
Email from Rosa Mondovic to Francisco Gil-White on the subject of Miklos Biro


BRIEF PREFATORY NOTE from Francisco Gil-White

Miklos Biro, an academic from Novi Sad in Serbia (in former Yugoslavia), was invited last summer to the Solomon Asch Center for Study of Ethnopolitical Conflict, where I am a fellow. Paul Rozin led me to believe that Miklos Biro was a Serb, and told me that Biro had said that my work on Yugoslavia took things "out of context." To Paul Rozin, a director of the Asch Center, and one of the leaders of the attempt to silence me politically, this was more or less 'proof' that I was wrong about Yugoslavia. I disagreed, explaining that since Miklos Biro was thriving under the NATO installed government, it was unlikely that he would agree with my anti-NATO line.

Now comes evidence from Yugoslavia that corroborates my position. Rosa Mondovic has been reading my articles about Yugoslavia on Emperor's Clothes and comes from the same city as Miklos Biro, whom she knows. She adds an interesting perspective on this gentleman who, she tells me, is not a Serb, but an ethnic Hungarian citizen of Serbia.

[I have added some notes to the text because most people are not familiar with Yugoslavia.]

Francisco Gil-White


Dear Professor Gil-White,

I have read on the Emperors Clothes website about the trouble the University of Pennsylvania has been making for you. Of course, it is outrageous, but I am not surprised. Actually, I am much more surprised that they ever invited someone like you to teach.

By the way, I know Miklos Biro, mentioned in some of the emails you posted in your Chronology.  He and I both come from Novi Sad, a city in Serbia.

It is of course a joke when Miklos Biro, well known for his Hungarian nationalism and hatred for the Serbian state and everything Serbian (though nevertheless willing to take everything the Serbian state offers to members of the Hungarian national minority!) is portrayed as 'Serbian'.

While many Serbian citizens of Hungarian descent defend Serbia, Miklos Biro lives to see Vojvodina (this is the northern province of Serbia, which has Novi Sad as its capital) become part of Hungary. As a transitional measure, he would accept Vojvodina as an 'independent' state, populated by an imaginary 'Vojvodinian nation'.  That is what's behind his call for 'autonomy'.  The fact that national minorities in Vojvodina have kindergartens, schools, newspapers, TV and even university education in their respective languages, that they can use their own languages in court etc., etc., is nothing for secessionists like Biro. Why doesn't he say something as an ethnic Hungarian from Serbia about Serbian tolerance, for instance whether he ever had any problems because of his ethnicity, even during NATO bombing, when NATO destroyed all the bridges and industry in Novi Sad that the generation of our parents spent their lives building, while Hungary supported this aggression as much as possible? Did he loose his position? Did he experience anything negative from ethnic Serbs? Have other ethnic Hungarians lost any of their national or other rights? No, this has not happened.[1] But this is something that Miklos Biro prefers not to tell when visiting U of Penn. Who is inviting him? Who gives him the money for all these travels? I bet Miklos Biro knew as little about U. of Penn as the world of science knew about him before his hatred for Serbia qualified him for such travels.  

I know that Miklos Biro is associated with the Soros foundation, of course.[2] The Soros 'University' in Budapest is a kind of European Taliban Academy - fanatics with a purpose. They speak about 'civil society' but want to change borders and support even extreme nationalistic standpoints if only they are anti-Serbian, since in their universe everything anti-Serbian is by definition 'democratic'. In this way they divide nations, not standpoints, into 'OK' ones and ones that are not 'Ok'.

My friend who is a psychologist at the university in Novi Sad told me that people funded by Soros interviewed many Serbian refugees from Croatia and Bosnia (video tapes were made and apparently many in the West had great interest in getting/buying them; and yet, they did not tell the world about these people's terrible suffering).  When Miklos Biro gives an interview he never speaks about the hundreds of thousands of Serbian refugees and their traumas. Serbian suffering is not worth mentioning for Mr. Biro.  Unfortunately, many Serbs are willing to accept this attitude. Some of them because they are simply corrupt; others because they believe it is 'wise' to accept lies, hoping that when the appetites of the enemy are satisfied, he will leave at least part of the Serbs in peace. Contrary to the international image of Milosevic as a fierce nationalist - and in this regard, your writings are perfectly accurate that Milosevic was never any kind of war criminal. Rather, he has been a kind of appeaser, hoping that by sacrificing Krajina and Bosnia, he would satisfy those appetites.[3]

Apparently he was wrong.

