced Maimonides’ scientific rationalism, setting the Jews on the path to an emotional occultism that foreshadowed and prepared one of the worst betrayals in their history: Sabbateanism. We situate this transformation of Judaism in the central axis of the Western tension between science and superstition, rationalism and mysticism, and we notice a curious exchange: Christians adopted Maimonide’s rationalist tradition at the same time that the Jews, by adopting Kabbalah, were drenching themselves in the Hellenistic superstitions that had been the very basis of Christianity.

Chapter 26. The Renaissance: From Lurianic Kabbalah to the Sabbatean catastrophe.


We delve into the immediate causes of Sabbatean thought, and in the makeup of the movement, for this movement would sow the seeds of the betrayals of the 19th and 20th centuries. We see with some detail the transformation operated by Kabbalah in Jewish thought and practice, and the effect that abandoning rationalism had.

Chapter 27. The modern Emancipation


We consider the actions, and the reasons, of the leaders of the European Jewish communities who colluded with the Christian rulers, during the 19th c., to try an erradicate the practice of Judaism in Europe. The victims, as always, were the Jews of the lower classes who loved their religious tradition.

Chapter 28. The crisis of 1933: Why did the anti-Nazi boycott fail?


We narrate in some detail the astounding sequence of events that followed Hitler’s power grab in Germany, when thousands of Jews all over the world, allied with thousands of Christians, launched an international boycott that came within a hair’s breadth of destroying the Third Reich in the cradle, but which was defeated thanks in no small part to the collusion of important Jewish leaders with the pro-Nazi forces.

Chapter 29. The Holocaust: Hillel Kook (Peter Bergson) and his effort to save the European Jews


We follow closely the heroic efforts of Hillel Kook to save his Jewish brothers from the death camps, during the war, by exerting pressure on the government of the United States, with his enormous US movement, to devote leadership and resources to rescue activities. Every step of the way, every corner he turned, Kook was sabotaged by the same characters, Jewish leaders, who had sabotaged the 1933 boycott.

Chapter 30. Back to the ‘Kastner Affair’


We return to the topic that jump-starts Part 7 in order to reevaluate events in light of the context of the preceding chapters, and in order carefully to refute those recent efforts to whitewash Rudolf Kastner’s image, which are designed to forestall any possibility that ordinary Jews will be able to reason about their leadership, and in turn about their own security.






▬▬  Tome 8  ▬▬



We detail the manner in which tens of thousands of Nazis—including a multitude of war criminals directly responsible for the genocide—were absorbed to create the US intelligence infrastructure, and employed to establish the postwar order in the United States, Europe, and the rest of the world. We summarize how the Western academic and media systems, and the political parties, were corrupted.

Chapter 31. Nazis for hire: The creation of US intelligence


We give an overview of what has been recently documented thanks to investigations based on material declassified through the Freedom of Information Act and the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act, which have released enormous mountains of documents that permit us to establish that, after the war, US intelligence protected and recruited for itself tens of thousands of Nazis, creating with them the US intelligence system of espionage and clandestine military projection.

Chapter 32. The case of Yugoslavia


We narrate the crimes of the Holocaust that took place in Yugoslavia, and also the postwar rescue of those responsible, the Yugoslav Nazis. In both cases the Church hierarchy played a central role, and the CIA gave much assistance in the second.

Chapter 33. Wolves in sheep’s clothing


We examine much of the evidence that already exists to document that the CIA, allied with the Vatican, returned to power in Europe a great multitude of fascists and Nazis dressed up as Christian democrats and used them to remake the Western political order.

Chapter 34. Red Witch-hunts



We analyze the events of the infamous McCarthyism, the persecution of presumed ‘communists’ in the United State, which in reality was a generalized purge of dissidents. We resolve the apparent paradox of US foreign policy in Chin, for at the same time that this ‘anticommunist’ struggle was happening on US soil, the ruling elite in the US was pushing hard to sabotage Chiang Kai-shek and give China to Mao Zedong.

Chapter 35. Information control


We document the manner in which the ‘free press’ was clandestinely subjected to the US intelligence services in order to turn them into propaganda and psychological warfare tools. In the same vein, we examine how the academic world was subjugated to the same system with negative incentives (persecution under McCarthyism), and positive incentives (the creation of think tanks where docile academics can be rewarded with resources and prestige).