I really cannot avoid the feeling that Miklos Biro has been sent to Penn in order to defame you, since word has spread that Prof. Gil-White has started telling the truth about what happened in Yugoslavia and what has been done to the Serbs. 

I wish you all the best,

Rosa Mondovic __________________________________________________________


[1] Readers not familiar with Serbia will not know this, and those who still remember the barrage of anti-Serbian propaganda in the mainstream Western media will be surprised, but it’s true: the Serbs are the most tolerant culture in the world. In Serbia, national minorities (such as Hungarians) have schools from kindergarten to college level in their own languages and interact with the judicial system entirely in their own language. The level of cultural empowerment of national minorities in Serbia is simply unmatched in Europe - nobody even comes close.

In Kosovo, Albanians had schools, courts, street signs, most newspapers, most TV, most radio-programming, most hospital facilities, etc., all conducted in the Albanian language. The entire government apparatus in Kosovo was dominated by ethnic Albanians. Anti-Serb racism was rampant and tolerated by the government apparatus. And Serbs were for many years victims of a campaign of harassment and terrorism by ethnic Albanians with official sanction. To learn more about the true political situation in Kosovo, read:

“The Serbs Were Not Oppressing the Kosovo Albanians... Quite the opposite”; Emperor’s Clothes; February 2002; by By Francisco J. Gil-White

[2] To understand the significance of the Soros Foundation regarding Yugoslavia, you must have some idea of the tremendous amount of Western money and energy that went into the destruction of the Yugoslav government. The Soros Foundation was an integral part of this effort and continues to organize and finance efforts (often under the guise of scholarly work) which are aimed at justifying and effecting the further decimation of Yugoslavia. This is very important because, historically, a strong state of the south Slavs, anchored in the largest national group - the Serbs - has been the defense of the Balkans against foreign intervention (especially German, Austrian, Hungarian, and Ottoman) and a guarantor of the stability of Southern Europe. To get a better idea of the extent of US and West European intervention, including the Soros Foundation, here are some articles.

“U.S. Arrogance and Yugoslav Elections”; Emperor’s Clothes; by Jared Israel and Nico Varkevisser

“Der Spiegel: How Kostunica [and Djindjic!] Came to Power,” article from Der Spiegel with comments by Jared Israel; Emperor’s Clothes; [Originally posted 10 July 2001. Posted with new comments 16 March 2003]

[3] The Krajina is an area of former Yugoslavia that was primarily inhabited by Serbs, and had been for many hundred years, but which the neo-fascist government of Croatian president Franjo Tudjman claimed for itself. In order to be rid of the Serbs in the Krajina, who wanted to remain citizens of Yugoslavia rather than secede illegally, as Mr. Tudjman intended to do, Tudjman subjected them to a campaign of terror. Here is a quote from the article below:

“In early August 1995, the Croatian invasion of Serbian Krajina precipitated the worst refugee crisis of the Yugoslav civil war. Within days, more than two hundred thousand Serbs, virtually the entire population of Krajina, fled their homes, and 14,000 Serbian civilians lost them lives. According to a UN official "Almost the only people remaining were the dead and the dying." The Clinton administration's support for the invasion was an important factor in creating this nightmare.”
The Invasion of Serbian Krajina; Emperor’s Clothes; by Greg Elich


If one wishes to learn about the forces that the US backed in Bosnia, the following is quite educational. The article documents how the US and Iran cooperated closely to import thousands of Islamist terrorists into Bosnia.

“U.S. & Iran - Enemies in Public, but Secret Allies in Terror: The US and Iran have long cooperated to sponsor Islamist terror”; Emperor’s Clothes; 13 April 2003; by Jared Israel, Francisco Gil-White, Petar Makara, and Nico Varkevisser

Given that the US and Iran were doing this, perhaps it is not so surprising that the Bosnian Muslim leader whom the US supported was a radical Islamist and fascist: Alija Izetbegovic.

"What really happened in Bosnia?: Were the Serbs the criminal aggressors, as the official story claims, or were they the victims?"; Emperor’s Clothes; 17 June 2003; by Francisco Gil-White



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