Chapter 36. The assassination of John F. Kennedy


We examine the geopolitical and also internal US context surrounding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the better to appreciate the validity of the suspicions expressed by many that he was murdered as part of a US intelligence conspiracy, and we ponder the implications of the case.






▬▬  Tome 9  ▬▬


Part 9. Israel

We document the manner in which the governments of the United State and Great Britain, covertly (and also overtly) assisted the great genocidal attack of the Arab states in 1948, trying in this manner to impede the creation of a Jewish state. We pay special attention, in this context, to the rather particular internal difficulties of the Jews in mounting an effective defense when they find themselves in danger.

Chapter 37. The Jewish use of force, before Israel

We do an historical overview, illustrated with dramatic examples, of the sometimes extreme pacifism that is a strong ideological bent of the Jewish people, which implies a tendency to sacrifice their security even when they have an undisputable right to use force in self-defense. We begin with antiquity and end with the modern Arab-Israeli conflict.

Chapter 38. The use of force against the Muslim enemy, and the Jewish compatriot


We detail the manner in which the Labor Zionists, who controlled the Zionist Organization and the Jewish Agency, promoted a ‘self-restraint’ policy toward the Arab terrorist attacks, and a simultaneous policy of repression and propaganda against their Jewish political rivals, the Revisionist Zionists, who insisted in self-defense against the Arab aggressors.

Chapter 39. Western policy towards the creation of Israel


We document that, contrary to what many think, the US and Great Britain did not promote the creation of a Jewish state after World War II. In fact, they assisted the openly genocidal attack launched by the Arabs, who in public announced that they would exterminate the Israelis. This included a US arms embargo against Israel, and the British sending captured Nazi officers to lead the Arab armies.






▬▬  Tome 10  ▬▬



We present an overview of the great patterns in Western postwar history. We endeavor to show that, contrary to what many believe, the foreign policy of the world superpower, the United States, and of its European satellites, has been fiercely anti-Israeli (and not just in the last few years, when for many this has finally become obvious). It has also been fiercely pro-Iranian. Here we can see the continuity in power of the forces that contributed to the Holocaust.

The chapters of PART 10 have not been specified yet.


Francisco Gil-White has a Master’s in Social Science from the University of Chicago, and a Ph.D. in Evolutionary and Sociocultural Anthropology from UCLA. His work integrates social and biological science in the study of human behavior, an orientation he defended in his Master’s thesis, which received the 1995-96 Earl and Esther Johnson Prize (University of Chicago).


His doctoral research is geared toward describing the nature of the psychological biases that make people susceptible to racist ideologies, and to explaining the ecological framework that gave rise to the evolution of these biases, using as an empirical input a 14-month ethnographic investigation of nomadic Mongols and Kazakhs in the Republic of Mongolia whose mutual perceptions he studied. This investigation received the Best New Investigator Prize from the Human Behavior and Evolution Society, leader in its field. The work has been published in various scientific journals, including Current Anthropology, also leader in its field, and is widely cited in cultural and evolutionary anthropology, philosophy, social, child, cognitive, cultural, and evolutionary psychology, sociology, linguistics, and political science and international relations.


In the last decade Gil-White has focused on the study of antisemitism from an anthropologicla and historical perspective. In the year 2007 he collaborated in the publication of The Last Survivor, by Arón Gilbert, which narrates the testimony of his father Shie Gilbert, until his death the most renowned survivor and Holocaust witness in Mexico.


From 2000 to 2006 Gil-White taught evolutionary and cultural psychology, as well as the bases of racism and ethnic conflicto, at the University of Pennsylvania, and he taught and worked at the Solomon Asch Center for Study of Ethnopolitical Conflict at the same university.


Since 2005, he is the president of the Foundation for the Analysis of Conflict, Ethnic and Social (FACES), focused on the historical, anthropological, media, and political investigation of ethnic conflict.


From 2008 he is profesor at the University of the Living Environment (Universidad del Medio Ambiente – UMA), where he teaches Systems and Evolutionary Thinking at the graduate level.


From 2009 he is profesor at Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM), where he teaches Organizational Behavior at the undergraduate and graduate levels. He also teaches classes for executives on Knowledge Management, and a course on the Political History of the West and Antisemitism








The Crux of World History: Volume 1

The Collapse of the West: The Next Holocaust and its Consequences